Conferences in Theoretical Computer Science


Deadline ahead

Conference City, Country Deadline Date Notification Submission format and comments
RECOMB Research in Computational Molecular Biology Seoul, Korea 16/25 October 2024 26-29 April 2025 16 December 2024 LNCS, 10 pages excluding references
ICAPS International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 1 November 2024 9-15 November 2025 28 February 2025 co-located with KR and CPAIOR
EvoStar Evo* Trieste, Italy 1 November 2024 23-25 April 2025 federated conference including EuroGP, EvoAPPS, EvoCOP, and EvoMUSART
EuroGP European Conference on Genetic Programming Trieste, Italy 1 November 2024 23-25 April 2025 part of EvoStar
EvoAPPS Applications of Evolutionary Computation Trieste, Italy 1 November 2024 23-25 April 2025 part of EvoStar
EvoCOP Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimisation Trieste, Italy 1 November 2024 23-25 April 2025 part of EvoStar
EvoMUSART Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design Trieste, Italy 1 November 2024 23-25 April 2025 part of EvoStar
SIROCCO Structural Information and Communication Complexity Delphi, Greece 1/8 November 2024 2-4 June 2025 17 January 2025 LNCS, no page limit, but only first 14 pages read
Symposium on Theory of Computing
Prague, Czech Republic 4 November 2024
19:59 EST (UTC -05:00)
23-27 June 2025 1 February 2025 double-blind, no page limit but only first 10 pages read
CIAC International Conference on Algorithms and Complexity Rome, Italy 15 November 2024 10-12 June 2025 31 January 2025 LNCS, double-blind, 15 pages excluding references
Combinatorial Pattern Matching
Milan, Italy 16 November 2024
21 February 2025
17-19 June 2025 23 December 2024
21 March 2025
LIPIcs, 12 pages excluding title page and references; two rounds of sumbissions
CAiSE Advanced Information Systems Engineering Vienna, Austria 22 November / 1 December 2024 16-20 June 2025 28 February 2025 LNCS, 15 pages
BICOB Bioinformatics and Computational Biology San Francisco, California, USA 30 November 2024 17-18 March 2025 15 January 2025 LNCS
Principles of Database Systems
Berlin, Germany 2/9 December 2024 22-27 June 2025 14 February 2025
7 March 2025
ACM, double-blind, 15 pages;
second round of submissions, co-located with SIGMOD
CPAIOR Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 8/15 December 2024 10-13 November 2025 TBA LNCS, 15 pages long, 8 pages short, both excluding references; co-located with KR and ICAPS
NFM NASA Formal Methods Hampton Roads, Virginia, USA 13 December 2024 11-13 June 2025 14 February 2025 LNCS, 15 pages regular, 6 pages short, both excluding references
Optimization and Learning
Dubai, UAE 20 December 2024 23-25 April 2025 7 February 2025 LNCS, 12 pages original research;
free format, 3 pages extended abstracts and work-in-progress and position
LICS Logic in Computer Science Singapore 16/23 January 2025 23-26 June 2025 8 April 2025 IEEE Transactions, double-blind, 12 pages excluding references
FLAIRS FLAIRS Daytona Beach, Florida, USA 20/27 January 2025 20-23 May 2025 10 March 2025 Florida Online Journals, 6 pages full, 4 pages short, 2 pages poster, all excluding references
ISSAC International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation Guanajuato, Mexico 23/30 January 2025 28 July - 1 August 2025 16/30 April 2025 ACMart, 8 pages
Petri Nets Petri Nets Paris, France 22 January 2025 25-27 June 2025 10 March 2025 LNCS, 20 pages excluding references
International Conference on Machine Learning
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 31 January 2025
03:59 PST (UTC -08:00)
11-19 July 2025
KDD Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Toronto, Ontario, Canada 1/8 February 2025 3-7 August 2025 16 May 2025 ACM, double-blind, 8 pages excluding references
ICALP International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming Aarhus, Denmark 7 February 2025 8-11 July 2025 14 April 2025 LIPIcs, double-blind, 15 pages excluding references
FSCD Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction Birmingham, UK 10/17 February 2025 14-20 July 2025 30 April 2025 LIPIcs, 15 pages regular, 15 pages system descriptions, both excluding references
Conference on Automated Deduction
Stuttgart, Germany 17/24 February 2025 28 July - 2 August 2025 28 April 2025 LNCS, 15 pages regular, 10 pages short, both excluding references;
deadline for satellite event proposals: 11 November 2024
WoLLIC Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation Porto, Portugal 17/24 February 2025 14-17 July 2025 12 May 2025 LNCS, 12 pages + 5 pages references and appendix
Conference City, Country Deadline Date Notification Submission format and comments

Running conferences

Conference City, Country Date Remark
ECAI European Conference on Artificial Intelligence Santiago de Compostela, Spain 19-24 October 2024
SAS Static Analysis Symposium Pasadena, California, USA 20-22 October 2024
SPLASH Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity Pasadena, California, USA 20-25 October 2024 co-located with SAS
ATVA Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis Kyoto, Japan 21-24 October 2024
APLAS Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems Kyoto, Japan 22-25 October 2024
Conference City, Country Date Remark

Future conferences with deadline over

Conference City, Country Date Notification Final version Early registration Remarks and other indications
FOCS Foundations of Computer Science Chicago, Illinois, USA 27-30 October 2024 4 July 2024 26 August 2024 30 September 2024
TIME Temporal Representation and Reasoning Montpellier, France 28-30 October 2024 14 August 2024 23 August 2024 18 October 2024
ICTAI International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence Herndon, Virginia, USA 28-30 October 2024 3 September 2024 30 September 2024 30 September 2024
DISC Distributed Computing Madrid, Spain 28 October - 1 November 2024 2 August 2024 22 August 2024 27 September 2024 workshops: 28 October & 1 November; main conference: 29-31 October 2024
NMR Non-Monotonic Reasoning Hanoi, Vietnam 2-4 November 2024 1 September 2024 4 October 2024 4 October 2024 co-located with KR
KR Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Hanoi, Vietnam 2-8 November 2024 10 July 2024 31 July 2024 4 October 2024 co-located with NMR
SEFM Software Engineering and Formal Methods Aveiro, Portugal 4-8 November 2024 22 August 2024 15 October 2024 artefact submission: 30 June 2024
ReacTS Reconfigurable Transition Systems Aveiro, Portugal 5 November 2024 25 September 2024 20 October 2024 15 October 2024 sattelite event of SEFM
MIWAI Multi-Disciplinary International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Pattaya, Thailand 11-15 November 2024 14 September 2024 25 September 2024 25 September 2024
iFM Integrated Formal Methods Manchester, UK 13-15 November 2024 5 August 2024 19 September 2024 19 October 2024
PRIMA Principles and Practice of Multi-Agent Systems Kyoto, Japan 18-24 November 2024 12 September 2024 25 September 2024 30 September 2024 co-located with PRICAI
PRICAI Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Kyoto, Japan 18-24 November 2024 7 August 2024 4 September 2024 8 September 2024 co-located with PRIMA
WADT Workshop on Algebraic Development Techniques post-proceedings 25 November 2024 20 January 2025
AIxIA Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence Bolzano, Italy 25–28 November 2024 1 August 2024 25 October 2024
ICTAC International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing Bangkok, Thailand 25-29 November 2024 1 September 2024 13 September 2024 1 October 2024 registration opens on 1st September 2024
MLN Machine Learning for Networking Reims, France 27-29 November 2024 20 October 2024 8 November 2024 8 November 2024
WINE Web and Internet Economics Edinburgh, United Kingdom 2-5 December 2024 16 September 2024 8 October 2024 in September
WISE Web Information Systems Engineering Doha, Qatar 2-5 December 2024 30 August 2024 7 September 2024 20 September 2024
COCOA Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications Beijing, China 6-8 December 2024 4 October 2024 10 October 2024 10 October 2024
ISAAC International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation Sydney, Australia 8-12 December 2024 2 September 2024 30 September 2024 18 October 2024 no registration after 29 November 2024 AoE
OPODIS On Principles of Distributed Systems Lucca, Italy 11-13 December 2024 23 October 2024 8 November 2024
FSTTCS Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India 16-18 December 2024 16 September 2024 4 October 2024 15 November 2024
CSCML Cyber Security, Cryptology and Machine Learning 19-20 December 2024 13 August 2024 31 August 2024
ICDCN International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking Hyderabad, India 4-7 January 2025 27 September 2024 30 October 2024
ALENEX Algorithm Engineering and Experiments New Orleans, Lousiana, USA 12-13 January 2025 31 August 2024 9 December 2024 co-located with SODA
Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
New Orleans, Lousiana, USA 12-15 January 2025 6 September 2024
early October 2024
9 December 2024
SOSA Symposium on Simplicity in Algorithms New Orleans, Lousiana, USA 13-14 January 2025 October 2024 9 December 2024 co-located with SODA
Principles of Programming Languages
Denver, Colorado, USA 19-25 January 2025 8 October 2024
7 November 2024
14 November 2024
CPP Certified Programs and Proofs Denver, Colorado, USA 20-21 January 2025 19 November 2024 mid December 2024 co-located with POPL
PADL Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages Denver, Colorado, USA 20-21 January 2025 11 November 2024 24 November 2024 co-located with POPL
SOFSEM Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science Bratislava, Slovakia 20-23 January 2025 12 November 2024
ICLA Indian Conference on Logic and its Applications Kolkata, India 3-5 February 2025 25 October 2024
CSL Computer Science Logic Amsterdam, The Netherlands 10-14 February 2025 27 October 2024 24 November 2024
CALDAM Conference on Algorithms and Discrete Applied Mathematics Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India 13-15 February 2025 12 November 2024 22 November 2024 31 December 2024
ALT Algorithmic Learning Theory Milan, Italy 24-27 February 2025 20 December 2024
Artificial Intelligence
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA 25 February - 4 March 2025 14 October 2024
9 December 2024
19 December 2024 19 August 2024 supplementary material and code
WALCOM International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation Chengdu, China 28 February - 2 March 2025 8 November 2024 20 November 2024 30 December 2024
STACS Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science Jena, Germany 4-7 March 2025 16 December 2024 January 2025
ICDT International Conference on Database Theory Barcelona, Spain 25-28 March 2025 28 November 2024 co-located with EDBT
Extending Database Technology
Barcelona, Spain 25-28 March 2025 4 December 2024
5 February 2025
19 February 2025 co-located with ICDT
SAC Symposium On Applied Computing Catania, Sicily, Italy 31 March - 4 April 2025 20 November 2024 29 November 2024 6 December 2024
SDM Data Mining Alexandria, Virginia, USA 1-3 May 2025 late December 2024 3 April 2025
ETAPS European Joint Conferences on Theory & Practice of Software Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 3-8 May 2025 10 October 2025 30 January 2025 including ESOP, FASE, FoSSaCS, and TACAS
ESOP European Symposium on Programming Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 3-8 May 2025 19 December 2024 30 January 2025 part of ETAPS
FASE Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 3-8 May 2025 20 December 2024 30 January 2025 part of ETAPS
FoSSaCS Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 3-8 May 2025 20 December 2024 30 January 2025 part of ETAPS
TACAS Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems Hamilton, Ontario, Canada 3-8 May 2025 20 December 2024 30 January 2025 part of ETAPS
EUROCRYPT Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques Madrid, Spain 4-8 May 2025 31 January 2025
AAMAS Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems Detroit, Michigan, USA 19-23 May 2025 23 December 2024 7 February 2025
International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium
Milan, Italy 3-7 June 2025 19 December 2024
4 February 2025
27 February 2024
International Conference on Management of Data
Berlin, Germany 22-27 June 2025 28 November 2024
30 January 2025
co-located with PODS
Conference City, Country Date Notification Final version Early registration Remarks and other indications

Conference planning

This section serves

  1. for planning conferences in the future,
  2. to indicate the planned (tentative) dates for a conference, and
  3. to inform organizers of other conferences about these dates to avoid scheduling clashes.

The calendar for the years 2023 and 2024 can help you to plan the conferences.

If you wish the tentative schedule of your conference to be listed here, send me an e-mail (change  _at_  to @ and  _dot_  twice to .) with the following template:

E-mail with a template for a planned conference

Conference Year City, Country Starting date Ending date Remark
EuroCG European Workshop on Computational Geometry 2025 Liblice Castle, Czech Republic 8 April 2025 11 April 2025
AofA Probabilistic, Combinatorial, and Asymptotic Methods in the Analysis of Algorithms 2025 Toronto, Ontario, Canada 5 May 2025 9 May 2025 at Fields Institute
CCC Computational Complexity Conference 2025 Toronto, Ontario, Canada 5 August 2025 8 August 2025 at Fields Institute
CIAA Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata 2025 Palermo, Italy 23 September 2025 26 September 2025
ECAI European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2025 Bologna, Italy 27 October 2025 31 October 2025
FLoC Federated Logic Conference 2026 Lisbon, Portugal 18 July 2026 29 July 2026 summer school 13-17 July 2026; includes CAV, CP, CSF, FSCD, ICLP, IJCAR, ITP, KR, LICS, SAT
Conference Year City, Country Starting date Ending date Remark

Instructions for listing your conference here

If you wish your conference to be listed here, send me an e-mail (change  _at_  to @ and  _dot_  twice to .) with one of the following templates:

E-mail with a template for a conference with its deadline ahead

E-mail with a template for a future conference with deadline over

This webpage is updated regularly, at least once a day. Only serious conferences in connection with theoretical computer science will be listed.

Following conferences are included in this list

Toggle list of included conferences with full names    

If you are an organizer of one of these conferences and you do not see that conference listed here. please send me a messsage using the aforementioned instructions.

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© Miki Hermann (LIX, Ecole Polytechnique), 2015-2024

Last modified: Tue, 22 Oct 2024 02:55:00 CEST