28 June 2009, Brasília, Brazil
In conjunction with RDP 2009
The fundamental concepts of rule-based programming are present in many areas of computer science, from theory to practical implementations. In programming languages, term rewriting is used in semantics as well as in implementations that use bottom-up rewriting for code generation. Rules are also used to perform computations in various systems; to describe logical inference in theorem provers; to specify and implement constraint-based algorithms and applications; and to describe and implement program transformations. Rule-based programming provides a common framework for viewing computation as a sequence of transformations on some shared structure such as a term, graph, proof, or constraint store. Rule selection and application is typically governed by a rich set of sophisticated mechanisms for recognizing and manipulating structures.
After the development of the principles of rewriting logic and of the rewriting calculus in the nineties, languages and systems such as ASF+SDF, BURG, CHRS, Claire, ELAN, Maude, and Stratego contributed to demonstrate the importance of rule-based programming. The area has since been experiencing a period of growth with the emergence of new concepts, systems, and applications domains, such as Domain Specific Languages, Generative and Aspect-Oriented Programming, and Software Engineering activities like maintenance, reverse engineering, and testing.
The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers from the various communities working on rule-based programming to foster advances in the foundations and research on rule-based programming methods and systems; and to promote cross-fertilization between theory and practice, and the application of rule-based programming in various important domains.
Rule'09 is the tenth in a series of workshops. The first Rule workshop was held in Montréal in 2000, and subsequent editions took place in Firenze, Pittsburgh, Valencia, Aachen, Nara, Seattle, Paris, and Hagenberg.
See also the permanent RULE web page for additional information.
We solicit original papers on all topics related to rule-based programming including but not limited to
Theory and Languages for rule-based programming: Advances in pattern and rewriting calculi, Advances in rewriting logic, Complexity results, Static analysis, Semantics, Type Systems, Implementation techniques, Domain-specific Languages
Rule-based specification: Business rule systems, Policy specifications
Applications: Software analysis and transformation, Software development and testing, Reengineering, Security
Paradigm combinations of Rule-based programming: with Functional Programming, with Logic Programming, with Object-oriented programming, Language embedding and extensions
Tool and System descriptions: Usability engineering for rule-based programming tools, Experience in building or using rule-based programming systems, Practical aspects of rule-based programming systems, Empirical evaluation of rule-based programming
Submission is through the Easychair website.
After the workshop authors are invited to submit a revised version (12 pages) of their presentation. Accepted contributions will appear in an issue of Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (www.eptcs.org).
Authors and participants will also be invited to submit an article to a special issue of a journal that will celebreate 10 years of RULE.