Published or accepted papers |
[2008] |
Denis Cornaz, Vincent Jost
A one-to-one correspondence between colorings and stable sets
Operation Research Letters. 36(6): 673-676 (2008) |
Gerd Finke, Vincent Jost, Maurice Queyranne, András Sebö
Batch Processing with Interval graph compatibilities between tasks
Discrete Applied Mathematics. 156(5): 556-568 (2008)
Nadia Brauner, Vincent Jost
Small deviations, JIT sequencing and symmetric case of Fraenkel's conjecture
Discrete Mathematics. 308(11): 2319-2324 (2008) |
[2007] |
Dion Gijswijt, Vincent Jost, Maurice Queyranne
Clique partitioning of interval graphs with submodular costs on the cliques
RAIRO-OR. 41(3): 275-287 (2007) ,
available on EGRES Tech
Report TR-2006-14 |
Vincent Jost, Benjamin Lévêque, Frédéric Maffray
Precoloring extension of co-Meyniel graphs
Graphs and
Combinatorics. 23: 291-301 (2007)
Vassilissa Lebacque, Vincent Jost, Nadia Brauner
Simultaneous optimization of classical objectives in JIT scheduling
Journal of Operations Research. 182(1): 29-39 (2007) |
Chromatic scheduling: polyhedra, complexity and classification. (2006)
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