CIMPA-UNESCO-INDIA School on Security of Computer Systems and Networks

Bangalore, INDIA, 25 Jan - 4 Feb 2005

Lectures by Catuscia Palamidessi, INRIA Futurs and LIX, France

Title: Specification and verification of randomized security protocols

Abstract: Randomization is used often in security for achieving the intended results. Examples include protocols for contract-signing based on Oblivious Transfer, and certain protocols for guarranteeing anonimity. In these lectures I will show how these protocols and the desired properties can be expressed and verified using the probablistic pi-calculus.

Lectures and Slides


Most of the relevant references are indicated in the slides. In addition, The third lecture is based on the following material: For further reading, we can recommend the following works
Last update Feb 6, 2005, by
Catuscia Palamidessi