
Papers & Software






Papers published in 2009

[1] Jesus Aranda. On the Expressivity of Infinite and Local Behaviour in Fragments of the pi-calculus. PhD thesis, LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, France, and EISC, Universidad del Valle, Colombia, 2009.
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[2] Jesus Aranda, Gérard Assayag, Carlos Olarte, Jorge A. Pérez, Camilo Rueda, Mauricio Toro, and Frank D. Valencia. An Overview of FORCES: An INRIA project on declarative formalisms for emergent systems. In Patricia M. Hill and David Scott Warren, editors, Proceeding of the 25th International Conference, ICLP'09, volume 5649 of Lectures Notes in Computer Science, pages 509-513. Springer, 2009.
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[3] Jesus Aranda, Frank D. Valencia, and Cristian Versari. On the Expressive Power of Restriction and Priorities in CCS with replication. In Luca de Alfaro, editor, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures, FOSSACS'09, volume 5504 of Lectures Notes in Computer Science, pages 242-256. Springer, 2009.
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[4] Romain Beauxis. Asynchronous Process Calculi for Specification and Verification of Information Hiding Protocols. PhD thesis, LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, France, 2009.
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[5] Romain Beauxis and Catuscia Palamidessi. Probabilistic and nondeterministic aspects of anonymity. Theoretical Computer Science, 410(41):4006-4025, 2009.
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[6] Abhishek Bhowmick and Catuscia Palamidessi. Bounds on the leakage of the input's distribution in information-hiding protocols. In Christos Kaklamanis and Flemming Nielson, editors, Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing (TGC 2008), volume 5474 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 36-51. Springer, 2009.
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[7] Christelle Braun, Konstantinos Chatzikokolakis, and Catuscia Palamidessi. Quantitative notions of leakage for one-try attacks. In Proceedings of the 25th Conf. on Mathematical Foundations of Programming Semantics, volume 249 of Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, pages 75-91. Elsevier B.V., 2009.
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[8] Diletta Cacciagrano, Flavio Corradini, and Catuscia Palamidessi. Explicit fairness in testing semantics. Logical Methods in Computer Science, 5(2 - 15), 2009.
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[9] Moreno Falaschi, Carlos Olarte, and Catuscia Palamidessi. A framework for abstract interpretation of timed concurrent constraint programs. In António Porto and Francisco Javier López-Fraguas, editors, Proceedings of the 11th International ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, PPDP'09, pages 207-218. ACM, 2009.
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[10] Simon Kramer, Catuscia Palamidessi, Roberto Segala, Andrea Turrini, and Christelle Braun. A quantitative doxastic logic for probabilistic processes and applications to information-hiding. The Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics, 19(4):489-516, 2009.
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[11] Cosimo Laneve, Sylvain Pradalier, and Gianluigi Zavattaro. From biochemistry to stochastic processes. In Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages (QAPL 2009), volume 253 (3), pages 167-185, 2009.
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[12] Hugo López, Carlos Olarte, and Jorge A. Pérez. Towards a unified framework for declarative structured communications. In Alastair R. Beresford and Simon Gay, editors, Proceedings of the workshop on Programming Language Approaches to Concurrency and Communication-cEntric Software (PLACES), volume 17 of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS), pages 1-15, 2009.
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[13] Gethin Norman, Catuscia Palamidessi, David Parker, and Peng Wu. Model checking probabilistic and stochastic extensions of the π-calculus. IEEE Transactions of Software Engineering, 35(2):209-223, 2009.
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[14] Carlos Olarte. Universal Temporal Concurrent Constraint Programming. PhD thesis, LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 2009.
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[15] Carlos Olarte and Camilo Rueda. A declarative language for dynamic multimedia interaction systems. In Elaine Chew, Adrian Childs, and Hing-Hua Chuan, editors, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM), volume 38 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, pages 218-227. Springer, 2009.
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[16] Carlos Olarte, Camilo Rueda, and Frank D. Valencia. Concurrent Constraint Programming: a declarative paradigm for modeling music systems. In Gérard Assayag and Andrew Gerzso, editors, New Computational Paradigms for Computer Music, pages 400-402, Paris, France, 2009. Delatour France / Ircam-Centre Pompidou.
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[17] Sylvain Pradalier. An approach to the modeling, simulation and analysis of nano-devices. PhD thesis, LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, France, 2009.
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[18] Angela Villota, Jesus Aranda, and Diaz Juan Francisco. Modelando Sistemas de Membranas en ntcc. In Proceedings of the XXXV Latin American Informatics Conference, CLEI'09, 2009.
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