Email : aurore guillevic [] inria fr
A workshop was organized at Inria Saclay/LIX Ecole Polytechnique right
after ECC, October 1-2, 2015.
The program and the slides of the talks are available below.
Thursday, October 1st
09:30--10:00: welcome coffee
10:00--10:05: welcome opening
10:05--10:50: Rob GRANGER On the interplay between theory and practice in small characteristic DLPs slides
10:50--11:35: Thorsten KLEINJUNG
11:35--12:20: Steven GALBRAITH Open problems in applications of Fourier learning to the Diffie-Hellman problem in finite fields slides
12:30--13:30: lunch (buffet)
13:30--14:15: Gora ADJ Discrete logarithms in small characteristic finite fields: Attacking Type 1 pairing-based cryptography slides
14:15--15:00: Claus FIEKER Problems and approaches in class groups of large degree fields slides
15:00--15:30: coffee break
15:30--16:15: Karthik BHARGAVAN Imperfect Forward Secrecy: How Diffie-Hellman Fails in Practice slides
16:15--17:00: Dale SIBBORN Cold Boot Attacks in the Discrete Logarithm Setting slides
Friday, October 2nd
09:30--10:15: Pierrick GAUDRY the CADO-NFS software slides
10:15--11:00: Andrea MIELE Post-sieving on GPUs slides
11:00--11:30: break
11:30--12:15: Cyril BOUVIER The filtering step of discrete logarithm and integer factorization algorithms slides
12:15--13:00: Emmanuel THOMÉ Block Wiedemann likes Schirokauer maps slides
13:00--14:00: lunch (buffet)
14:00--14:45: Aurore GUILLEVIC Individual discrete logarithm faster in GF(pn) slides
14:45--15:30: Antoine JOUX
15:30--16:15: Razvan BARBAUD How to get rid of units? slides
Last updated February 17th, 2020.