This TD will be noted. It is quite long, you should finish it at home and hand it back on Friday 13 December 2024 on moodle or by mail.
The goal here is to implement a prover for propositional logic which allows to check proofs and easily elaborate those.
That it is noted does not mean that you cannot ask questions, on the contrary: we want to make sure that you have understood the basic concepts of the first part of the course. Your submission should come with a short report (around 5 pages, in English or French) explaining:
I expect to be able to build the project in standard way (either by
typing dune build
or make
) and test proofs. If
this is not the case, please indicate it in the report.
This TD should be your own work: you can of course discuss with other students about the project, but the code you hand me should have be written by yourself. This means in particular that any obvious copy and paste between two projects will have a negative impact on your grade. Also, uses of generative AI (such as ChatGPT) should be clearly mentioned in the report.
If you are progressing quickly, you might need concepts that we have not yet seen in the course. In this case, remember that you can have a look at the exhaustive course notes or ask me questions. On the other side, do not wait for the last minute to complete the project: the last parts are more difficult than the first ones and can require some time to complete.
Although that this is not required, I strongly suggest that you use GitHub in order to track your files and modifications on those, and have automated tests (if you don’t feel comfortable with git, simply skip those steps). If you choose to do so, begin by following those steps:
Go on this webpage and click on the Fork button (upper right of the page), in order to copy the repository containing initial files for the project on you account, and then Create fork.
Click on the Code button which will provide you with the
name of you repository (this should be something like
Download the files on your computer by cloning the repository
git clone
(the url should be the one you obtained above). If you have an error
such as Permission denied (publickey)
, you need to add you
public key to the github server. You can generate one by running the
command ssh-keygen
(typing enter for each question), and
read it by typing cat ~/.ssh/
When working on your files, you can
save the modifications you made by typing
git commit . -m "Implemented the proof assistant."
and then upload them on the server with
git push
track a new file my-new-file
that you created
git add my-new-file
Feel free to ask if you need assistance.
We begin by implementing a type checker for the simply typed λ-calculus. We respectively define the type of type variables and term variables by
(** Type variables. *)
type tvar = string
(** Term variables. *)
type var = string
If you are working from the git repository, this is already defined
for you in the file simple/
. Otherwise, create a
with the above declarations. It will also be
useful to add the following line at the beginning of your file in order
to know where exception are raised from:
let () = Printexc.record_backtrace true
A simple type is either a type variable or an implication
between simple types. Define a type ty
for simple types.
Define a type tm
for λ-terms à
la Church (the variables in abstractions are typed).
Define a function string_of_ty
of type ty -> string
which gives a string representation of a type. For instance, the
representation of the type
\[ (A\to B)\to A\to C \]
should be
((A => B) => (A => C))
Define a function string_of_tm
of type tm -> string
which gives a string representation of a term. For instance, the
representation of the term
\[ λ(f:A\to B).λ(x:A).fx \]
should be
(fun (f : (A => B)) -> (fun (x : A) -> (f x)))
(the keyword fun
is used here in place of λ). If you
want, you can copy the following UTF-8 symbols in your strings, but you
will have to adapt the parser below:
λ | ∧ | ⊤ | ⇒ | π | ₁ |
Π | ∨ | ⊥ | ¬ | ι | ₂ |
We define a type for typing contexts by
type context = (var * ty) list
and an exception
exception Type_error
Define a function infer_type
type context -> tm -> ty
which infers the type of a term \(t\)
in a given context \(\Gamma\): it
returns a type \(A\) such that \(\Gamma\vdash t:A\) is derivable using the
usual rules of simply-typed λ-calculus. If no such type exists, it
should raise Type_error
. Test it
by ensuring that
\[ λ(f:A\to B).λ(g:B\to C).λ(x:A).g(f x) \]
has type
\[ (A\to B)\to(B\to C)\to A\to C \]
Also ensure that the following raise Type_error
(and not some other
We recall that the typing rules are
In the case of the axiom rule, it can be useful to use the List.assoc
Define a function check_type
type context -> tm -> ty -> unit
which checks whether a term has a given type and raises Type_error
if this is not the case. Test
Make the definitions of infer_type
and check_type
mutually recursive (see there for the syntax) and simplify your
inference function by using checking in it.
Our aim is now to progressively add support for other logical connectives (this is the goal of the questions below). We recall that the full set of rules is
When adding constructors keep in mind that
we need to be able to perform type inference: we might need to add some typing information to some type constructors,
the less typing information we have to write, the better,
it can be a good idea to slightly change the rules in order to use functions instead of having to recall free variables, for instance, the elimination rule for disjunction could be implemented as
Add a constructor for conjunction of types and the corresponding
constructors for terms (depending on your formalization some of the term
constructor might need to take types as arguments, but please try to
avoid that). In order to test it, write a term and_comm
witnessing the commutativity of
print_endline (string_of_ty (infer_type [] and_comm))
should print
((A /\ B) => (B /\ A))
Add type and term constructors for truth and show \((\top\Rightarrow A)\Rightarrow A\) in a
term top_ex
Add type and term constructors for disjunctions. Show that
disjunction is commutative in a term disj_comm
Add type and term constructors for falsity. Show that
\[ (A\land(A\Rightarrow\bot))\Rightarrow B \]
in a term incoh_elim
Note that we do not explicitly add the negation in our language since it can be coded as \(\lnot A=A\Rightarrow\bot\).
Instead of writing terms in OCaml it can be useful to generate terms from strings. In order to do so, we need to use a lexer (in order to split the string in tokens) and a parser (in order to construct terms from sequences of tokens), which will complicate things a bit since we now have multiple files which need to be compiled together. Note: in OCaml the lexer and parser generators are respectively ocamllex and ocamlyacc. Fortunately, the dune program will do this for us if we provide it with the right files. Feel free to ask for help if you get into trouble here!
Perform the following steps, in the same folder where you have your
file (if you are using the git repository the
files should already be present and you don’t have to download them
Download the dune-project
file: this
indicates that we are going to use dune.
Download the dune
file: this
indicates to dune what we need to compile.
Download the lexer.mll
file: this is the lexer.
Download the parser.mly
file: this is the parser.
Move your definitions of ty
and tm
to a new file named
Define the following functions at the beginning of
open Expr
let ty_of_string s = Parser.ty Lexer.token (Lexing.from_string s)
let tm_of_string s = Lexer.token (Lexing.from_string s)
This import the definitions from
and defines the
functions ty_of_string
and tm_of_string
, of
respective types string -> ty
and string -> tm
which respectively construct a type and a term from a string (calling
the lexer and the parser in order to do so).
Now, you cannot use the interactive mode anymore. In order to run your program, you should type
dune exec ./prover.exe
(if you are using the git repository you can also simply type make
If you get compilation errors in parser.mly
, you need to
adapt this file by putting the actual names of your constructors for
terms and types in the expressions between curly brackets.
The following code should be used in order to test the parsing of types:
let () =
let l = [
"A => B";
"A ⇒ B";
"A /\\ B";
"A ∧ B";
"A \\/ B";
"A ∨ B";
"not A";
"¬ A";
fun s ->
"the parsing of %S is %s\n%!" s (string_of_ty (ty_of_string s))
) l
and of terms
let () =
let l = [
"t u v";
"fun (x : A) -> t";
"λ (x : A) → t";
"(t , u)";
"case t of x -> u | y -> v";
fun s ->
"the parsing of %S is %s\n%!" s (string_of_tm (tm_of_string s))
) l
and should indicate you the syntax chosen here. It might be a good
idea to adapt your functions string_of_ty
so that the two syntaxes match.
As you can imagine, directly writing a full λ-term in order to prove a formula is cumbersome and we now investigate a nice interface in order to incrementally elaborate proofs.
Write a function string_of_ctx
of type context -> string
which gives the string representation of a context, such as
x : A => B , y : A /\ B , Z : T
The functions
can be useful in order to do so.
Define a type for sequents (here, of the form \(\Gamma\vdash A\)):
type sequent = context * ty
Write a function string_of_seq
of type sequent -> string
which returns something like
x : A => B , y : A |- B
Now, copy the code provided in the file
at the end of
. It defines a function prove
of type context -> ty -> tm
which, given a
context \(\Gamma\) and a type \(A\) returns a term \(t\) such that \(\Gamma\vdash t:A\) is derivable. Of course,
this function will not guess the proof by itself but will ask the user
to enter some special commands, called tactics, in order to do
so. This is for instance the way the Coq
prover works. The code below the function first asks the user for a
formula to prove:
Please enter the formula to prove:
If you enter a formula such as
A => B => A
It then prints
Let's prove it.
to indicate that we have started the proof, then it shows the sequent we are currently proving, called the current goal:
|- (A => (B => A))
(we are proving the above formula in the empty context) and then it displays
to indicate that he is waiting for a tactic from the user. One of the
two tactics currently implemented is intro
. It takes an
argument \(x\), which is a variable
name and, when the goal is an implication, performs an introduction
using \(x\) as the name of the new variable in the premise, and then it goes on proving the premise of the introduction rule. Our proof could thus start as follows:
Please enter the formula to prove:
A => B => A
Let's prove it.
|- (A => (B => A))
? intro x
x : A |- (B => A)
? intro y
x : A , y : B |- A
Now, in order to finish our proof, we should use an axiom rule. This
is implemented by the tactic exact x
which indicate that
the current goal is exactly the hypothesis x
in the
x : A , y : B |- A
? exact x
Finally, the program prints the corresponding proof term and ensures that its type is the formula we wanted to prove:
Proof term is
(fun (x : A) -> (fun (y : B) -> x))
Typechecking... ok.
This last step is important: our tactics can perform complicated tasks, and might thus be buggy, but this is not a problem since we trust our typechecker to detect this.
We have tactics for the axiom rule (exact
) and for the
introduction rule for arrows (intro
). In order, to be able
to perform full proofs with arrows, we still need to implement the
elimination rule for arrows:
Implement a tactic elim
taking as argument a variable
\(x\) whose type in the context is of
the form \(A\to B\) and implements the
above rule with \(t=x\): the user will
be left with proving the premise on the right (i.e. we have to prove
\(A\)). For instance,
f : (A => B) , x : A |- B
? elim f
f : (A => B) , x : A |- A
Prove the formula
(A => B) => A => B
In order not to have to type the proofs form the beginning each time,
you can save your proofs in files which contain the list of commands you
entered (including the initial formula). For instance, the proof of
A => B => A
is stored in the file k.proof.
In order to test such a file, you can feed your program with it as follows:
cat k.proof | dune exec ./prover.exe
This is the files you are asked to write when asked to prove
formulas. We chose to give them the .proof
extension (also
it is a good idea to place them in the proofs
directory so
that they are automatically tested at each commit). Write the proof
files for the following formulas:
(A => B) => A => B
(A => B) => (B => C) => A => C
((A => A) => B) => B
Remark. In case you cannot run the program in a terminal, you can directly modify the code in order to input the commands from a file. Namely, in OCaml you can open a file by writing
let infile = open_in "name_of_your_file.proof" in ...
you can then read from the file instead of the standard input by changing the line
let a = input_line stdin in
let a = input_line infile in
Optional. It might be a good idea to store all the commands
you type in the interactive mode in a file (so that you do not have to
copy them by hand after elaborating your proof). You can open a file
with the open_out
function of type string -> out_channel
(the argument is the file name) and write to it with the output_string
function of type
out_channel -> string -> unit
Try to prove
(A => B => C) => (A => B) => A => C
can you manage to do it? No. The reason is that we have restricted elimination rule of arrow
to the case where \(t\) is a
variable. We now introduce another tactic cut
which takes
the formula \(A\) as argument and
implements the above rule: it will successively ask the user to prove
both premises of the rule. For instance, we could start trying proving
A => A
by first proving a lemma B
|- (A => A)
? cut B
|- (B => (A => A))
? intro y
y : B |- (A => A)
? intro x
y : B , x : A |- A
? exact x
|- B
Once this is implemented, prove (in s.proof
(A => B => C) => (A => B) => A => C
Extend the intro
tactic so that it implements the
introduction rule for conjunctions when the goal is a conjunction:
|- (A /\ B)
? intro
|- A
? ...
|- B
? ...
: A => A /\ A
(A /\ B => C) => A => B => C
Add a fst
and snd
tactic, which take as
argument a variable whose type is a conjunction, and use the left (resp.
right) elimination rule on it in order to prove the current goal. For
instance, a full proof of
A /\ B => A
Please enter the formula to prove:
A /\ B => A
Let's prove it.
|- ((A /\ B) => A)
? intro x
x : (A /\ B) |- A
? fst x
: A /\ B => B /\ A
(A => B => C) => A /\ B => C
Extend the intro
tactic so that it implements the
introduction rule for truth.
: A => T
: (T => A) => A
Add left
and right
tactics, which
respectively perform the left and right introduction rules for
disjunction. We should have
|- (A \/ B)
? left
|- A
? ...
|- (A \/ B)
? right
|- B
? ...
: A => A \/ B
: B => A \/ B
Extend the elim
tactic in order to implement the
elimination rule for disjunction on a variable:
x : (A \/ B) |- C
? elim x
x : (A \/ B) , x : A |- C
? ...
x : (A \/ B) , x : B |- C
? ...
: A \/ B => B \/ A
(A \/ B) => (A => C) => (B => C) => C
(A /\ (B \/ C)) => (A /\ B) \/ (A /\ C)
Extend the elim
tactic so that it implement the
elimination rule on a variable of type \(\bot\) (which is noted _
x : _ |- A
? elim x
We recall that not A
is a shortcut for
A => _
. Prove
: _ => A
: not T => _
: A => not (not A)
(A => B) => (not B => not A)
: not (not _) => _
: not (not (A \/ not A))
((not A) \/ B) => A => B
(A => not A) => (not A => A) => _
Add a type Nat
for (unary) natural numbers with three
constructors (zero, the successor of a natural number, and the
recursor). In order to add support for this type you should
add a constructor Nat
to the type ty
add a line
"Nat" { NAT } |
in lexer.mll
which states that when we read the string
, we should produce a token NAT
add a line
%token NAT
at the beginning of parser.mly
in order to declare the
token NAT
add a rule
| NAT { Nat }
to ty:
in parser.mly
in order to state that
when we read the token NAT
we should produce the term
(which is an element of type ty
Similar operations should be performed to add zero, the successor and the recursor.
Add two introduction rules corresponding to zero and successor.
Add an elimination rule which implements the recurrence principle on
natural numbers (by extending the elim
: the predecessor function (by
convention the predecessor of zero is zero),add.proof
: the addition function.If the above is done and working you can implement some of the extensions below. The reason why they are optional at this point is that you will anyway have to implement similar functions in next part for dependent types.
Define a reduction procedure for the calculus and show the normal forms of proofs. Check that the addition of 6 and 5 gives 11.
Add support for giving a name to a proof once it is over, and use those definitions in further proofs.
For instance, declare that addition is called add
use it to define multiplication. Also define exponentiation.
Define other inductive types such as options, lists, etc. and prove interesting properties about those.
Add support for general inductive types.
In this part, we are going to implement dependent types. While this
is not considerably much harder than what we have done above, there are
many subtle details, making it difficult to get the implementation
right. Since, in dependent types, the terms and types are both merged
into expressions, it is better to start a new prover from
scratch. You should work in a new folder, in a file
(if you are using the git repository, we have
prepared everything for you in the folder named dependent
You can work in interactive mode at first.
Define a type for variables
type var = string
and a type for expressions
type expr =
| of var
| Var of expr * expr
| App of var * expr * expr
| Abs of var * expr * expr
| Pi (* forget about the constructors below at first *)
| Nat
| Zof expr
| S of expr * expr * expr * expr
| Ind of expr * expr
| Eq of expr
| Refl of expr * expr * expr * expr * expr | J
is the type of all types (this is written
in agda)Var
is a variableApp
is an applicationAbs
is a λ-abstraction (the first expression is the
type of the variable, and the second the body of the abstraction)Pi
is a dependent product (with the same conventions as
for abstractions): Pi(x, a, b)
is the type of functions
which take an argument of type a
and return a result of
type b
where b
might depend on
(i.e. have x
as free variable).The other constructors below are for natural numbers and equality types, which will be implemented in a second time, and can be ignored for now (you can suppose that they will never occur).
Define a function to_string
type expr -> string
which provides the string representation of an expression. Again, you
can simply return assert false
for now for the last seven constructors.
Define a function fresh_var
type unit -> var
which returns a fresh variable name at each call. For instance it might
successively return "x1"
, then "x2"
, then
, and so on. You can suppose that those are never
already used in the terms you encounter.
Define a function subst
of type
var -> expr -> expr -> expr
such that subst x t u
is the term
obtained by replacing the variable x
by t
. This substitution should be capture-avoiding:
an easy (but not particularly efficient) way to achieve this is to
systematically replace the variables bound by an abstraction or a
dependent product by a fresh variable name.
Define the type of contexts:
type context = (var * (expr * expr option)) list
A context associates, to each variable, a type (the first
) and optionally a value: this value will be used when
we make definitions, to store the value of variables.
Define a function string_of_context
of type context -> string
The result should consist in one line for each element of the context of
the form
x : A
if the variable x
has type A
and no value
x : A = t
if the variable x
has type A
and value
Define a function normalize
type context -> expr -> expr
which computes the normal form of an expression. Note that a variable
which has a value in the environment should be replaced by (the normal
form of) its value, which is why we need the context argument. Also note
that the types are now dependent: this means that, in an abstraction or
a dependent product, the type of the variable should also be normalized.
You can assume that this function will only be called on expressions
which are well-typed.
Define a function alpha
of type
expr -> expr -> bool
which tests whether two terms are α-convertible. Note that you can use
substitution to change the name of a variable in the case of an
abstraction or a dependent product.
Using the two previous functions, define a function conv
of type context -> expr -> expr -> bool
which determines whether two terms are αβ-convertible.
An important remark: this is the function you should always
use in order to compare expressions. In particular, you should
never compare two types using equality =
or inequality
, otherwise α-conversion and β-conversion will not
be correctly handled.
First, define an exception
exception Type_error of string
which will be raised when the type inference fails (the argument is a string which you can use to describe the error which happened).
Define a function infer
of type
context -> expr -> expr
which infers the type of an expression in a given context (or raises
if there is no such type). Note that the type of
an abstraction (Abs
) is a Π-type (Pi
), whereas
the type of a Π-type should be Type
. You can assume that
is of type Type
Use it to define a function check
of type context -> expr -> expr -> unit
which raises Type_error
if, in a
given context, a given term does not have a given type.
In order to add an interaction loop, we will need to perform as before.
Download the file dune-project
Download the file dune
Download the file lexer.mll
Download the file parser.mly
Move the declarations of the types var
and expr
to a
new file named
Add the following at the beginning of
open Expr
let of_string s = Parser.expr Lexer.token (Lexing.from_string s)
Copy all the code contained in
this file at the end of
: it provides an
interaction loop.
As before, you should now be able to run your program with
dune exec ./prover.exe
The syntax for terms is illustrated below, we only mention that functions are of the form
fun (x : A) -> t
and dependent products
Pi (x : A) -> B
The notation A => B
is the arrow type implemented as
a dependent product as usual.
The commands available are
: suppose given a variable of a given type,define
: define an expression,context
: print the current context,type
: print the type of an expression,check
: check that an expression has a given type,eval
: compute the normal form of an expression,exit
: quit the program.For your convenience, all the commands you type are stored in a file
. An example session is
? assume Bool : Type
Bool assumed of type Type
? assume true : Bool
true assumed of type Bool
? assume false : Bool
false assumed of type Bool
? context
Bool : Type
true : Bool
false : Bool
? define idBool = fun (b : Bool) -> b
idBool defined to (fun (b : Bool) -> b) of type ((b : Bool) -> Bool)
? type idBool true
(idBool true) is of type Bool
? check idBool false = Bool
? eval idBool true
? define id = fun (A : Type) -> fun (x : A) -> x
id defined to (fun (A : Type) -> (fun (x : A) -> x)) of type ((A : Type) -> ((x : A) -> A))
? check id = Pi (A : Type) -> Pi (x : A) -> A
? type id (Bool => Bool) (id Bool)
((id ((_ : Bool) -> Bool)) (id Bool)) is of type ((x4 : Bool) -> Bool)
? exit
The list of those commands can be found in the file bool.proof
and, as before, it
can be run with
cat bool.proof | dune exec ./prover.exe
Run those commands and ensure that you have the same results as above.
Extend your functions in order to handle natural numbers:
is the type of natural numbers,
is zero,
S t
is the successor of t
is the induction principle which takes
4 arguments:
of type Nat => Type
of type p Z
, the base case,s
of type
Pi (n : Nat) -> p n => p (S n)
, the inductive
of type Nat
and returns a p n
We also recall the two reduction rules for Ind
Ind p z s Z
\(\rightsquigarrow\) z
,Ind p z s (S n)
s n (Ind p z s n)
.In a file dnat.proof
, define the predecessor
function pred
and ensure that it works as expected (by
convention the predecessor of zero is zero):
? eval pred Z
? eval pred (S (S (S Z)))
(S (S Z))
Define the addition function add
and ensure
that it works as expected:
? eval add (S (S (S Z))) (S (S Z))
(S (S (S (S (S Z)))))
Extend your functions in order to handle equality:
t = u
is the type of proofs of equality between
and u
(both supposed to be of the same
Refl t
is a proof that t
is equal to
is the eliminator for equality which
takes five arguments
of type
Pi (x : A) -> Pi (y : A) -> x = y => Type
of p
in the case of reflexivity,
i.e. r
is of type
Pi (x : A) -> p x x (Refl x)
of type A
of type A
of equality between x
, i.e. of type x = y
,and returns a p x y e
The reduction rule for J
J p r x x (Refl x)
\(\rightsquigarrow\) r x
In the file dnat.proof
Show that successor is compatible with equality, i.e., if two
natural numbers m
and n
are equal then their
successors are also equal: you should define a term Seq
such that
? check Seq = Pi (x : Nat) -> Pi (y : Nat) -> Pi (e : x = y) -> S x = S y
Show that zero is a neutral element for addition: you should
define terms zadd
and addz
such that
? check zadd = Pi (n : Nat) -> add Z n = n
? check addz = Pi (n : Nat) -> add n Z = n
(one should be much easier to define than the other).
Show that addition is associative (addassoc
) and
commutative (addcomm
Define multiplication and show similar properties:
)Add support for
For each of those, prove a few properties (e.g. from TD5) showing that your implementation works. For the last one, you can for instance define the type of binary trees, as well as the function which computes the height of a binary tree.
Implement an interactive prover with tactics (intro
, etc.) as you did in the first part.
Prove that the system is inconsistent because we assumed
to be of type Type
(if you did implement
inductive types, this can be done by encoding Russell’s paradox as in
the course, if you did not this is much more involved and can be done
following Girard’s paradox, which is described in the course notes).
Correct this by adding a hierarchy of universes.
There are two standard ways of handling α-conversion, implement one of those, or both (make a backup of your current implementation first!):