Fork-Join<A NAME=865> </A>

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Our first example demonstrates how to spawn off PVM tasks and synchronize with them. The program spawns several tasks, three by default. The children then synchronize by sending a message to their parent task. The parent receives a message from each of the spawned tasks and prints out information about the message from the child tasks.

The fork-join program contains the code for both the parent and the child tasks. Let's examine it in more detail. The very first thing the program does is call pvm_mytid(). This function must be called before any other PVM call can be made. The result of the pvm_mytid() call should always be a positive integer. If it is not, then something is seriously wrong. In fork-join we check the value of mytid; if it indicates an error, we call pvm_perror() and exit the program. The pvm_perror() call will print a message indicating what went wrong with the last PVM call. In our example the last call was pvm_mytid(), so pvm_perror() might print a message indicating that PVM hasn't been started on this machine. The argument to pvm_perror() is a string that will be prepended to any error message printed by pvm_perror(). In this case we pass argv[0], which is the name of the program as it was typed on the command line. The pvm_perror() function is modeled after the Unix perror() function.

Assuming we obtained a valid result for mytid, we now call pvm_parent(). The pvm_parent() function will return the TID of the task that spawned the calling task. Since we run the initial fork-join program from the Unix shell, this initial task will not have a parent; it will not have been spawned by some other PVM task but will have been started manually by the user. For the initial forkjoin task the result of pvm_parent() will not be any particular task id but an error code, PvmNoParent. Thus we can distinguish the parent forkjoin task from the children by checking whether the result of the pvm_parent() call is equal to PvmNoParent. If this task is the parent, then it must spawn the children. If it is not the parent, then it must send a message to the parent.

Let's examine the code executed by the parent task. The number of tasks is taken from the command line as argv[1]. If the number of tasks is not legal, then we exit the program, calling pvm_exit() and then returning. The call to pvm_exit() is important because it tells PVM this program will no longer be using any of the PVM facilities. (In this case the task exits and PVM will deduce that the dead task no longer needs its services. Regardless, it is good style to exit cleanly.) Assuming the number of tasks is valid, forkjoin will then attempt to spawn the children.

The pvm_spawn() call tells PVM to start ntask tasks named argv[0]. The second parameter is the argument list given to the spawned tasks. In this case we don't care to give the children any particular command line arguments, so this value is null. The third parameter to spawn, PvmTaskDefault, is a flag telling PVM to spawn the tasks in the default location. Had we been interested in placing the children on a specific machine or a machine of a particular architecture, then we would have used PvmTaskHost or PvmTaskArch for this flag and specified the host or architecture as the fourth parameter. Since we don't care where the tasks execute, we use PvmTaskDefault for the flag and null for the fourth parameter. Finally, ntask tells spawn how many tasks to start; the integer array child will hold the task ids of the newly spawned children. The return value of pvm_spawn() indicates how many tasks were successfully spawned. If info is not equal to ntask, then some error occurred during the spawn. In case of an error, the error code is placed in the task id array, child, instead of the actual task id. The fork-join program loops over this array and prints the task ids or any error codes. If no tasks were successfully spawned, then the program exits.

For each child task, the parent receives a message and prints out information about that message. The pvm_recv() call receives a message (with that JOINTAG) from any task. The return value of pvm_recv() is an integer indicating a message buffer. This integer can be used to find out information about message buffers. The subsequent call to pvm_bufinfo() does just this; it gets the length, tag, and task id of the sending process for the message indicated by buf. In fork-join the messages sent by the children contain a single integer value, the task id of the child task. The pvm_upkint() call unpacks the integer from the message into the mydata variable. As a sanity check, forkjoin tests the value of mydata and the task id returned by pvm_bufinfo(). If the values differ, the program has a bug, and an error message is printed. Finally, the information about the message is printed, and the parent program exits.

The last segment of code in forkjoin will be executed by the child tasks. Before placing data in a message buffer, the buffer must be initialized by calling pvm_initsend(). The parameter PvmDataDefault indicates that PVM should do whatever data conversion is needed to ensure that the data arrives in the correct format on the destination processor. In some cases this may result in unnecessary data conversions. If the user is sure no data conversion will be needed since the destination machine uses the same data format, then he can use PvmDataRaw as a parameter to pvm_initsend(). The pvm_pkint() call places a single integer, mytid, into the message buffer. It is important to make sure the corresponding unpack call exactly matches the pack call. Packing an integer and unpacking it as a float will not work correctly. Similarly, if the user packs two integers with a single call, he cannot unpack those integers by calling pvm_upkint() twice, once for each integer. There must be a one to one correspondence between pack and unpack calls. Finally, the message is sent to the parent task using a message tag of JOINTAG.

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