The cardinality of the curve E: Y^2 = X^3+4589*X+91128 modulo (p=10^1499+2001) is p+1-t with t=-33869807502019604962429491732215909675312109702927 38256660675992888798047358665277537955891121925282 04312584535186270889492848925526604477183857980923 59477665742381275305428214011551504715014013677567 26419740446725166854919715964302583573538365053023 79848948669059223574594199242770519859918901305463 56315123760066014938693077158287600028457826986887 95318782320991052056671119858045473657308508388388 25841475058655269609931826424414231889685224914589 24896470910210262180251945525555489587430454422785 21589418839490929443491392338326471404212463987422 20667685409798264040019116263291700594455504306667 01089059814033633752435141603224931835752822032445 78882193392994255212234498834012240698002236270116 43294029774897132053258354006762051244824374486430 Why perform such a computation? It was tempting to measure the impact of technology on the feasability of such a computation using the classical SEA algorithm. After all, the preceding record of 500 decimal digits was done 10 years ago [1]. Rewriting the program in NTL, we get the following equivalent cumulated CPU time on an AMD 64 Processor 3400+ (2.4GHz): 500dd 10 hours 1000dd 180 hours 1500dd 6400 hours These timings do not take into account the time needed to compute the relevant modular equations. However, during the computations for the 1000dd, it appeared that computing these equations was more and more costly, the reason being that the classical O(ell^4) method using series expansions and chinese primes was just too slow. Fortunately, one of us (AE) came in with a new faster method. Briefly, one looks for the modular equation of some function built from Hecke operators T_r, as described for instance in Mueller's thesis. The complexity of AE's method is then O(r ell^3), which is much faster than O(ell^4), if r is small, which happens very frequently. More details are given in AE's forthcoming paper. We content ourselves with just one numerical example. For the prime ell = 2713, it took 41 hours to compute the modular equation. This should be compared to the 3 hours required to compute X^p mod Phi_2713 and to the 3 more for performing the remaining computations. As can be seen from the data file [2], some effort was put in finding t mod ell for Atkin primes that are sometimes rather large, using the techniques of Dewaghe. AEnge, PGaudry and FMorain [1] [2]