
@COMMENT{{{This file has been generated by bib2bib 1.74}}
@COMMENT{{{Command line: ./bibtex2html-1.74-LINUX//bib2bib -ob fmconsolide2008.bib -c year=2008 fmconsolide.bib}}
@PREAMBLE{{\def \fmlastmodified{ Tue Apr 11 17:03:21 MEST 2006 }}}
@PREAMBLE{{\def\Inpreparation{\biling{In preparation}{en pr{\'e}paration}}}}
@PREAMBLE{{\def\Toappear{\biling{To appear}{\`A para\^\i tre}}}}
@PREAMBLE{{\def\Inpress{\biling{In press}{Sous presse}}}}
@PREAMBLE{{\def\Seealso{\biling{See also}{Voir {\'e}galement}}}}

  AUTHOR = {A. Bostan and F. Morain and B. Salvy and {\'E}. Schost},
  TITLE = {Fast algorithms for computing isogenies between
                  elliptic curves},
  JOURNAL = {Math. Comp.},
  YEAR = 2008,
  VOLUME = {77},
  NUMBER = {263},
  PAGES = {1755--1778},
  URL = {}

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