CTW on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization
CTW 2004
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
Politecnico di Milano Italy 31 May - 2 June 2004
The CTW04 Local Organizing Committee wishes to thank all
the delegates to the workshop, and in general all the people
that contributed to make this into such a successful event.
1. The extension for the DAM special volume submission has been
extended to 20/10/2004.
The CTW04 proceedings were closed on 2nd June 2004 at mid-day, as
scheduled. Here are some pictures (thanks
to Dr. Maurizio Bruglieri and the Villa Vigoni staff). Anyone
wanting to contribute a picture, please send them to the usual
address [inactive email address] or to Leo Liberti's email address.
3. Following the tradition of previous workshops, the accepted presentations
for the workshop will be made available in the
Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics (ENDM). A
Compressed Postscript and a
PDF version of the Proceedings Book
can be downloaded directly from this website.
Furthermore, a special fully refereed issue of
Discrete Applied Mathematics will be devoted to the
workshop proceedings. The deadline for paper submission is
30 September 2004. Please send a Compressed Postscript
or PDF version of your paper to [inactive email address].
About the workshop
Previous CologneTwente Workshops (CTW) were traditionally held every
two years in either Cologne or Twente. Increasing interest in these
workshops has suggested to expand both the organizational base and the
frequency. To mark this new format we are happy to announce that the
next workshop
CTW 2004
Topics are: graph theory and discrete algorithms
(both deterministic and random) and their applications in
operations research and computer science.
Submission of Abstracts
Prospective speakers are asked to submit an Extended Abstract of their
presentation, which will be refereed by the scientific committee.
Please submit your Extended Abstract (min. 3, max. 5 A4 pages) before
15 February, 2004
in LaTeX using
the special style-file which you find on the
Elsevier's site,
or here if the Elsevier
site is down. Send the LaTeX source, all required image files, and
a compressed PostScript to
[inactive email address].
Notification of acceptance should reach the participants by
15 March, 2004.
Conference Fee
The conference fee of 150 Euros includes registration, conference
material, coffee breaks, lunches and the
conference dinner. Please note, however, that the conference fee does
not include lodging.
Please credit the bank account specified below by:
8 April, 2004
A limited amount of money is available to support young researchers
or those without the means of paying the fee. In order to
apply for a grant, please submit an application form to
[inactive email address] specifying:
- the reason for the request
- a short CV
- the title and abstract of the contribution
No travelling or accommodation grants are available at this time.
Scientific Committee
E. Amaldi (Milan),
H.J. Broersma (Enschede), U. Faigle (Cologne), J.L. Hurink (Enschede),
F. Maffioli (Milan), F. Malucelli (Milan),
R. Schrader (Cologne), R. Schultz (Duisburg), G.J. Woeginger (Enschede)
Local Organization
E. Amaldi, P. Belotti, M. Bruglieri, L. Liberti, F. Maffioli,
F. Malucelli
Links to previous workshops
We acknowledge the partial financial support of the German Research
Foundation, DFG
(Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft).
Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32
20133 MILANO
Tel. +39 0223993579 / +39 0223993670
Fax +39 0223993412
eMail: [inactive email address]
Here is the old web page.