Datasets (3D meshes, planar random triangulations, Delaunay triangulations, ...)
(Luca Castelli Aleardi, Ecole Polytechnique)
Eros and Egea 3d models (made available by aim@shape repository).
Synthetic datasets: regular 3d meshes and random planar triangulations.
This page provides some datasets for testing and evaluating graph and 3D processing algorithms.
Disclaimer: the graphs and 3D models in this repository are made freely available for research
and non-commercial purposes only.
Licenses: some 3D models are made available under the following AIM@SHAPE license:
Input format: 3D meshes and planar graphs are provided in OFF format.
Geometric coordinates: there is no distinction between 2D (planar) graphs and 3D meshes: for every vertex 3 geometric coordinates (x, y, z) are stored.
Data sets (genus 0 triangulations with no boundaries, stored in OFF format)
planar random triangulations: sampled according to uniform distribution (using the random sampler generator by Poulalhon and Schaeffer). The 2D coordinates corresponding to a Schnyder drawing.
Delaunay triangulations (generated with CGAL library): they are obtained sampling random points in the unit circle. The outer face is triangulated adding dummy vertices (the mesh is closed).