Laboratoire d'informatique de l'École polytechnique

Séminaire du LIX

Le Séminaire du LIX est destiné à favoriser les échanges entre les équipes et les membres du laboratoire. Il est ouvert plus généralement à toute la communauté locale, et en particulier aux étudiants de l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris. Le format adopté est d’une présentation suivie de discussions d’une durée d’une heure, une fois par mois (13h-14h le 3e jeudi du mois). Les présentations seront avant tout abordables et adaptées à un public varié, et donc spécifiquement accessibles aux jeunes chercheurs et doctorants. Elles pourront aussi bien porter sur des résultats marquants que prendre la forme d’état de l’art, un objectif étant en tout cas d’illustrer la variété des domaines scientifiques étudiés au laboratoire.

Retrouvez les séminaires passés sur:

Past events

Hallucinations in textual generation 2024-03-21

Jacobi's bound. From combinatorial optimization to aircraft control. 2024-01-18

Bell theorem and its generalization: From foundations to applications 2023-12-14

Why are they doing quantum computer science? 2023-10-19

PhD Defense Maud Lastic: Efficient visual simulation of volcanic phenomena 2023-07-03

Making proofs by hand: attempt for a novel interface for Coq 2023-06-20

Interactive Authoring of Terrain using Diffusion Models 2023-06-12

Active queue management for alleviating Internet congestion: Preliminary results via new control-theoretic tools. 2023-06-08

Active queue management for alleviating Internet congestion: Preliminary results via new control-theoretic tools, by Michel Fliess 2023-04-06

Journée entreprises au département d’informatique de l’École polytechnique 2022-12-05

The need for causality to address fairness in ML 2023-02-16

Infectious Diseases in the SIRS Model Are Epidemic on Expanders 2022-12-15

From theory to practice, from the PCP theorem to proofs in blockchains 2022-11-17

Graph Representation Learning via Graph Neural Networks 2022-10-20

Integer multiplication in time O(n log n) 2022-09-22

Compositional properties of alignments 2022-06-17

Checking Correctness against and under Database Isolation Levels 2022-05-19

Modeling Bias and Polarization in Social Networks 2022-04-21

A cartographic quest between lambda calculus, logic, and combinatorics 2022-03-17

Exploiting the unreasonable effectiveness of geometry in computing, by Mathieu Desbrun (Geomerix) 2022-02-17

Talk by Olivier Blazy: «Implicit Proofs of Membership » 2022-01-20

Local limit of random discrete surface with (or without !) a statistical physics model. 2021-12-16

Mathematical optimization to guarantee safety in urban air mobility 2021-11-18

High-Assurance and High-Speed Cryptographic Implementations 2021-10-14

Multi-Output Prediction: On the Question of Modeling Outputs Together (When; Why; And Implications for Transfer Learning) 2021-09-23

Personal musings on semantic models and verification of programs, hybrid, concurrent and distributed systems, by Eric Goubault (Cosynus team) 2021-05-20

Factoring integers with oracles 2021-04-15

Comparative prediction of RNA structure 2021-03-18

Algorithms for exploring the structure of differential equations 2021-02-11

Optimizing Big Data Computations: Queries and Algebra in a Single Framework 2021-01-21

Computing with Ordinary Differential Equations. 2020-12-17

Problèmes de Consensus 2020-11-19

Creative Visual Simulation : Combining User control, Knowledge & Learning 2020-10-15