
Require Extraction.
Require Termes.
Require Conv.
Require Types.
Require Conv_Dec.
Require Infer.
Require Expr.

  Record state: Set := {
    glob_ctx: env;
    glob_names: prt_names;
    glob_wf_ctx: (wf glob_ctx);
    glob_length: (length ? glob_ctx)=(length ? glob_names);
    glob_unique: (name_unique glob_names)

  Hint glob_wf_ctx glob_unique.

  Definition empty_state: state.
Realizer (Build_state (nil term) (nil name)).
Exact wf_nil.

(Red; Intros).
Inversion H.

  Record state_ext [x:name; t:term; s0,s1:state]: Prop := {
    cons_env: (glob_ctx s1)=(cons ? t (glob_ctx s0));
    cons_names: (glob_names s1)=(cons ? x (glob_names s0)) }.

  (* internal level *)
  Inductive command: Set :=
    INFER: term -> command
  | CHECK: term -> term -> command
  | AXIOM: name -> term -> command
  | DELETE: command
  | LIST: command
  | QUIT: command.

  Inductive message: Set :=
    New_axiom: name -> message
  | Infered_type: term -> message
  | Correct: message
  | Delete_axiom: name -> message
  | Context_listing: prt_names -> message
  | Exiting: message.

  Inductive error: Set :=
    Name_clash: name -> error
  | Type_error: type_error -> error
  | Cannot_delete: error.

  (* external level *)
  Inductive ast: Set :=
    AST_INFER: expr -> ast
  | AST_CHECK: expr -> expr -> ast
  | AST_AXIOM: name -> expr -> ast
  | AST_DELETE: ast
  | AST_LIST: ast
  | AST_QUIT: ast.

  Inductive expr_of_ast: ast -> expr -> Prop :=
    ea_inf: (e:expr)(expr_of_ast (AST_INFER e) e)
  | ea_chk1: (e1,e2:expr)(expr_of_ast (AST_CHECK e1 e2) e1)
  | ea_chk2: (e1,e2:expr)(expr_of_ast (AST_CHECK e1 e2) e2)
  | ea_ax: (x:name)(e:expr)(expr_of_ast (AST_AXIOM x e) e).

  Hint ea_inf ea_chk1 ea_chk2 ea_ax.

  (* printable messages *)
  Inductive pmessage: Set :=
    Pnew_axiom: name -> pmessage
  | Pinfered_type: expr -> pmessage
  | Pcorrect: pmessage
  | Pcontext_listing: prt_names -> pmessage
  | Pdelete_axiom: name -> pmessage
  | Pexiting: pmessage.

  (* printable type errors *)
  Inductive ptype_error: Set :=
    Punder: name -> expr -> ptype_error -> ptype_error
  | Pexpected_type: expr -> expr -> expr -> ptype_error
  | Pkind_ill_typed: ptype_error
  | Pdb_error: nat -> ptype_error
  | Plambda_kind: expr -> ptype_error
  | Pnot_a_type: expr -> expr -> ptype_error
  | Pnot_a_fun: expr -> expr -> ptype_error
  | Papply_err: expr -> expr -> expr -> expr -> ptype_error.

  (* printable errors *)
  Inductive perror: Set :=
    Punbound_vars: prt_names -> perror
  | Pname_clash: name -> perror
  | Ptype_error: ptype_error -> perror
  | Pcannot_delete: perror.

  (* command translated to the internal level *)
  Inductive synthesis_trans [s:state]: ast -> command -> Prop :=
    Sy_infer: (e:expr)(t:term)
                (term_expr_equiv (glob_names s) t e)
                  ->(synthesis_trans s (AST_INFER e) (INFER t))
  | Sy_check: (e1,e2:expr)(m,t:term)
                (term_expr_equiv (glob_names s) m e1)
                  ->(term_expr_equiv (glob_names s) t e2)
                    ->(synthesis_trans s (AST_CHECK e1 e2) (CHECK m t))
  | Sy_axiom: (x:name)(e:expr)(t:term)
                (term_expr_equiv (glob_names s) t e)
                  ->(synthesis_trans s (AST_AXIOM x e) (AXIOM x t))
  | Sy_delete: (synthesis_trans s AST_DELETE DELETE)
  | Sy_list: (synthesis_trans s AST_LIST LIST)
  | Sy_quit: (synthesis_trans s AST_QUIT QUIT).

  Hint Sy_infer Sy_check Sy_axiom Sy_delete Sy_list Sy_quit.

  (* commands *)
  Inductive transition [s1:state]: command -> state -> message -> Prop :=
    Tr_infer: (m,t:term)(typ (glob_ctx s1) m t)
                  ->(transition s1 (INFER m) s1 (Infered_type t))
  | Tr_check: (m,t:term)(typ (glob_ctx s1) m t)
                  ->(transition s1 (CHECK m t) s1 Correct)
  | Tr_axiom: (x:name)(t:term)(s2:state)
                (glob_ctx s2) = (cons ? t (glob_ctx s1))
                ->(glob_names s2) = (cons ? x (glob_names s1))
                  ->(transition s1 (AXIOM x t) s2 (New_axiom x))
  | Tr_delete: (x:name)(s2:state)
                (cons ? x (glob_names s2)) = (glob_names s1)
                  ->(transition s1 DELETE s2 (Delete_axiom x))
  | Tr_list: (transition s1 LIST s1 (Context_listing (glob_names s1)))
  | Tr_quit: (transition s1 QUIT s1 Exiting).

  Hint Tr_infer Tr_check Tr_axiom Tr_delete Tr_list Tr_quit.

  (* translation of messages *)
  Inductive transl_msg [s:state]: message -> pmessage -> Prop :=
    Tm_infer: (t:term)(e:expr)(term_expr_equiv (glob_names s) t e)
                    ->(transl_msg s (Infered_type t) (Pinfered_type e))
  | Tm_check: (transl_msg s Correct Pcorrect)
  | Tm_axiom: (x:name)(transl_msg s (New_axiom x) (Pnew_axiom x))
  | Tm_delete: (x:name)(transl_msg s (Delete_axiom x) (Pdelete_axiom x))
  | Tm_listing: (l:prt_names)
                    (transl_msg s (Context_listing l) (Pcontext_listing l))
  | Tm_exit: (transl_msg s Exiting Pexiting).

  Hint Tm_infer Tm_check Tm_axiom Tm_delete Tm_listing Tm_exit.

  (* ERRORS *)

  (* errors occuring during synthesis *)
  Inductive synth_error [s:state]: ast -> perror -> Prop :=
    Syf_db_failed: (a:ast)(e:expr)(undef:prt_names)
                (expr_of_ast a e)
                  ->(undef_vars e (glob_names s) undef)
                    -> ~undef=(nil ?)
                      ->(synth_error s a (Punbound_vars undef)).

  (* errors of internal commands *)
  Inductive com_error [s:state]: command -> error -> Prop :=
    Ce_inf_error: (m:term)(err:type_error)
                    (inf_error m err)
                      ->(expln (glob_ctx s) err)
                        ->(com_error s (INFER m) (Type_error err))
  | Ce_chk_error: (m,t:term)(err:type_error)
                    (chk_error m t err)
                      ->(expln (glob_ctx s) err)
                        ->(com_error s (CHECK m t) (Type_error err))
  | Ce_decl_error: (x:name)(m:term)(err:type_error)
                    (decl_error m err)
                      ->(expln (glob_ctx s) err)
                        ->(com_error s (AXIOM x m) (Type_error err))
  | Ce_axiom: (x:name)(t:term)(In ? x (glob_names s))
                    ->(com_error s (AXIOM x t) (Name_clash x))
  | Ce_delete: (glob_names s)=(nil name)
                    ->(com_error s DELETE Cannot_delete).

  Hint Ce_inf_error Ce_chk_error Ce_decl_error Ce_axiom Ce_delete.

  (* translation of type_errors *)
  Inductive transl_type_error: prt_names->ptype_error->type_error->Prop :=
    Tpe_under: (l:prt_names)(x:name)(t:term)(e:expr)
                ~(In name x l)
                  ->(term_expr_equiv l t e)
                      (transl_type_error (cons name x l) perr err)
                        ->(transl_type_error l (Punder x e perr)
                                                     (Under t err))
  | Tpe_exp_type: (l:prt_names)(t0,t1,t2:term)(e0,e1,e2:expr)
                      (term_expr_equiv l t0 e0)
                      ->(term_expr_equiv l t1 e1)
                      ->(term_expr_equiv l t2 e2)
                        ->(transl_type_error l (Pexpected_type e0 e1 e2)
                                                 (Expected_type t0 t1 t2))
  | Tpe_is_kind: (l:prt_names)
                   (transl_type_error l Pkind_ill_typed Kind_ill_typed)
  | Tpe_db_error: (l:prt_names)(n:nat)
                      (transl_type_error l (Pdb_error n) (Db_error n))
  | Tpe_lam_kind: (l:prt_names)(t:term)(e:expr)
                      (term_expr_equiv l t e)
                        ->(transl_type_error l (Plambda_kind e)
                                                 (Lambda_kind t))
  | Tpe_not_a_type: (l:prt_names)(t0,t1:term)(e0,e1:expr)
                      (term_expr_equiv l t0 e0)
                      ->(term_expr_equiv l t1 e1)
                        ->(transl_type_error l (Pnot_a_type e0 e1)
                                                 (Not_a_type t0 t1))
  | Tpe_not_a_fun: (l:prt_names)(t0,t1:term)(e0,e1:expr)
                      (term_expr_equiv l t0 e0)
                      ->(term_expr_equiv l t1 e1)
                        ->(transl_type_error l (Pnot_a_fun e0 e1)
                                                 (Not_a_fun t0 t1))
  | Tpe_apply_err: (l:prt_names)(t0,t1,t2,t3:term)(e0,e1,e2,e3:expr)
                      (term_expr_equiv l t0 e0)
                      ->(term_expr_equiv l t1 e1)
                      ->(term_expr_equiv l t2 e2)
                      ->(term_expr_equiv l t3 e3)
                        ->(transl_type_error l (Papply_err e0 e1 e2 e3)
                                                 (Apply_err t0 t1 t2 t3)).

  Hint Tpe_exp_type Tpe_is_kind Tpe_db_error Tpe_lam_kind Tpe_not_a_type
       Tpe_not_a_fun Tpe_apply_err.

  (* translation of internal errors to the external level *)
  Inductive transl_err [s:state]: error -> perror -> Prop :=
    Te_name_clash: (x:name)(transl_err s (Name_clash x) (Pname_clash x))
  | Te_type_error: (e:type_error)(pe:ptype_error)
                  (transl_type_error (glob_names s) pe e)
                    ->(transl_err s (Type_error e) (Ptype_error pe))
  | Te_cannot_delete: (transl_err s Cannot_delete Pcannot_delete).

  Hint Te_name_clash Te_type_error Te_cannot_delete.

  (* global architecture *)

  Lemma trans_error_no_confusion:
            (transition si c sf m)
              ->(com_error si c err)
(Induction 1; Intros).
Inversion_clear H1.
(Elim inf_error_no_type with m0 err0 (glob_ctx si) t; Auto).

Inversion_clear H1.
(Elim chk_error_no_type with (glob_ctx si) m0 t err0; Auto).

Inversion_clear H2.
(Elim decl_err_not_wf with (glob_ctx si) t err0; Auto).
Elim H0.
Apply glob_wf_ctx.

Generalize (glob_unique s2) .
(Unfold name_unique; Intros).
(Cut (Ex [n:nat](item ? x (glob_names si) n)); Intros).
Inversion_clear H4.
(Absurd O=(S x0); Intros).

Apply H2 with x.
(Rewrite -> H1; Auto).

(Rewrite -> H1; Auto).

(Elim H3; Intros).
(Exists O; Auto).

Inversion_clear H5.
(Exists (S x0); Auto).

Inversion_clear H1.
Rewrite H2 in H0.
Discriminate H0.

Inversion_clear H0.

Inversion_clear H0.

  Inductive top_trans [si:state; a:ast; sf:state; m:pmessage]: Prop :=
    Top_int: (c:command)(im:message)
              (synthesis_trans si a c)
                ->(transition si c sf im)
(* the message should be understandable in initial state! *)
                  ->(transl_msg si im m)
                    ->(top_trans si a sf m).

  Inductive top_error [si:state; a:ast; e:perror]: Prop :=
    Te_sy: (synth_error si a e)
                ->(top_error si a e)
  | Te_int: (c:command)(ie:error)
              (synthesis_trans si a c)
                ->(com_error si c ie)
                  ->(transl_err si ie e)
                    ->(top_error si a e).

  Hint Te_sy.

  Lemma synth_no_confusion:
        (synthesis_trans si a c)
          ->(synth_error si a e)
(Induction 1; Intros).
Inversion_clear H1.
Apply H4.
(Apply equiv_no_undef with (glob_names si) t e0; Auto).
(Inversion_clear H2; Auto).

Inversion_clear H2.
Apply H5.
Generalize H0 H1 .
(Inversion_clear H3; Intros).
(Apply equiv_no_undef with (glob_names si) m e0; Auto).

(Apply equiv_no_undef with (glob_names si) t e0; Auto).

Inversion_clear H1.
Apply H4.
(Apply equiv_no_undef with (glob_names si) t e0; Auto).
(Inversion_clear H2; Auto).

Inversion_clear H0.
Inversion_clear H1.

Inversion_clear H0.
Inversion_clear H1.

Inversion_clear H0.
Inversion_clear H1.

  Lemma synth_deterministic: (si:state)(a:ast)(c,d:command)
              (synthesis_trans si a c)
                ->(synthesis_trans si a d)
(Induction 1; Intros).
Inversion_clear H1.
(Elim equiv_unique with (glob_names si) t e t0; Auto).

Inversion_clear H2.
(Elim equiv_unique with (glob_names si) m e1 m0; Auto).
(Elim equiv_unique with (glob_names si) t e2 t0; Auto).

Inversion_clear H1.
(Elim equiv_unique with (glob_names si) t e t0; Auto).

(Inversion_clear H0; Auto).

(Inversion_clear H0; Auto).

(Inversion_clear H0; Auto).

  Lemma top_trans_error_no_confusion:
            (top_trans si a sf m)
              ->(top_error si a perr)
(Induction 1; Intros).
Inversion_clear H3.
(Apply synth_no_confusion with si a c perr; Auto).

(Apply trans_error_no_confusion with si sf c im ie; Auto).
(Elim synth_deterministic with si a c0 c; Auto).

  Definition answer: state -> ast -> Set :=
    [si,a] { p: state*pmessage |
                  Cases p of (sf,m) => (top_trans si a sf m) end }
         + { err: perror | (top_error si a err) }.

  Definition synth_answer: state -> ast -> Set := [si,a]
        { c: command | (synthesis_trans si a c) }
      + { err: perror | (synth_error si a err) }.

  Theorem synthesis: (si:state)(a:ast)(synth_answer si a).
Realizer [si:state][a:ast]
  Cases a of
    (AST_INFER e) => Cases (term_of_expr e (glob_names si)) of
            (inl t) => (inl ? perror (INFER t))
          | (inr u) => (inr command ? (Punbound_vars u))
  | (AST_CHECK e1 e2) => Cases (term_of_expr e1 (glob_names si))
                               (term_of_expr e2 (glob_names si)) of
            (inl m) (inl t) => (inl ? perror (CHECK m t))
          | (inr u1) _ => (inr command ? (Punbound_vars u1))
          | _ (inr u2) => (inr command ? (Punbound_vars u2))
  | (AST_AXIOM x e) => Cases (term_of_expr e (glob_names si)) of
            (inl t) => (inl ? perror (AXIOM x t))
          | (inr u) => (inr command ? (Punbound_vars u))
  | AST_DELETE => (inl ? perror DELETE)
  | AST_LIST => (inl ? perror LIST)
  | AST_QUIT => (inl ? perror QUIT)

(Destruct a; Intros).
(Elim (term_of_expr e (glob_names si)); Intros).
Inversion_clear y.
(Exists (INFER x); Auto).

Inversion_clear y.
(Exists (Punbound_vars x); Auto).
(Apply Syf_db_failed with e; Auto).

(Elim (term_of_expr e (glob_names si)); Intros).
Inversion_clear y.
(Elim (term_of_expr e0 (glob_names si)); Intros).
Inversion_clear y.
(Exists (CHECK x x0); Auto).

Inversion_clear y.
(Exists (Punbound_vars x0); Auto).
(Apply Syf_db_failed with e0; Auto).

Inversion_clear y.
(Exists (Punbound_vars x); Auto).
(Apply Syf_db_failed with e; Auto).

(Elim (term_of_expr e (glob_names si)); Intros).
Inversion_clear y.
(Exists (AXIOM n x); Auto).

Inversion_clear y.
(Exists (Punbound_vars x); Auto).
(Apply Syf_db_failed with e; Auto).

(Exists DELETE; Auto).

(Exists LIST; Auto).

(Exists QUIT; Auto).

  Definition com_answer: state -> command -> Set :=
    [si,c]{ p: state*message |
                     Cases p of (sf,m) => (transition si c sf m) end }
          + { e: error | (com_error si c e) }.

  Lemma exec_infer: (s:state)(m:term)(com_answer s (INFER m)).
  [s:state][m:term]Cases (infer (glob_ctx s) m) of
    (inl t) => (inl ? error (s,(Infered_type t)))
  | (inr err) => (inr state*message ? (Type_error err))

(Elim infer with (glob_ctx s) m; Intros; Auto).
Elim y.
Intros t H.
Exists (s,(Infered_type t)).
(Apply Tr_infer; Auto).

Inversion_clear y.
(Exists (Type_error x); Auto).

  Lemma exec_check: (s:state)(m,t:term)(com_answer s (CHECK m t)).
  [s:state][m,t:term]Cases (check_typ (glob_ctx s) m t) of
    (inleft err) => (inr state*message ? (Type_error err))
  | inright => (inl ? error (s,Correct))

(Elim check_typ with (glob_ctx s) m t; Intros; Auto).
Inversion_clear y.
(Exists (Type_error x); Auto).

(Exists (s,Correct); Auto).

  Lemma exec_axiom: (s:state)(x:name)(t:term)(com_answer s (AXIOM x t)).
  [s:state][x:name][t:term]Cases (add_typ (glob_ctx s) t)
                                 (list_index ? name_dec x (glob_names s)) of
    left inright => (NewState 
                           (Build_state (cons ? (Ax t) (glob_ctx s))
                                        (cons ? x (glob_names s)))
                           (Pnew_axiom x))
  | left (inleft _) => (Failed (Pname_clash x))
  | right _ => (Failed (Ptype_error terr))

(Elim (add_typ (glob_ctx s) t); Intros; Auto).
Inversion_clear y.
(Exists (Type_error x0); Auto).

(Elim (list_index ? name_dec x (glob_names s)); Intros).
(Exists (Name_clash x); Auto).
Inversion_clear y0.
Apply Ce_axiom.
(Elim H; Auto).

(Cut (name_unique (cons ? x (glob_names s))); Intros).
(Cut (length ? (cons ? t (glob_ctx s)))
      =(length ? (cons ? x (glob_names s))); Intros).
(Exists ((Build_state (cons ? t (glob_ctx s))
            (cons ? x (glob_names s)) y H0 H),(New_axiom x)); Auto).

(Elim glob_length with s; Auto).

(Apply fv_ext; Auto).

  Lemma exec_delete: (s:state)(com_answer s DELETE).
Realizer [s:state]Cases (glob_ctx s) (glob_names s) of
    (cons _ e) (cons x l) => (NewState (Build_state e l) (Delete_axiom x))
  | _          _          => (Failed Pcannot_delete)

Generalize (refl_equal ? (glob_names s)) .
Pattern 1 (glob_names s) .
(Case (glob_names s); Intros).
(Exists Cannot_delete; Auto).

Generalize (refl_equal ? (glob_ctx s)) .
Pattern 1 (glob_ctx s) .
(Case (glob_ctx s); Intros).
Generalize (glob_length s) .
Elim H.
(Elim H0; Simpl; Intros).
Discriminate H1.

(Cut (length ? l0)=(length ? l); Intros).
(Cut (name_unique l); Intros).
(Cut (wf l0); Intros).
(Exists ((Build_state l0 l H3 H1 H2),(Delete_axiom n)); Auto).

Generalize (glob_wf_ctx s) .
(Elim H0; Intros).
Inversion_clear H3.
(Apply typ_wf with t (Srt s0); Auto).

Generalize (glob_unique s) .
Elim H.
(Unfold name_unique; Intros).
(Cut (S m)=(S n0); Intros).
(Injection H5; Auto).

(Apply H2 with x; Auto).

Generalize (glob_length s) .
Elim H.
(Elim H0; Simpl; Intros).
(Injection H1; Auto).

  Theorem interp_command: (si:state)(c:command)(com_answer si c).
Realizer [si:state][c:command]
  Cases c of
    (INFER t) => (exec_infer si t)
  | (CHECK m t) => (exec_check si m t)
  | (AXIOM x t) => (exec_axiom si x t)
  | DELETE => (exec_delete si)
  | LIST => (inl ? error (si,(Context_listing (glob_names si))))
  | QUIT => (inl ? error (si,Exiting))
(Exists (si,(Context_listing (glob_names si))); Auto).

Exists (si,Exiting);Auto.

  Lemma transl_message: (s:state)(im:message)
         (Ex [c:command](Ex [sf:state](transition s c sf im)))
                  ->{ m: pmessage | (transl_msg s im m) }.
Realizer [s:state][im:message]
  Cases im of
    (New_axiom x) => (Pnew_axiom x)
  | (Infered_type t) => (Pinfered_type (expr_of_term t (glob_names s)))
  | Correct => Pcorrect
  | (Delete_axiom x) => (Pdelete_axiom x)
  | (Context_listing l) => (Pcontext_listing l)
  | Exiting => Pexiting
Inversion_clear H.
Inversion_clear H0.
Inversion_clear H.
Elim glob_length with x0.
(Apply type_free_db with m; Auto).

  Lemma transl_ty_error: (err:type_error)(s:state)
               (expln (glob_ctx s) err)
                   ->{ perr:ptype_error |
                             (transl_type_error (glob_names s) perr err) }.
Realizer Fix tr_ty_err { tr_ty_err/1 : type_error -> state -> ptype_error :=
    [s]Cases err of
      (Under t e) => let (e:expr) = expr_of_term(Punder x  ) 
    | (Expected_type t at et) =>
    | Kind_ill_typed => Pkind_ill_typed
    | (Db_error n) =>
    | (Lambda_kind t m) =>
    | (Not_a_type m t) =>
    | (Not_a_fun m t) =>
    | (Apply_err u tu v tv) =>
    end }.

(Induction err; Intros).
(Elim find_free_var with (glob_names s); Intros).
(Elim expr_of_term with t (glob_names s); Intros; Auto).
(ElimType {si:state | (state_ext x t s si)}; Intros).
(Elim H with x1; Intros).
Exists (Punder x x0 x2).
(Apply Tpe_under; Auto).
(Elim cons_names with x t s x1; Auto).

Inversion_clear H0.
(Rewrite -> (cons_env x t s x1); Auto).

(Cut (wf (cons ? t (glob_ctx s))); Intros).
(Cut (S (length ? (glob_ctx s)))=(S (length ? (glob_names s))); Intros).
(Cut (name_unique (cons ? x (glob_names s))); Intros).
Exists (Build_state (cons ? t (glob_ctx s)) (cons ? x (glob_names s))
          H1 H2 H3).
(Split; Auto).

(Apply fv_ext; Auto).

(Elim glob_length with s; Auto).

(Inversion_clear H0; Auto).
(Apply expln_wf with t0; Auto).

Inversion_clear H0.
(Elim glob_length with s; Auto).
(Cut (wf (cons ? t (glob_ctx s))); Intros).
Inversion_clear H0.
(Apply typ_free_db with (Srt s0); Auto).

(Apply expln_wf with t0; Auto).

(Elim expr_of_term with t (glob_names s); Intros; Auto).
(Elim expr_of_term with t0 (glob_names s); Intros; Auto).
(Elim expr_of_term with t1 (glob_names s); Intros; Auto).
(Exists (Pexpected_type x x0 x1); Auto).

Inversion_clear H.
Elim glob_length with s.

Inversion_clear H.
Elim glob_length with s.
(Apply type_free_db with t; Auto).

Inversion_clear H.
Elim glob_length with s.
(Apply typ_free_db with t0; Auto).

(Exists Pkind_ill_typed; Auto).

(Exists (Pdb_error n); Auto).

(Elim expr_of_term with t (glob_names s); Intros; Auto).
(Exists (Plambda_kind x); Auto).

Inversion_clear H.
Elim glob_length with s.
Apply db_abs.
(Cut (wf (cons ? t0 (glob_ctx s))); Intros).
Inversion_clear H.
(Apply typ_free_db with (Srt s0); Auto).

(Apply typ_wf with m (Srt kind); Auto).

Change (free_db (length ? (cons ? t0 (glob_ctx s))) m).
(Apply typ_free_db with (Srt kind); Auto).

(Elim expr_of_term with t (glob_names s); Intros; Auto).
(Elim expr_of_term with t0 (glob_names s); Intros; Auto).
(Exists (Pnot_a_type x x0); Auto).

Inversion_clear H.
Elim glob_length with s.
(Apply type_free_db with t; Auto).

Inversion_clear H.
Elim glob_length with s.
(Apply typ_free_db with t0; Auto).

(Elim expr_of_term with t (glob_names s); Intros; Auto).
(Elim expr_of_term with t0 (glob_names s); Intros; Auto).
(Exists (Pnot_a_fun x x0); Auto).

Inversion_clear H.
Elim glob_length with s.
(Apply type_free_db with t; Auto).

Inversion_clear H.
Elim glob_length with s.
(Apply typ_free_db with t0; Auto).

(Elim expr_of_term with t (glob_names s); Intros; Auto).
(Elim expr_of_term with t0 (glob_names s); Intros; Auto).
(Elim expr_of_term with t1 (glob_names s); Intros; Auto).
(Elim expr_of_term with t2 (glob_names s); Intros; Auto).
(Exists (Papply_err x x0 x1 x2); Auto).

Inversion_clear H.
Elim glob_length with s.
(Apply type_free_db with t1; Auto).

Inversion_clear H.
Elim glob_length with s.
(Apply typ_free_db with t2; Auto).

Inversion_clear H.
Elim glob_length with s.
(Apply type_free_db with t; Auto).

Inversion_clear H.
Elim glob_length with s.
(Apply typ_free_db with (Prod a b); Auto).

  Lemma transl_error: (s:state)(err:error)
             ((terr:type_error)err=(Type_error terr)
                    ->(expln (glob_ctx s) terr))
                  ->{ perr: perror | (transl_err s err perr) }.
Realizer [s:state][err:error]
  Cases err of
    (Name_clash x) => (Pname_clash x)
  | (Type_error er) => (Ptype_error (transl_ty_error er s))
  | Cannot_delete => Pcannot_delete

  Theorem interp_ast: (si:state)(a:ast)(answer si a).
Realizer [si:state][a:ast]
  Cases (synthesis si a) of
    (inl c) => Cases (interp_command si c) of
                 (inl (sf,im)) => (inl ? perror (sf, (transl_message si im))) 
               | (inr ie) => (inr state*pmessage ? (transl_error si ie))
  | (inr err) => (inr state*pmessage ? err)

(Elim synthesis with si a; Intros).
Elim y; Intros c H.
(Elim interp_command with si c; Intros).
Elim y0; Destruct x; Intros.
(Elim transl_message with si m; Intros).
(Exists (s,x0); Auto).
(Apply Top_int with c m; Auto).

(Exists c; Exists s; Auto).

Inversion_clear y0.
(Elim transl_error with si x; Intros).
Exists x0.
(Apply Te_int with c x; Auto).

Rewrite H1 in H0.
(Inversion_clear H0; Auto).

Inversion_clear y.
(Exists x; Auto).

27/03/97, 21:17