Equality is typable in Semi-Full Pure Type Systems (Based on a paper at LICS 2010)

There are two usual ways to describe equality in a dependent typing system, one that uses an external notion of computation like β-reduction, and one that introduces a typed judgement of β-equality directly in the typing system. After being open for some time, the equivalence between both approaches has been solved by Adams for a rather large class of pure type systems (PTSs) called functional. Unfortunately, the constraint of functionality prevents the extension to systems with sub-typing, and especially to systems like the Extended Calculus of Constructions on which a system commonly used like Coq is rooted. In this paper, we shall prove the equivalence for all semi-full PTSs by combining the ideas of Adams with a study of the general shape of types in PTSs. As one application, this result should eventually bring closer the theory behind the proof assistant Coq to its implementation.
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Coq files
tar file: Tested with the trunk version of Coq. Almost compatible with v8.2 with a minor syntactic changes when using destruct.
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Last modified Apr 26 2010