Olivier Bournez
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Publications (organized by types)

Edited proceedings, edited volumes

Selected submissions currently under review

  1. Manon Blanc and Olivier Bournez. Measuring robustness of dynamical systems. Relating time and space to length and precision.
    Technical report. (BibTeX)
  2. Olivier Bournez and Quentin Guilmant. Surreal fields stable under exponential and logarithmic functions.
    . Submitted. (BibTeX)

Journals, Book Chapters, Proceedings

Conferences (Final Versions)

Selected Research Reports (related to other works):

  1. Barth, Dominique, Bournez, Olivier, Boussaton, Octave and Cohen, Johanne. A Dynamical Approach for Load Balancing.
    Technical report, LORIA/INRIA. Submitted. Available on {\tt http://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/\~{}bournez/load/Soumis-Octave-Fev-2008.pdf}. (BibTeX)
  2. Bournez, Olivier and Garnier, Florent. Termination in finite mean time of a CSMA/CA Termination in finite mean time of a CSMA/CA rule-based model.
    Technical report, LORIA/INRIA. Submitted. (BibTeX)
  3. Sylvie Dela\"et, Dominique Barth, Olivier Bournez Johanne Cohen Loubna Echabbi. Existence of a Nash Equilibria in a pricing game adapted to BGP.
    Technical report, LRI. (BibTeX)
  4. Bournez, Olivier, Soussan, Terence and Tavernier, Bertrand. Symbolic Simulation and Formal Verification of Updatable Timed Automata.
    Technical report, LORIA. (BibTeX)
  5. Bournez, Olivier, Garnier, Florent and Kirchner, Claude. Termination in finite mean time of a CSMA/CA rule-based model.
    Technical report, LORIA, Nancy. (BibTeX)
  6. Bournez, Olivier, Soussan, T\'erence and Tavernier, Bertrand. Symbolic Simulation and Formal Verification of Updatable Timed Automata using a Rewrite System.
    Technical report, LORIA. (BibTeX)
  7. Bournez, Olivier. Fuzzy Equational Theories.
    Technical report, LORIA. (BibTeX)
  8. Bournez, Olivier, Hoyrup, Mathieu and Kirchner, Claude. Logique de r\'e\'ecriture probabiliste.
    Technical report, LORIA. (BibTeX)


  1. Bournez, Olivier. Mod\`eles Continus. Calculs. Algorithmique Distribu\'ee.
    PhD thesis. (BibTeX)
  2. Bournez, Olivier. Complexit\'e Algorithmique des Syst\`emes Dynamiques Continus et Hybrides.
    PhD thesis. (BibTeX)