Yanlei Diao

Laboratoire d'informatique / Department of Computer Science
Ecole Polytechnique, France

Email:{first-name} dot {last-name}@polytechnique.edu
Phone:+33 1 77 57 80 13
Address: Batiment Alan Turing
1 rue Honore d'Estienne d'Orves
Campus de l'Ecole Polytechnique
91120 Palaiseau, France
Lab Mgr:Jessica Gameiro {first} dot {last}@polytechnique.edu

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Research Interests

Big data analytics and scalable intelligent information systems, with a focus on scalable infrastructure and optimization for cloud data analytics, data stream analytics, explainable anomaly discovery, interactive data exploration, and uncertain data management.

I am a member of the Inria/LIX CEDAR team, which focuses on Rich Data Exploration at Cloud Scale.

Recent News

Yanlei Diao will be a PC Co-Chair of PVLDB 2025-2026.

Yanlei Diao gave a keynote at the Amazon Machine Learning Workshop, September 2024.

Yanlei Diao gave a keynote at the global SWIFT 2023 AI Forum, February 2023.

Yanlei Diao gave a keynote at the Berlin Institute for the Foundations of Learning and Data, September 2022.

Our joint paper with Alibaba Cloud on "Fine-Grained Modeling and Optimization for Intelligent Resource Management in Big Data Processing" is accepted at VLDB 2022!

Yanlei Diao gave a distinguished lecture at Max Planck Institut (MPI) Informatik, December 2021.

Yanlei Diao gave a keynote speech at the 15th ACM International Conference on distributed and event-based systems (DEBS), June 2021.


Research Highlights

A summary of our ERC results and meet our research team

ERC experience with Université Paris Saclay

A brief technical discussion of the ERC project

Big Data, Big Computation, and the Genomic Jigsaw

UDAO: A next-generation optimizer of cloud data analytics
EXAD: Explainable anomaly detection on data streams
AIDEme: Interactive data exploration on large databases
GESALL: Genomic scalable analysis with low latency
SCALLA: Scalable low-latency analytics
CLARO: Uncertain data stream processing
SASE: Complex event processing over streams
STONES: Flash-based data management system
SPIRE: RFID data stream processing

Bio Sketch

Yanlei Diao joined Ecole Polytechnique as Professor of Computer Science in September 2015. She is also Professor of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA. She received her PhD in Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley in 2005.

For a complete curriculum vitae, see the pdf document.