Olivier Bournez
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Habilitation (Habilitation à Diriger les Recherches)

What is a habilitation?

The entry "Professor" from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, says "After the doctorate (informally known as "thèse") granted by a university or a grande école (in France), scholars who wish to enter academia may apply for a position of maître de conférences ("master of conferences"). After some years in this position, they may take an "habilitation to direct theses" [or "to conduct research"] before applying for a position of professeur des universités ("university professor")"

Because of French law, the official document is in French

Except slides that were in english

But every chapter has an English translation here

  • Preamble :
    • says in French (no more that) what is written on this web page.
  • Chapter 0. Introduction : presents other chapters very shortly.
    • a translation in English is available
  • Chapter 1. The Richness of Continuous Dynamical Systems : about motivation.
    • a translation in English is available .
  • Chapter 2. Populations. Concurrency. Distributed Algorithms : an other chapter about motivation.
    • a translation in English is available
  • Chapter 3. Computation Theory of Continuous Time Systems : A survey on continuous time computations.
    • This corresponds to , coauthored with Manuel Campagnolo, to appear as a chapter of special volume "New Computational Paradigms" after CIE 2005, Springer.
  • Chapter 4. On the Links Between Several Models : A summary of some of our results.
    • All mentioned results in this chapter are part of the PhD of Emmanuel Hainry, and they relate GPAC, recursive functions, and polynomial Cauchy problems.
    • a translation in English is available
  • Chapter 5. Syntactic Characterizations of Complexity Classes in Blum Shub Smale Model : A summary of some of our results.
    • All mentioned results in this chapter are part of the PhD of Paulin Jacobé de Naurois, and they characterize all major complexity classes in the Blum Shub Smale model of computation in the spirit of the characterization of polynomial time by Bellantoni and Cook 92.
    • a translation in English is available
  • Chapter 6. Conclusions and Perspectives : A summary + Outline of main research directions related to this document.
    • a translation in English is available
  • Appendix A. A Point of View on Hypercomputations
    • this is a French translation of to appear in Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2006. Special Issue on "Hypercomputations". Edited by Francisco Doria and José Félix Costa.

Technical details (for more complete information, sources of english files, or proofs of claims)

  • Published material can be downloaded from my publication list
  • Chapter 1,2 are not (yet?) published materials. But actually, they don't really contain (yet?) new results.
  • Chapter 3 is submitted material. See above.
  • Chapter 4 is mainly:
    • For first part, a wide copy and past of the beginning of the following paper, co-authored with Manuel Campagnolo, Daniel Graça, and Emmanuel Hainry, submitted to Journal of Complexity. A conference version of it, has been accepted at TAMC'05, and can be downloaded from my publication list, (direct link here)
    • For second part, a sequence of copy and past from a paper to appear in Fundamenta Informaticae that can be downloaded from my publication list (direct link here) and from a paper published in Theoretical Computer Science, 348 (2-3):130--147, December 2005, that can also be downloaded from my publication list, (direct link here).
  • Chapter 5 is mainly
    • a sequence of a copy and past from a paper published in Information and Computation, 204 (2): 210-230, February 2006, that can be downloaded from my publication list, (direct link here) and from a paper published in Journal of Logic and Computation. 15(1):41-58, 2005, that can also be downloaded from my publication list (direct link here)
    • Paulin Jacobé de Naurois's PhD is available in English here.
  • Appendix A is published material. See above.
  • About the quality of the english in the documents above.
    • Unpublished and unsubmitted documents above are the results of quick english translations of french texts. This means that the english is sometimes rather bad. The purposes of these documents is only to make them accessible to non-french readers.
    • In particular some parts were obtained by translating in english french translations of original english texts. Such processes introduce mistakes, and inaccuracies with original english texts.
    • as you may know, my english is not good...