LambdaComb: a cartographic quest between lambda-calculus, logic, and combinatorics


LambdaComb is an interdisciplinary project financed by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (PRC grant ANR-21-CE48-0017). Broadly, the project aims to deepen connections between lambda calculus and logic on the one hand and combinatorics on the other. One important motivation for the project is the discovery over recent years of a host of surprising links between subsystems of lambda calculus and enumeration of graphs on surfaces, or "maps", the latter being an active subfield of combinatorics with roots in W. T. Tutte's work in the 1960s. Using these new links and other ideas and tools, the LambdaComb project aims to: The project also intersects with and aims to shed new light on other established connections between logic and geometry, notably Joyal and Street's categorical framework of string diagrams as well as Girard's proof nets for linear logic.

For more details about the motivations and organization of the project you are welcome to read the scientific part of our grant proposal. You can also find a brief overview at the LambdaComb ANR page.

The project was co-initiated by Olivier Bodini and Noam Zeilberger, and currently involves over 20 researchers distributed across four partner laboratories in France (LIX, LIPN, LIS, and LIGM) and one partner in Poland (Jagiellonian University). You can find the full listing of project members below.


The kick-off meeting was held April 11th, 2022 as a hybrid event at LIX.

The second meeting of the project was held January 11th, 2023, as a hybrid event at LIX, the day before the start of the 16th edition of Computational Logic and Applications.

The third meeting was held over 2.5 days, January 22-24 2024, as a hybrid event at LIP6.

Mailing list

There is a mailing list, which is used mainly to communicate with LambdaComb project members, although others are also welcome to subscribe if they want to stay informed about upcoming events.

Project members