module Options:This module implements a simple mechanism to handle program options files. An options file is defined as a set ofsig
variable = value
where value can be a simple string, a list of values (between brackets
or parentheses) or a set of variable = value
lines between braces.
The option file is automatically loaded and saved, and options are
manipulated inside the program as easily as references.
Code from Fabrice Le Fessant.
type 'a
type 'a
val create_options_file : string -> options_file
val set_options_file : options_file -> string -> unit
val prune_file : options_file -> unit
val load : options_file -> unit
load file
loads the option file. All options whose value is specified
in the option file are updated.val append : options_file -> string -> unit
append filename
loads the specified option file. All options whose
value is specified in this file are updated.val save : options_file -> unit
save file
saves all the options values to the option file.val save_with_help : options_file -> unit
save_with_help ()
saves all the options values to the option file,
with the help provided for each option.val define_option : options_file ->
string list ->
string -> 'a option_class -> 'a -> 'a option_record
val option_hook : 'a option_record -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
val string_option : string option_class
val color_option : string option_class
val font_option : string option_class
val int_option : int option_class
val bool_option : bool option_class
val float_option : float option_class
val string2_option : (string * string) option_class
val list_option : 'a option_class -> 'a list option_class
val smalllist_option : 'a option_class -> 'a list option_class
val sum_option : (string * 'a) list -> 'a option_class
val tuple2_option : 'a option_class * 'b option_class ->
('a * 'b) option_class
val tuple3_option : 'a option_class * 'b option_class * 'c option_class ->
('a * 'b * 'c) option_class
val tuple4_option : 'a option_class * 'b option_class * 'c option_class *
'd option_class -> ('a * 'b * 'c * 'd) option_class
val (!!) : 'a option_record -> 'a
val (=:=) : 'a option_record -> 'a -> unit
val shortname : 'a option_record -> string
val get_help : 'a option_record -> string
val get_class : 'a option_record -> 'a option_class
val class_hook : 'a option_class -> ('a option_record -> unit) -> unit
option_value =
| |
Module of |
| |
StringValue of |
| |
IntValue of |
| |
FloatValue of |
| |
List of |
| |
SmallList of |
typeoption_module =
(string * option_value) list
val define_option_class : string ->
(option_value -> 'a) ->
('a -> option_value) -> 'a option_class
val to_value : 'a option_class -> 'a -> option_value
val from_value : 'a option_class -> option_value -> 'a
val value_to_string : option_value -> string
val string_to_value : string -> option_value
val value_to_int : option_value -> int
val int_to_value : int -> option_value
val bool_of_string : string -> bool
val value_to_bool : option_value -> bool
val bool_to_value : bool -> option_value
val value_to_float : option_value -> float
val float_to_value : float -> option_value
val value_to_string2 : option_value -> string * string
val string2_to_value : string * string -> option_value
val value_to_list : (option_value -> 'a) -> option_value -> 'a list
val list_to_value : ('a -> option_value) -> 'a list -> option_value
val smalllist_to_value : ('a -> option_value) -> 'a list -> option_value
val set_simple_option : options_file -> string -> string -> unit
val simple_options : options_file -> (string * string) list
val get_simple_option : options_file -> string -> string
val set_option_hook : options_file -> string -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
val set_string_wrappers : 'a option_record -> ('a -> string) -> (string -> 'a) -> unit
val simple_args : options_file -> (string * Arg.spec * string) list