CSE 360 Homework 1

  1. Below are the abstract data types for conj and or presented in lecture notes lect2.
    abstype ('a,'b) conj = c of 'a * 'b  with
       fun pair x y = c(x,y)
       fun left (c(x,y)) = x
       fun right(c(x,y)) = y             end;
    abstype ('a,'b) or = left of 'a | right of 'b with
       fun putl x = left x
       fun putr x = right x
       fun cases (left x)  f g = f x
         | cases (right x) f g = g x              end;
    Write ML programs of the following types using only these data types and applications and abstractions ( fn).
    ('a -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
    (('a,'b) or -> 'c) -> ('a -> 'c,'b -> 'c) conj
    (('a,'a -> 'b) or -> 'b) -> 'b
    ((('a -> 'b) -> 'c) -> 'd) -> 'a -> ('b -> 'c) -> 'd
  2. Below is are some date type declarations.
    datatype r = a
     and     q = f of s * p * r
     and     v = g of s * v
     and     p = h of r
     and     s = j of r;
    With respect to these constants (and just application and abstraction), build terms of the type q and of type v -> v.

Lectures / Modules / Homeworks / Syllabus