
  Record norm_sound_CTS: Prop := {
    ncts_sr: (rule_sound cts_pts_functor hdr);
    ncts_typ_sn: (e:env)(t,T:term)(typ cts_pts_functor e t T)
                        ->(sn red_step e t)

  Variable the_ncts:

  (* open *)
  Local subj_red: (rule_sound cts_pts_functor hdr) := (ncts_sr the_ncts).
  Local typ_sn: (e:env)(t,T:term)(typ cts_pts_functor e t T)
                        ->(sn red_step e t) :=
      (ncts_typ_sn the_ncts).

  Lemma cumul_type_sn: (e:env)(t:term)(wf_type cts_pts_functor e t)
                                            ->(sn red_step e t).
(Induction 1; Intros).
(Apply typ_sn with (Srt s); Auto with arith pts).

(Apply Acc_intro; Intros).
Inversion_clear H0.
(Elim shn_sort with e s (Srt s) y; Auto with arith pts).

  Hints Resolve
cumul_type_sn : pts.

  Lemma subject_reduction_cumul: (rule_sound cts_pts_functor (red hdr)).
Unfold red hdr .
Apply clos_refl_trans_sound.
(Apply ctxt_sound; Simpl; Auto 10 with arith pts).
Exact subj_red.

sound_wf_type_cumul: (e:env)(T,U:term)(wf_type cts_pts_functor e T)
                        ->(red hdr e T U)
                          ->(wf_type cts_pts_functor e U).
(Induction 1; Intros).
Apply wft_typed with s.
subject_reduction_cumul with T0; Auto with arith pts).

(Cut (conv_hn_inv hd_rule e (Srt s) U); Intros).
(Inversion_clear H1; Auto with arith pts).

(Apply inv_red_hn; Auto with arith pts).

  Lemma cumul_least_sort: (e:env)(t:term)(wf_type cts_pts_functor e t)
                             -> (red_to_sort_dec cts_pts_functor e t).
Realizer [e:env; t:term]
  Cases (whnf e t) of
    (Srt s) => (inleft ? s)
  | _ => (inright sort)
(Program_all; Simpl).
Try Exists s.
(Split; Intros).
Auto with arith pts.

(Replace (R_rt cumul)
  with (Rule (Le_type (pts_le_type cts_pts_functor))); Trivial with arith pts).
(Apply sub_sort_env_indep with e; Simpl).
(Apply cumul_trans with t; Auto 10 with arith pts).

(Red; Intros).
(Cut (cumul_hn_inv e (Ref t0) (Srt x0)); Intros).
Inversion_clear H1.

(Apply inv_cumul_hn with t (Srt x0); Auto with arith pts).

(Red; Intros).
(Cut (cumul_hn_inv e (Abs t0 t1) (Srt x0)); Intros).
Inversion_clear H1.

(Apply inv_cumul_hn with t (Srt x0); Auto with arith pts).

(Red; Intros).
(Cut (cumul_hn_inv e (App t0 t1) (Srt x0)); Intros).
Inversion_clear H1.

(Apply inv_cumul_hn with t (Srt x0); Auto with arith pts).

(Red; Intros).
(Cut (cumul_hn_inv e (Prod t0 t1) (Srt x0)); Intros).
Inversion_clear H1.

(Apply inv_cumul_hn with t (Srt x0); Auto with arith pts).

cumul_least_prod: (e:env)(t:term)(wf_type cts_pts_functor e t)
                             -> (red_to_wf_prod_dec cts_pts_functor e t).
Realizer [e:env; t:term]
  Cases (whnf e t) of
    (Prod C D) => (inleft ? (pair ? ? C D))
  | _ => (inright (prod term term))
(Program_all; Simpl).
(Red; Intros).
(Cut (cumul_hn_inv e (Srt t0) (Prod C D)); Intros).
Inversion_clear H1.

(Apply inv_cumul_hn with t (Prod C D); Auto with arith pts).

(Red; Intros).
(Cut (cumul_hn_inv e (Ref t0) (Prod C D)); Intros).
Inversion_clear H1.

(Apply inv_cumul_hn with t (Prod C D); Auto with arith pts).

(Red; Intros).
(Cut (cumul_hn_inv e (Abs t0 t1) (Prod C D)); Intros).
Inversion_clear H1.

(Apply inv_cumul_hn with t (Prod C D); Auto with arith pts).

(Red; Intros).
(Cut (cumul_hn_inv e (App t0 t1) (Prod C D)); Intros).
Inversion_clear H1.

(Apply inv_cumul_hn with t (Prod C D); Auto with arith pts).

Exists (C,D).
sound_wf_type_cumul with t; Auto with arith pts).

(Split; Intros; Auto 10 with arith pts).
(Apply cumul_trans with t; Auto 10 with arith pts).

  Hypothesis inf_axiom: (s:sort)(ppal_dec (axiom s) rt_univ).

  Hypothesis inf_rule: (x1,x2:sort)
         { x3:sort | (rule x1 x2 x3) & (s1,s2,s3:sort)(rule s1 s2 s3)
                    ->(rt_univ x1 s1)->(rt_univ x2 s2)->(rt_univ x3 s3) }.

  Lemma cumul_infer_axiom: (s:sort)
    (ppal_dec (axiom s) [s1,s2](e:env)(rt_cumul e (Srt s1) (Srt s2))).
(Elim inf_axiom with s; Intros).
Inversion_clear y.
(Split with x; Auto with arith pts).
(Split; Intros).
Apply (pp_ok H).

Fold rt_cumul.
Generalize (pp_least H).
Auto with arith pts.

(Right; Red; Intros).
(Elim y with x; Trivial with arith pts).

cumul_infer_rule: (x1,x2:sort)
        { x3:sort | (ppal (rule_sat cts_pts_functor x1 x2)
                       [s1,s2](e:env)(rt_cumul e (Srt s1) (Srt s2)) x3)}.
(Elim inf_rule with x1 x2; Intros; Auto with arith pts).
Split with x.
(Split; Intros).
(Split with x1; Simpl; Auto with arith pts).
(Split with x2; Simpl; Auto with arith pts).

(Cut (rt_univ x y1); Auto with arith pts).
Inversion_clear H.
Inversion_clear H1.
Simpl in H0 H H2.
(Apply y0 with x0 x3; Auto with arith pts).
(Cut (cumul_hn_inv e (Srt x1) (Srt x0)); Intros).
(Inversion_clear H1; Trivial with arith pts).

(Apply inv_cumul_hn with (Srt x1) (Srt x0); Auto with arith pts).

(Cut (cumul_hn_inv e (Srt x2) (Srt x3)); Intros).
(Inversion_clear H1; Trivial with arith pts).

(Apply inv_cumul_hn with (Srt x2) (Srt x3); Auto with arith pts).

  Hypothesis univ_hierarchy: (s1,s2:sort)
      (rt_univ s1 s2)->(typed_sort axiom s2)
        ->(typed_sort axiom s1).

cumul_topsort_untyped: (e:env)(s,s':sort)(t:term)
      (rt_cumul e (Srt s) t)
       ->(typ cts_pts_functor e t (Srt s'))->(typed_sort axiom s).
(Elim whnf with e t; Intros).
(Cut (cumul_hn_inv e (Srt s) x); Intros).
Cut (typ cts_pts_functor e x (Srt s')).
Inversion_clear H1.
Apply univ_hierarchy with 1:=H2.
Inversion_typ H1.
(Split with s2; Trivial with arith pts).

subject_reduction_cumul with t; Trivial with arith pts).

(Apply inv_cumul_hn with (Srt s) t; Auto with arith pts).

Apply typ_sn with 1:=H0.

  Theorem cts_prim_algos: (PTS_algos cts_pts_functor).
Apply Build_PTS_algos.
Exact lift_naif.

Exact subst_naif.


Exact cumul_least_sort.

Exact cumul_infer_rule.

Exact cumul_least_prod.

Exact cumul_prod.

Exact cumul_inv_prod.

Exact cumul_topsort_untyped.

(Apply CR_WHNF_cumul_dec; Auto with arith pts).

  Theorem full_cts_type_checker: (PTS_TC cts_pts_functor).
Proof (full_type_checker cts_pts_functor

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