@InProceedings{GogaLoiseauGoncalves2011_Performance, author = {Goga, Oana and Loiseau, Patrick and Goncalves, Paulo}, title = {On the Impact of the Flow-Size Distribution's Tail Index on Network Performance with TCP Connections}, booktitle = {Performance}, year = {2011}, location = {Amsterdam, The Netherlands}, month = {October} , } @techreport{GALLARD:2008:INRIA-00346740:3, title={VMdeploy: Improving Best-Effort Job Management in Grid'5000}, author={Jerome Gallard, Adrien Lebre, Oana Goga, Christine Morin}, abstract={Virtualization technologies have recently gained a lot of interest in Grid computing as they allow flexible resource management. Grid'5000 (G5K) is a French national Grid platform used for computer science research to experiment all layers of Grid software. Computer scientists reserve G5K nodes prior to their experiments. In G5K some low priority jobs are executed in best effort mode on the node idle time slots when the latter are not part of any reservation. However, best-effort jobs may be killed at any time by the Grid job scheduler when the nodes they use are subject to higher priority reservation. This behaviour leads potentially to a huge waste of compute time or at least requires users to deal with checkpoints of their best efforts jobs. In this paper, we describe the design and implementation of the VMdeploy framework which exploits virtual machines for executing best effort jobs in order to solve the best-effort issue in G5K platform. VMdeploy manages snapshots of the best effort jobs transparently to their users and thus ensures the progress of these jobs avoiding most of the waste of resources. Results of a preliminary experimental evaluation are presented. While designed in the context of G5K, VMdeploy can be used in combination of any job scheduler in clusters and grids.}, language={English}, affiliation={PARIS - INRIA - IRISA - CNRS : UMR6074 - INRIA - Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan - Institut National des Sciences Appliqu{\'e}es de Rennes - Universite de Rennes 1 - Computer Science Departement - EMN - RESO - INRIA Rhone-Alpes / LIP Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallelisme - CNRS : UMR5668 - Universite Claude Bernard - Lyon I - Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon - ENS Lyon - Laboratoire de l'Informatique du Parallelisme - INRIA }, type={Research Report}, institution={INRIA}, number={RR-6764}, year={December 2008}, URL={http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00346740/en/}, } @demo{VMDEPLOYG5KSS09, title={Improving Best-Effort Job Management in Grid'5000}, author={Jerome Gallard, Adrien Lebre, Oana Goga, Christine Morin}, type={demo}, institution={Grid5000 Spring School}, year={April 2009}, language={English}, } @demo{METROFLUXG5KSS09, title={Metroflux: a high performance system for very fine-grain flow analysis}, author={Oana Goga, Patrick Loiseau, Paulo Goncalves, Romaric Guillier, Matthieu Imbert, Yuetsu Kodama, Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet}, type={demo}, institution={Grid5000 Spring School}, year={April 2009}, language={English}, } @demo{METROFLUXSIGMETRICS09, title={Automated Traffic measurements and analysis in Grid'5000}, author={Patrick Loiseau, Romaric Guillier, Oana Goga, Matthieu Imbert, Paulo Goncalves, Pascale Vicat-Blanc Primet, Sigmetrics}, type={demo}, institution={Sigmetrics}, year={June 2009}, language={English}, } @demo{METROFLUXSUPERCOMPUTING09, title={Metroflux}, author={Patrick Loiseau, Romaric Guillier, Oana Goga, Matthieu Imbert, Paulo Goncalves, Pascale Vicat-Blanc %%Primet, Supercomputing}, type={demo}, institution={Supercomputing}, year={Novembre 2009}, language={English}, } @BOOK{publication1, author = {Author 1 and Author 2}, title = {Title}, publisher = {Publisher}, edition = {edition}, year = {year}, } @MISC{publication2, author = {Author}, title = {Title}, year = {year}, }