With the ever-increasing use of internet-connected devices, such as computers, IoT appliances and GPS-enabled equipments, personal data are collected in larger and larger amounts, and then stored and manipulated for the most diverse purposes. This raises enormus privacy concerns, as sensitive information can be used for extremely harmful purposes. Security is involved as well, since the leakage of personal data can be due to attacks on cryptographic protocols, often affecting those that were long thought to be secure.
To address the challenges LOGIS aims at advancing the state of the art of protocol verification and privacy control. The two approaches are complementary, addressing different types of information leaks: those caused by flaws in the protocol and those caused by the partial release of information.
It is important, of course, that the proposed methods and solutions lay on solid mathematical foundations so to provide formal security and privacy guarrantees. In this project, we focus on logic and information theoretic approaches, as well as on the well-known frameworks of differential privacy and of secure information flow.
LOGIS is an Equipe Associée INRIA/AYAME that started in 2016 and was renewed in 2019. This web site describes the project after the renewal. The activities of the previous three years can be found here.
LOGIS participates in a larger framework for French-Japanese research collaboration on Cybersecurity initiated in 2015 jointly by the French Embassy in Japan, NICT, Keio University, Inria and CNRS.