> restart:

> with(plots):


> plots[display](tetrahedron([0,0,0],0.8,transparency=.5),orientation=[60,50]);


> plots[display](cuboid([0,0,0],[1,1,1],transparency=.5),orientation=[70,70]);


> plots[display](octahedron([0,0,0],0.8,transparency=.5),orientation=[50,70]);


> plots[display](dodecahedron([0,0,0],0.8,transparency=.5),orientation=[45,0]);


> plots[display](icosahedron([0,0,0],0.8,transparency=.5),orientation=[10,0]);


> plot(2*x/(x-2),x=3..10);


> s:=(p,q)->4*p/(2*p+2*q-p*q);a:=(p,q)->2*p*q/(2*p+2*q-p*q);f:=(p,q)->4*q/(2*p+2*q-p*q);

s := proc (p, q) options operator, arrow; 4*p/(2*p+2*q-q*p) end proc

a := proc (p, q) options operator, arrow; 2*p*q/(2*p+2*q-q*p) end proc

f := proc (p, q) options operator, arrow; 4*q/(2*p+2*q-q*p) end proc

> [s(5,3),a(5,3),f(5,3)];




[20, 30, 12]

[8, 12, 6]

[4, 6, 4]

[6, 12, 8]

[12, 30, 20]


On commence par une procédure qui transforme une permutation donnée sous forme d'une liste (L[i] est simplement l'image i par la permutation) en un produit de cycles à supports disjoints (on donne la liste des cycles).

> tabletocycles:=proc(T)
local p,L,u;



while L<>{} do


        p:=[op(p),[u]];L:=L minus {u};

        while T[u]<>p[nops(p)][1] do



                L:=L minus {u};

        end do;

end do;

return p;

end proc;

tabletocycles := proc (T) local p, L, u; p := []; L := {seq(i, i = 1 .. nops(T))}; while L <> {} do u := L[1]; p := [op(p), [u]]; L := `minus`(L, {u}); while T[u] <> p[nops(p)][1] do u := T[u]; p[nops...tabletocycles := proc (T) local p, L, u; p := []; L := {seq(i, i = 1 .. nops(T))}; while L <> {} do u := L[1]; p := [op(p), [u]]; L := `minus`(L, {u}); while T[u] <> p[nops(p)][1] do u := T[u]; p[nops...tabletocycles := proc (T) local p, L, u; p := []; L := {seq(i, i = 1 .. nops(T))}; while L <> {} do u := L[1]; p := [op(p), [u]]; L := `minus`(L, {u}); while T[u] <> p[nops(p)][1] do u := T[u]; p[nops...tabletocycles := proc (T) local p, L, u; p := []; L := {seq(i, i = 1 .. nops(T))}; while L <> {} do u := L[1]; p := [op(p), [u]]; L := `minus`(L, {u}); while T[u] <> p[nops(p)][1] do u := T[u]; p[nops...tabletocycles := proc (T) local p, L, u; p := []; L := {seq(i, i = 1 .. nops(T))}; while L <> {} do u := L[1]; p := [op(p), [u]]; L := `minus`(L, {u}); while T[u] <> p[nops(p)][1] do u := T[u]; p[nops...tabletocycles := proc (T) local p, L, u; p := []; L := {seq(i, i = 1 .. nops(T))}; while L <> {} do u := L[1]; p := [op(p), [u]]; L := `minus`(L, {u}); while T[u] <> p[nops(p)][1] do u := T[u]; p[nops...tabletocycles := proc (T) local p, L, u; p := []; L := {seq(i, i = 1 .. nops(T))}; while L <> {} do u := L[1]; p := [op(p), [u]]; L := `minus`(L, {u}); while T[u] <> p[nops(p)][1] do u := T[u]; p[nops...

Voici maintenant une procédure qui donne la liste des permutations du groupe diedral D2n sous forme de cycles à supports disjoints :

> diedral:=proc(n)
local L,i;

if n mod 2=0

then L:=[
seq(tabletocycles([seq((i+j-1) mod n+1,i=1..n)]),j=1..n),seq([seq([(i+j-1) mod n+1,(n-i+j) mod n+1],i=1..n/2)],j=1..n/2),seq([seq([(i+j) mod n+1,(n-i+j) mod n+1],i=1..n/2-1),[j+1],[(n/2+j) mod n+1]],j=1..n/2)];
L:=[seq(tabletocycles([seq((i+j-1) mod n+1,i=1..n)]),j=1..n),seq([seq([(i+j-1) mod n+1,(n-i+j) mod n+1],i=1..floor(n/2)),[(floor(n/2)+j) mod n+1]],j=1..n)];
end if;

return L;

end proc;

diedral := proc (n) local L, i; if `mod`(n, 2) = 0 then L := [seq(tabletocycles([seq(`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, i = 1 .. n)]), j = 1 .. n), seq([seq([`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, `mod`(n-i+j, n)+1], i = 1 .. 1/2*n)], j...diedral := proc (n) local L, i; if `mod`(n, 2) = 0 then L := [seq(tabletocycles([seq(`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, i = 1 .. n)]), j = 1 .. n), seq([seq([`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, `mod`(n-i+j, n)+1], i = 1 .. 1/2*n)], j...diedral := proc (n) local L, i; if `mod`(n, 2) = 0 then L := [seq(tabletocycles([seq(`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, i = 1 .. n)]), j = 1 .. n), seq([seq([`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, `mod`(n-i+j, n)+1], i = 1 .. 1/2*n)], j...diedral := proc (n) local L, i; if `mod`(n, 2) = 0 then L := [seq(tabletocycles([seq(`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, i = 1 .. n)]), j = 1 .. n), seq([seq([`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, `mod`(n-i+j, n)+1], i = 1 .. 1/2*n)], j...diedral := proc (n) local L, i; if `mod`(n, 2) = 0 then L := [seq(tabletocycles([seq(`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, i = 1 .. n)]), j = 1 .. n), seq([seq([`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, `mod`(n-i+j, n)+1], i = 1 .. 1/2*n)], j...diedral := proc (n) local L, i; if `mod`(n, 2) = 0 then L := [seq(tabletocycles([seq(`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, i = 1 .. n)]), j = 1 .. n), seq([seq([`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, `mod`(n-i+j, n)+1], i = 1 .. 1/2*n)], j...diedral := proc (n) local L, i; if `mod`(n, 2) = 0 then L := [seq(tabletocycles([seq(`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, i = 1 .. n)]), j = 1 .. n), seq([seq([`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, `mod`(n-i+j, n)+1], i = 1 .. 1/2*n)], j...diedral := proc (n) local L, i; if `mod`(n, 2) = 0 then L := [seq(tabletocycles([seq(`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, i = 1 .. n)]), j = 1 .. n), seq([seq([`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, `mod`(n-i+j, n)+1], i = 1 .. 1/2*n)], j...diedral := proc (n) local L, i; if `mod`(n, 2) = 0 then L := [seq(tabletocycles([seq(`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, i = 1 .. n)]), j = 1 .. n), seq([seq([`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, `mod`(n-i+j, n)+1], i = 1 .. 1/2*n)], j...diedral := proc (n) local L, i; if `mod`(n, 2) = 0 then L := [seq(tabletocycles([seq(`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, i = 1 .. n)]), j = 1 .. n), seq([seq([`mod`(i+j-1, n)+1, `mod`(n-i+j, n)+1], i = 1 .. 1/2*n)], j...

> diedral(5);

[[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]], [[1, 3, 5, 2, 4]], [[1, 4, 2, 5, 3]], [[1, 5, 4, 3, 2]], [[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]], [[2, 1], [3, 5], [4]], [[3, 2], [4, 1], [5]], [[4, 3], [5, 2], [1]], [[5, 4], [1, 3], [2]], [[1,...

> diedral(6);

[[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]], [[1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6]], [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]], [[1, 5, 3], [2, 6, 4]], [[1, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2]], [[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]], [[2, 1], [3, 6], [4, 5]], [[3, 2], [4, 1], [5, 6]...[[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]], [[1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6]], [[1, 4], [2, 5], [3, 6]], [[1, 5, 3], [2, 6, 4]], [[1, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2]], [[1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]], [[2, 1], [3, 6], [4, 5]], [[3, 2], [4, 1], [5, 6]...

Enfin, la procédure polynome donne le polynôme indicateur de cycles d'un groupe de permutations.

> polynome:=proc(G)
local Z,n,i,j,c;



for i from 1 to nops(G) do


        for j from 1 to nops(G[i]) do


        end do;

end do;

return Z/nops(G);

end proc;

polynome := proc (G) local Z, n, i, j, c; Z := 0; n := add(nops(G[1][l]), l = 1 .. nops(G[1])); for i to nops(G) do c := [seq(0, l = 1 .. n)]; for j to nops(G[i]) do c[nops(G[i][j])] := c[nops(G[i][j]...polynome := proc (G) local Z, n, i, j, c; Z := 0; n := add(nops(G[1][l]), l = 1 .. nops(G[1])); for i to nops(G) do c := [seq(0, l = 1 .. n)]; for j to nops(G[i]) do c[nops(G[i][j])] := c[nops(G[i][j]...polynome := proc (G) local Z, n, i, j, c; Z := 0; n := add(nops(G[1][l]), l = 1 .. nops(G[1])); for i to nops(G) do c := [seq(0, l = 1 .. n)]; for j to nops(G[i]) do c[nops(G[i][j])] := c[nops(G[i][j]...polynome := proc (G) local Z, n, i, j, c; Z := 0; n := add(nops(G[1][l]), l = 1 .. nops(G[1])); for i to nops(G) do c := [seq(0, l = 1 .. n)]; for j to nops(G[i]) do c[nops(G[i][j])] := c[nops(G[i][j]...polynome := proc (G) local Z, n, i, j, c; Z := 0; n := add(nops(G[1][l]), l = 1 .. nops(G[1])); for i to nops(G) do c := [seq(0, l = 1 .. n)]; for j to nops(G[i]) do c[nops(G[i][j])] := c[nops(G[i][j]...polynome := proc (G) local Z, n, i, j, c; Z := 0; n := add(nops(G[1][l]), l = 1 .. nops(G[1])); for i to nops(G) do c := [seq(0, l = 1 .. n)]; for j to nops(G[i]) do c[nops(G[i][j])] := c[nops(G[i][j]...polynome := proc (G) local Z, n, i, j, c; Z := 0; n := add(nops(G[1][l]), l = 1 .. nops(G[1])); for i to nops(G) do c := [seq(0, l = 1 .. n)]; for j to nops(G[i]) do c[nops(G[i][j])] := c[nops(G[i][j]...

Par exemple, le polynôme indicateur de cycles du groupe diedral D12 est :

> polynome(diedral(6));


En substituant q à X1,...,X6, on obtient le nombre n(q) de colliers de 6 perles ayant au plus q couleurs. Pour avoir le nombre m(q) de colliers de 6 perles ayant exactement q couleurs, on fait la différence n(q)-n(q-1).

> n:=q->subs(seq(X[i]=q,i=1..6),polynome(diedral(6)));

n := proc (q) options operator, arrow; subs(seq(X[i] = q, i = 1 .. 6), polynome(diedral(6))) end proc

m := proc (q) options operator, arrow; n(q)-n(q-1) end proc

> n(3);n(4);m(4);





On programme ici une procédure qui donne une liste de tous les colliers de p perles à q couleurs. On commence par expliciter deux générateurs du groupe diedral : une rotation et une symétrie.

> rotation:=c->[seq(c[i+1],i=1..nops(c)-1),c[1]];

rotation := proc (c) options operator, arrow; [seq(c[i+1], i = 1 .. nops(c)-1), c[1]] end proc

> reflexion:=c->[c[1],seq(c[nops(c)+1-i],i=1..ceil(nops(c)/2)),seq(c[floor(nops(c)/2)+1-i],i=1..floor(nops(c)/2)-1)];

reflexion := proc (c) options operator, arrow; [c[1], seq(c[nops(c)+1-i], i = 1 .. ceil(1/2*nops(c))), seq(c[floor(1/2*nops(c))+1-i], i = 1 .. floor(1/2*nops(c))-1)] end proc

La procédure modulotransformation teste si un coloriage est déjà dans une liste L modulo les rotations et les symétries.

> modulotransformation:=proc(c,L)
local m,n,i;


for i from 1 to nops(c) do

        if m in L or n in L then return true; end if;

end do;

return false;

end proc;

modulotransformation := proc (c, L) local m, n, i; m := c; n := reflexion(c); for i to nops(c) do if `in`(m, L) or `in`(n, L) then return true end if; m := rotation(m); n := rotation(n) end do; return...modulotransformation := proc (c, L) local m, n, i; m := c; n := reflexion(c); for i to nops(c) do if `in`(m, L) or `in`(n, L) then return true end if; m := rotation(m); n := rotation(n) end do; return...modulotransformation := proc (c, L) local m, n, i; m := c; n := reflexion(c); for i to nops(c) do if `in`(m, L) or `in`(n, L) then return true end if; m := rotation(m); n := rotation(n) end do; return...modulotransformation := proc (c, L) local m, n, i; m := c; n := reflexion(c); for i to nops(c) do if `in`(m, L) or `in`(n, L) then return true end if; m := rotation(m); n := rotation(n) end do; return...modulotransformation := proc (c, L) local m, n, i; m := c; n := reflexion(c); for i to nops(c) do if `in`(m, L) or `in`(n, L) then return true end if; m := rotation(m); n := rotation(n) end do; return...modulotransformation := proc (c, L) local m, n, i; m := c; n := reflexion(c); for i to nops(c) do if `in`(m, L) or `in`(n, L) then return true end if; m := rotation(m); n := rotation(n) end do; return...modulotransformation := proc (c, L) local m, n, i; m := c; n := reflexion(c); for i to nops(c) do if `in`(m, L) or `in`(n, L) then return true end if; m := rotation(m); n := rotation(n) end do; return...

On a besoin du petit programme suivant qui prend en entrée un nombre et renvoie les chiffres des unités, des k-aines, des k2-aines, etc (par exemple, decomp(1234,10)=[1,2,3,4]).

> decomp:=proc(n,k)
local m,R;


while m<>0 do

end do;

return R;

end proc;

decomp := proc (n, k) local m, R; R := []; m := n; while m <> 0 do R := [m-k*floor(m/k), op(R)]; m := floor(m/k) end do; return R end proc

On peut maintenant écrire la procédure coloriage qui décrit tous les colliers de p perles dont les couleurs sont dans la liste C.

> coloriages:=proc(p,C)
local L,i,U;


for i from 0 to nops(C)^p-1 do

        if not(modulotransformation([seq(C[U[j]+1],j=1..p)],L))

        then L:=[op(L),
        end if;

end do;

return L;

end proc;

coloriages := proc (p, C) local L, i, U; L := []; for i from 0 to nops(C)^p-1 do U := [op(decomp(i, nops(C), p)), seq(0, j = 1 .. p)]; if not modulotransformation([seq(C[U[j]+1], j = 1 .. p)], L) then...coloriages := proc (p, C) local L, i, U; L := []; for i from 0 to nops(C)^p-1 do U := [op(decomp(i, nops(C), p)), seq(0, j = 1 .. p)]; if not modulotransformation([seq(C[U[j]+1], j = 1 .. p)], L) then...coloriages := proc (p, C) local L, i, U; L := []; for i from 0 to nops(C)^p-1 do U := [op(decomp(i, nops(C), p)), seq(0, j = 1 .. p)]; if not modulotransformation([seq(C[U[j]+1], j = 1 .. p)], L) then...coloriages := proc (p, C) local L, i, U; L := []; for i from 0 to nops(C)^p-1 do U := [op(decomp(i, nops(C), p)), seq(0, j = 1 .. p)]; if not modulotransformation([seq(C[U[j]+1], j = 1 .. p)], L) then...coloriages := proc (p, C) local L, i, U; L := []; for i from 0 to nops(C)^p-1 do U := [op(decomp(i, nops(C), p)), seq(0, j = 1 .. p)]; if not modulotransformation([seq(C[U[j]+1], j = 1 .. p)], L) then...coloriages := proc (p, C) local L, i, U; L := []; for i from 0 to nops(C)^p-1 do U := [op(decomp(i, nops(C), p)), seq(0, j = 1 .. p)]; if not modulotransformation([seq(C[U[j]+1], j = 1 .. p)], L) then...coloriages := proc (p, C) local L, i, U; L := []; for i from 0 to nops(C)^p-1 do U := [op(decomp(i, nops(C), p)), seq(0, j = 1 .. p)]; if not modulotransformation([seq(C[U[j]+1], j = 1 .. p)], L) then...coloriages := proc (p, C) local L, i, U; L := []; for i from 0 to nops(C)^p-1 do U := [op(decomp(i, nops(C), p)), seq(0, j = 1 .. p)]; if not modulotransformation([seq(C[U[j]+1], j = 1 .. p)], L) then...

On retrouve les résultats trouvés précédemment : il y a 92 (resp. 430) colliers de 6 perles ayant au plus 3 (resp. 4) couleurs. On en a maintenant une énumération explicite.

> nops(coloriages(6,[r,b,v]));nops(coloriages(6,[r,b,v,j]));