(CCC'2024) Continuity, Computability, Constructivity From Logic to Algorithms
September 30 - October 4
CCC'2024: October 2-4 2024, Nice, France
Associated with "Journée du GT Calculabilités"
CCC is a workshop series that brings together researchers applying logical methods to the development of algorithms, with a particular focus on computation with infinite data, where issues of continuity, computability and constructivity play major roles. Specific topics include exact real number computation, computable analysis, effective descriptive set theory, constructive analysis, and related areas. The overall aim is to apply logical methods in these disciplines to provide a sound foundation for obtaining exact and provably correct algorithms for computations with real numbers and other continuous data, which are of increasing importance in safety critical applications and scientific computation.
Previous workshops have been held in Cologne 2009, Trier 2012, Gregynog 2013, Ljubljana 2014, Kochel 2015, Nancy 2017, Faro 2018, Ljubljana 2019, Faro 2020 (online), Birmingham 2021 (online), Padova 2022, Kyoto 2023
14 September 2024