To compile with pthreads you must include the pthread header file, #include
The DEC pthreads are based on the POSIX IV threads standard, not the POSIX VIII threads standard. The
function pthread_join allows one thread to wait for another to exit. While this could be used in the hello
world program to determine when the children are done instead of our decrement/up semaphore operations,
the DEC implementation of pthread_join has unreliable behavior if the thread object specified no longer
exists. For example, in the code below, if some_thread no longer exists, pthread_join may cause an error
instead of just returning.
pthread_t some_thread;
void *exit_status;
pthread_join( some_thread, &exit_status );
Other strange errors may occur from functions outside of the thread routines. While these errors are few and
far between, some libraries make "uni-process" assumptions. For example, we have experienced intermittent
difficulties with the buffered stream I/O functions fread and fwrite that can only be attributed to race
conditions. On the issue of errors, though we did not check the return values of the thread calls in our
examples to streamline them, the return values should be consistently checked. Almost all pthread related
functions will return -1 on an error. For example:
pthread_t some_thread;
if ( pthread_create( &some_thread, ... ) == -1 )
perror("Thread creation error");
The semaphore library will print a message and exit on erorrs. Some useful functions not covered in the
pthread_yield(); Informs the scheduler that the thread is willing to yield its quantum, requires
no arguments.
pthread_t me;
me = pthread_self(); Allows a pthread to obtain its own identifier
pthread_t thread;
pthread_detach(thread); Informs the library that the threads exit status will not be needed by
subsequent pthread_join calls resulting in better threads performance.
For more information consult the library or the man pages, e.g., man -k pthread..
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