Samuel Mimram I am full professor in the Cosynus team of the proofs and algorithms pole at the LIX laboratory of École polytechnique which is part of IP Paris. I am also president of the CS department and head of the Cosynus team.

My research interests lie in the following topics: denotational semantics (game semantics in particular), concurrency, rewriting theory, category theory, linear logic, programming languages, algebraic topology, and hybrid systems. You are advised to have a look at my publications for details.

Before that, I used to work in the LIST laboratory at CEA and did a PhD thesis in the PPS team of Université Paris Diderot. You can have a look at my curriculum vitæ for more details.

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My affiliation is LIX, CNRS, École polytechnique, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, 91120 Palaiseau, France.

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