Week's program
You can now download the full detailed program here.
Invited Speakers
- Sergi Elizalde (Dartmouth College) : Consecutive Patterns in Permutations
- Stéphane Vialette (CNRS, IGM, University Paris-Est Marne la Vallée) : Pattern Matching in Permutations
List of accepted talks in alphabetical order of presenters:
- Erik Aas
The double Eulerian polynomial in terms of inversion tables -
Michael Albert
Rationality for subclasses of Av(321)
Joint work with Nik Ruskuc and Vince Vatter -
Andrei Asinowski
The “even part” of Baxter permutations
Joint work with G. Barequet, M. Bousquet-Mélou, T. Mansour and R.Y. Pinter -
Mike Atkinson
Isomorphisms between pattern classes
Joint work with M. H. Albert and A. Claesson -
Andrew M. Baxter
Refining enumeration schemes to count according to permutation statistics - Stefano Bilotta
Grand Dyck consecutive patterns avoiding binary words
Joint work with A. Bernini, E. Pergola and R. Pinzani -
Jonathan Bloom
Some consequences of a new bijective proof of the shape-Wilf-equivalence of 231 and 312
Joint work with Sergi Elizalde and Dan Saracino -
Marie-Louise Bruner
The computational landscape of permutation patterns
Joint work with Martin Lackner -
Thaynara A. de Lima
On the average reversal distance to sort signed permutations
Joint work with Mauricio Ayala-Rincon -
Kevin Dilks
Additional structure on Baxter permutations -
Michael Earnest
Longest common patterns in permuations
Joint work with Anant Godbole and Yevgeniy Rudoy -
Luca S. Ferrari
Deque sortable permutations and deterministic sorting procedures -
Anant P. Godbole
Shattering thresholds for random systems of sets, words, and permutations
Joint work with Samantha Pinella and Yan Zhuang -
Adam M. Goyt
A Stanley-Wilf type result for ordered set partitions
Joint work with Anant P. Godbole and Lara K. Pudwell -
Sam Gutekunst
Permutation avoidance in latin squares
Joint work with Michael Earnest -
Ruth Hoffmann
Algorithms in grid classes -
Sam Hopkins
Pattern avoidance in poset permutations
Joint work with Morgain Weiler -
Yuma Inoue
Efficiently generating classical and vincular pattern avoiding permutations based on permutation decision diagrams
Joint work with Takahisa Toda and Shin-ichi Minato -
Vít Jelínek
Splittability of permutation classes
Joint work with Pavel Valtr -
Miles Jones
Simple frame pattern occurrences in cycles
Joint work with Sergey Kitaev and Jeff Remmel -
Martin Lackner
Single-peaked preference profiles and permutation patterns: A unified perspective -
Janine LoBue
Frame patterns in words
Joint work with Jeffrey Remmel -
Hjalti Magnùsson
Preimages of single-pass sorting operators
Joint work with Henning Úlfarsson - Philippe Marchal
Generating random permutations with a prescribed descent set -
Brian Miceli
Wilf equivalence of interval embeddings
Joint work with Garner Cochran, Jeffrey Liese and Jeffrey Remmel -
Sam Miner
The shape of random pattern avoiding permutations
Joint work with Igor Pak -
Jay Pantone
Enumeration of Av(3124,4312) -
Lerna Pehlivan
Random 312 Avoiding Permutations
Joint work with Neal Madras -
Svetlana Poznanovik
Mahonian-Stirling pairs for some restricted permutations -
Lara K. Pudwell
Pattern-avoiding ordered set partitions avoiding a pattern of length 3
Joint work with Anant P. Godbole and Adam M. Goyt -
Yuval Roichman
Arc permutations and pattern avoidance
Joint work with Sergi Elizalde - Samanta Socci
About half permutations
Joint work with Simone Rinaldi -
Mati Tombak
Pattern matching for superpositional graphs and separable permutations
Joint work with Neeme Loorits, Ahti Peder and Leo Vohandu -
Masaya Tomie
Relations between the shape of a permutation and the shape of the base poset derived from the corresponding Lehmer codes -
Wuttisak Trongsiriwat
Permutation statistics and multiple pattern avoidance -
Henning Ulfarsson
The interaction between equivalence relations on the symmetric group and pattern avoidance -
Vince Vatter
Linear clique-width for permutations -
Lina Vidarsdottir
Bijective maps based on mesh patterns
Joint work with Henning Ulfarsson -
Noah Williams
The deletion-insertion model applied to the genome rearrangement problem
Joint work with Abra Brisbin and Manda Riehl -
Andrew T. Wilson
Block patterns in Stirling permutations
Joint work with Jeffrey B. Remmel -
Sophia Yakoubov
List of participants
- ALBERT Michael, Department of Computer Science, University of Otago
- ASINOWSKI Andrei, Free University of Berlin
- ATKINSON Michael, University of Otago
- BARCUCCI Elena, Università di Firenze
- BARIL Jean-Luc, University of Burgundy
- BARNABEI Marilena, Univ. di Bologna
- BASSINO Frédérique, LIPN, Université Paris 13
- BATTAGLINO Daniela, Laboratoire d'Informatique, Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia-A
- BERNINI Antonio, Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica - Università di Fi
- BIGENI Ange, Institut Camille Jordan
- BILOTTA Stefano, University of Florence
- BONETTI Flavio, Dip. di Matematica
- BOUSSICAULT Adrien, Laboratoire Bordelais de Recherche en Informatique
- BOUVEL mathilde, LaBRI, CNRS et Univ. Bordeaux 1
- BRUNER Marie-Louise, Vienna University of Technology
- BURSTEIN Alexander, Howard University
- DALAL Avinash, Drexel University Mathematics Department
- DALY Daniel, Southeast Missouri State University
- DE MOURGUES Quentin, ENS Paris
- DILKS Kevin, University of Minnesota
- EARNEST Michael, Harvey Mudd College
- FERAY Valentin, CNRS, Université Bordeaux 1,
- FERRARI Luca, Università di Bologna
- FERRARI Luca, University of Firenze
- GODBOLE Anant, East Tennessee State University
- GOYT Adam, Minnesota State University Moorhead
- GUTEKUNST Samuel, Harvey Mudd College
- HOFFMANN Ruth, University of St Andrews
- INOUE Yuma, Hokkaido University
- JELINEK Vít, Computer Science Institute, Charles University
- KIM Donghoh, Sejong
- KIM Sangwook, Chonnam National University
- LACKNER Martin, Vienna University of Technology
- LIN Zhicong, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1
- LOBUE Janine, University of California, San Diego
- LUBOVSKY Arthur, University at Albany
- MARCHAL Philippe, CNRS and Universite Paris 13
- MARTINEZ Megan, Dartmouth College
- MICELI Brian, Trinity University
- MINATO Shin-ichi, Graduate School of IST, Hokkaido University
- MINER Samuel, UCLA Mathematics Department
- MYERS Amy, Bryn Mawr College
- NAKAMURA Brian, Rutgers University
- PANTONE Jay, University of Florida
- PAWLOWSKI Brendan, University of Washington
- PIERROT Adeline, LIAFA, Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7)
- PINZANI Renzo, Università di Firenze
- POZNANOVIKJ Svetlana, Clemson University
- PUDWELLE Lara, Valparaiso University
- RIEHL Manda, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
- RINALDI Simone, Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione e Scienze Matem
- ROSSIN Dominique, CNRS
- SILIMBANI Matteo, LaBRI - Université Bordeaux 1
- SMITH Jason, University of Strathclyde
- SMITH Rebecca, SUNY Brockport
- SOCCI samanta, università degli studi di siena
- STRICKER Jessica, University of Minnesota
- TODA Takahisa, MINATO, ERATO project, JST
- TOMBAK Mati, Tallinn University of Technology
- TOMIE Masaya, Morioka University
- TRONGSIRIWAT Wuttisak, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- ULFARSSON Henning, Reykjavik University
- VASSILIEVA Ekaterina, LIX -- Ecole Polytechnique
- VATTER Vince, University of Florida
- VIðARSDóTTIR Sigríður Lína, Reykjavik University
- WEILER Morgan, University of California
- WILLIAMS Noah, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
- WILSON Andy, University of California - San Diego
- WOO Alexander, University of IDaho
- YOO Hwanchul, Korea Institute for Advanced Study
- YUN Taedong, Massachusetts Institute of Technology