Maks Ovsjanikov

I am a professor in the Computer Science department at Ecole Polytechnique in France. I am a member of the GeomeriX group, joint between the LIX research laboratory at Ecole Polytechnique and INRIA. My current research is mainly supported by my ERC Starting Grant: EXPROTEA.

My research is primarily related to geometric (3D) shape analysis with emphasis on Deep Learning for non-rigid shape comparison and processing. In the past, I have worked on topics including shape classification and retrieval, non-rigid shape-matching, comparison, denoising and symmetry detection especially on 3D point cloud and triangle mesh data. I'm also very interested in image processing, Computer Graphics and Computer Vision in general. You can find some of my work on the Publications page.

Recent News

July 2024

    I gave a talk in the NVIDIA Toronto AI Seminar on Convergence of (some) 3D deep learning approaches.

    Gautam Pai, who did a postdoc in our group, just received a position as an Assistant Professor at the University of Twente (UT) - Netherlands. Congratulations to Gautam!

    Robin Magnet a student from our group, just defended his PhD dissertation entitled Robust Spectral Methods for Shape Analysis and Deformation Assessment. Congratulations to Robin!

June 2024

    Our paper To Supervise or Not to Supervise: Understanding and Addressing the Key Challenges of Point Cloud Transfer Learning with Souhail Hadgi and Lei Li was accepted at ECCV 2024.

May 2024

    Our paper Fine-tuning 3D foundation models for geometric object retrieval with Jarne Van den Herrewegen, Francis Wyffels and Tom Tourwe was accepted at 3DOR 2024 (Computers & Graphics journal).

April 2024

    Nicolas Donati, who did his PhD in our group was given the runner-up award (accessit) for the IDIA IP Paris Best PhD. Congratulations to Nicolas!

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