See more on my GitHub page
StructuralIdentifiability.jl: Julia package for assessing structural identifiability, code on github
CLUE: software for exact model reduction for ODE models via constrained linear lumping
Based on the paper CLUE: Exact maximal reduction of kinetic models by constrained lumping of differential equations, code on github -
SIAN: software for structural identifiability analysis of ODE models, code on github
Based on the paper Global identifiability of differential models, a less technical description is here. -
Proof-of-concept implementation of algorithms for elimination of unknowns for differential-algebraic equations based on the paper Bounds for elimination of unknowns in systems of differential-algebraic equations, code on github.
Proof-of-concept implementation of an algorithm for elimination of unknowns for difference equations based on the paper Effective difference elimination and Nullstellensatz, code on github.
Sage/C code for computing the free energy of the monomer-dimer model, based on the paper Power series expansions for the planar monomer-dimer problem, code on github