FORmalisms from Concurrency for Emergent Systems


FORCES (FORmalisms from Concurrency for Emergent Systems) is a Colombian-French project funded by the program of “Equipes Associées” of INRIA. The teams involved in this research collaboration are COMETE (INRIA), the Music Representation Research Group (IRCAM) and AVISPA (Colciencias). The main goal is to provide more robust formalisms for analyzing the emergent systems our teams  have been modeling during recent years: I.e., Security Protocols, Biological Systems and Multimedia Semantic Interaction. Our research strategy is, with the benefit of hindsight, to develop them as suitable extensions or specializations of concurrent constraint-based calculi.


Programme INRIA "Equipes Associées"

Coordinator of the French team:

Frank D. Valencia

+33 1 6933 4144

Coordinator of the Colombian team:

Camilo Rueda

+57 2 321 8397

Mailing list:

Proposal: Programme INRIA “Equipes Associées”