Old announcements
- Dec. 2013: Co-winner of the best paper award for the Journal of Global Optimization during 2012 (over 140 papers)
- Nov. 2013: Co-winner of the Glover-Klingman Prize for the best paper published in the "Networks" journal in 2012 (over 60 papers)
- Nov. 2013: Part of the QPLIB2014 committee
- 2011: The announcement for the Pretty Structures workshop 2011.
- 2011: I became Editor-in-Chief (with S. Martello and T. Marchant) of
4OR, the journal of the Italian, French and Belgian OR societies published by Springer
- May 2010: Announcement for two 1-year postdoctoral positions within the Microsoft-CNRS Chaire "Optimization and Sustainable Development"
- Nov. 2009: TOGO10 TOulouse Global Optimization workshop
- Oct. 2009: CSDM 2010 Complex Systems Design and Management conference
- Oct. 2009: 6th Optimeo Day
- Sept. 2009: EWMINLP2010 European Workshop on MINLP
- Sept. 2009: CTW09 special DAM issue announcement.
- Sept. 30, 2009 CTW09 special Discrete Applied Mathematics issue submission deadline.
- July 2009: PhD position in Reformulations in Mathematical Programming. See the
- June 2-5, 2009 CTW09 international workshop.
- October 31st, 2009 ARS08 1st ANR "ARS" project meeting.
- April 4th, 2008 Journée Optimeo 2008 workshop.
- October 2007 CAL07 Workshop on Complex Industrial Systems (Modelling, Verification and Optimization) at LIX, Ecole Polytechnique, 3-4 October 2007. Talks are by invitation only, and attendance is free.
- February 2008 LIX opens full professorship.
- January 2008 Postdoctoral position announcement in static analysis of programs (software verification).
- May 2007Announcement for a joint Ph.D. LIX/Ergelis on global optimization techniques applied to thermic energy management in buildings. The candidate should have the following requirements: (a) undergraduate-level knowledge of some thermodynamics; (b) excellent hands-on knowledge of C/C++ on Linux platforms; (c) very good knowledge of operations research techniques. The position is at least 50% in industry. Please send a CV in English or French to leoliberti [at] gmail.com.
- May 2007 Post-doctoral fellowship at CREA and LIX in bioinformatics (modelling and simulation of the dynamics of metabolic pathways and gene regulatory networks involved in the morphogenesis of animals and plants --- design and implementation of a dedicated programming language). Please send a CV in English or French to leoliberti [at] gmail.com.
- June 2006 AxWay is a software engineering firm based in Paris who is looking for software engineers. Please send a CV and motivational letter in English or French to leoliberti [at] gmail.com.
- May 2006 Announcement for a joint Ph.D. LIX/Mediamobile on Shortest Paths in Dynamic Road Networks. Some 6-months industrial stages are also offered.
- May 2006 Special DAM issue "Reformulation techniques in mathematical programming"
- Apr 2006 The edited book Global Optimization: From Theory to Implementation is out!
- Feb 2006 Post-doctoral position at Imperial College London on Global Sensitivity Analysis
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