CSE 428: SWI-Prolog
Online Documentation
Alternative Implementations
Some other implementations of Prolog are availaible here.
A large collections of links to free implementations is available at the
Programming web page
Using SWI-Prolog on the Sparcs
SWI-Prolog has been installed at /home/users3/cg428/pl-3.2.9/src/pl.
The source tree is located at /home/users3/cg428/pl-3.2.9/.
To run SWI-Prolog type /home/users3/cg428/pl-3.2.9/src/pl. You will enter
an interactive environment where you can type your queries at the prompt
?-. (remember to terminate your query with a dot!)
To exit SWI-Prolog type halt. after the prompt.
To load a program, write your program in a file filename
and then from inside the system give the query consult('filename').
If you have your program divided in several parts and saved in different
files, your can simply consult each of them separately. They will accumulate
in the memory of the sytem.
You can list the code which has been loaded (consulted) so far by giving
the query listing.
If you want to change several files (already loaded) you don't need to
reconsult each of them separately: just give the query make.This
will reconsult all files which had been loaded.