Module Library

type library_t

Type of libraries loaded in memory

val require_library_from_dirpath : library_t list -> unit

Require = load in the environment

val require_library_syntax_from_dirpath : lib_resolver:(Names.DirPath.t -> CUnix.physical_path) -> Names.DirPath.t list -> library_t list
Start the compilation of a library
type seg_sum

Segments of a library

type seg_lib
type seg_univ = Univ.ContextSet.t * bool
type seg_proofs = Opaques.opaque_disk
type ('uid, 'doc) tasks = (('uid'doc) Stateid.request * bool) list
type 'doc todo_proofs =
| ProofsTodoNone
| ProofsTodoSomeEmpty of Future.UUIDSet.t
| ProofsTodoSome of Future.UUIDSet.t * (Future.UUID.t'doc) tasks
val save_library_to : 'document todo_proofs -> output_native_objects:bool -> Names.DirPath.t -> string -> unit
val load_library_todo : CUnix.physical_path -> seg_sum * seg_lib * seg_univ * (Opaqueproof.opaque_handle option'doc) tasks * seg_proofs
val save_library_raw : string -> seg_sum -> seg_lib -> seg_univ -> seg_proofs -> unit
Interrogate the status of libraries
val library_is_loaded : Names.DirPath.t -> bool
  • Tell if a library is loaded
val loaded_libraries : unit -> Names.DirPath.t list
  • Tell which libraries are loaded
val native_name_from_filename : string -> string
Native compiler.
val indirect_accessor : Global.indirect_accessor
Opaque accessors