Nadia Alexandra Miller

Nadia was born Thursday evening 8 July 99 at the Centre Community Hospital in State College to Catuscia Palamidessi and Dale Miller. At birth she was a lively 7 pound (3165g), 22.5 inch (57.2 cm) girl. Below are some links to some photos. As with Nadia, this page is always under-construction.


  1. New family coming home.
  2. Various photos of Nadia and her father's parents during the first week: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
  3. At age 6 weeks, Nadia attended CONCUR'99 in Eindhoven. Her picture made it into the university newspaper. (Larger version)
  4. At age 3 months: 1, 2.
  5. At age 3 and a half months, Nadia when to the Department's Fall picnic.


  1. At age 8 months, Nadia attended the Department's Annual Awards Ceremony: 1, 2.
  2. At age 9 months, Nadia in front of a mirror.
  3. Nadia was in Versailles, France for a week in July 2000. She showed good form at local restaurant. Nadia learned to work in the evening in the main outdoor market of Versailles: she would walk from pole to pole until she had the confidence to walk on her own. Nadia had a french babysitter while her parents were visiting these guys.
  4. At MFPS 2000, Nadia posed with some computer scientists: Daniel Leivant, Edmund Robinson, Max Kanovich (twice), John Reynolds, Roberto Gorrieri, Robin Milner, Jan Rutten, and Samson Abramsky (Each image is between 500K and 900K bytes in size.)
  5. A picture of Nadia and of Nadia and her dad were taken at a CSE department picnic by Jeremie Wajs.


  1. A few pictures from April 2001: on a bike (and again), at her first Easter egg hunt (and again). Here she poses in a park.
  2. Two pictures from June 2001 taken and scanned by her grandparents.
  3. The real reason one has a child is to be able to got back to amusement parks again: 1, 2, 3, 4. Taken and scanned by Nadia's American grandparents from pictures take at DelGrosso Park.
  4. Some pictures of Nadia at the Grange Fair.
  5. Nadia stayed with her grandparents in North Carolina in October 2001. Here are four pictures from that visit: 1, 2, 3, 4.


  1. Some wintry shots Nadia in Boalsburg and State College: 1, 2, 3.
  2. This is the back of Nadia's home, in the early Spring. Back there is also Spring Creek and a small bridge.
  3. Some shots taken in Dresden, June 2002: 1, 2, 3, 4. Visit the Dresden Zoo online. More pictures supplied by Alessio Guglielmi and Paola Bruscoli, parents of Alice and Elena: Nadia, Nadia and a peacock, Alice, Elena, and Nadia at the Dresden Zoo, and Nadia, Alice, and Elena at home.
  4. Grandpa Miller took this picture of Nadia on a slide (Aug 2002).
  5. Some shots of Nadia in Paris in November 2002. No need to wonder anymore why they put paper covers on tables in restaurants; Nadia examines some birds at a pet market.


  1. Nadia moved to Orsay France in September 2002. Here are two home pictures of her in February 2003: correcting her Dad's French email; sitting with her Mom in the kitchen. One from April 2003: in a tiger custom.
  2. At Concur 2003 (September 2003) in Marseille, France, Nadia shared a boat trip with Nicolas (son of Adriana Compagnoni and Healfdene Goguen): 1, 2, 3.


  1. Nadia and her brother at home in Orsay.
  2. Nadia at a Luna Parc in Lignano (Italy) with three other children of theoretical computer scientists.


  1. Nadia posing at home in Orsay with a gift.
  2. Nadia with family and some family at the kermesse at École maternal, Le Guichet.


  1. Nadia gets pointers from Mom for her first bike ride (in Gif-sur-Yvette).
  2. Nadia shown here helping out at the birthday party of one of her brother's school mates.


  1. Nadia and Alexis