> restart;


Chercher les composantes connexes d'un graphe

> diffsym:=(A,B)->(A minus B) union (B minus A);

diffsym := proc (A, B) options operator, arrow; `union`(`minus`(A, B), `minus`(B, A)) end proc

> connexe:=proc(G,s)
local U,A,B,i,t;



for i from 1 to nops(G[2]) do if s in G[2][i][1] and nops(G[2][i][1])=2 then A:=A union {G[2][i][1]} end if; end do;

while A<>{} do

        t:=op(A[1] minus U[1]); U:=[U[1] union {t}, U[2] union {A[1]}]; B:={};

        for i from 1 to nops(G[2]) do if t in G[2][i][1] and nops(G[2][i][1])=2 then B:=B union {G[2][i][1]} end if; end do;


end do;

return U;

end proc;

connexe := proc (G, s) local U, A, B, i, t; U := [{s}, {}]; A := {}; for i to nops(G[2]) do if `in`(s, G[2][i][1]) and nops(G[2][i][1]) = 2 then A := `union`(A, {G[2][i][1]}) end if end do; while A <>...connexe := proc (G, s) local U, A, B, i, t; U := [{s}, {}]; A := {}; for i to nops(G[2]) do if `in`(s, G[2][i][1]) and nops(G[2][i][1]) = 2 then A := `union`(A, {G[2][i][1]}) end if end do; while A <>...connexe := proc (G, s) local U, A, B, i, t; U := [{s}, {}]; A := {}; for i to nops(G[2]) do if `in`(s, G[2][i][1]) and nops(G[2][i][1]) = 2 then A := `union`(A, {G[2][i][1]}) end if end do; while A <>...connexe := proc (G, s) local U, A, B, i, t; U := [{s}, {}]; A := {}; for i to nops(G[2]) do if `in`(s, G[2][i][1]) and nops(G[2][i][1]) = 2 then A := `union`(A, {G[2][i][1]}) end if end do; while A <>...connexe := proc (G, s) local U, A, B, i, t; U := [{s}, {}]; A := {}; for i to nops(G[2]) do if `in`(s, G[2][i][1]) and nops(G[2][i][1]) = 2 then A := `union`(A, {G[2][i][1]}) end if end do; while A <>...connexe := proc (G, s) local U, A, B, i, t; U := [{s}, {}]; A := {}; for i to nops(G[2]) do if `in`(s, G[2][i][1]) and nops(G[2][i][1]) = 2 then A := `union`(A, {G[2][i][1]}) end if end do; while A <>...connexe := proc (G, s) local U, A, B, i, t; U := [{s}, {}]; A := {}; for i to nops(G[2]) do if `in`(s, G[2][i][1]) and nops(G[2][i][1]) = 2 then A := `union`(A, {G[2][i][1]}) end if end do; while A <>...connexe := proc (G, s) local U, A, B, i, t; U := [{s}, {}]; A := {}; for i to nops(G[2]) do if `in`(s, G[2][i][1]) and nops(G[2][i][1]) = 2 then A := `union`(A, {G[2][i][1]}) end if end do; while A <>...connexe := proc (G, s) local U, A, B, i, t; U := [{s}, {}]; A := {}; for i to nops(G[2]) do if `in`(s, G[2][i][1]) and nops(G[2][i][1]) = 2 then A := `union`(A, {G[2][i][1]}) end if end do; while A <>...connexe := proc (G, s) local U, A, B, i, t; U := [{s}, {}]; A := {}; for i to nops(G[2]) do if `in`(s, G[2][i][1]) and nops(G[2][i][1]) = 2 then A := `union`(A, {G[2][i][1]}) end if end do; while A <>...connexe := proc (G, s) local U, A, B, i, t; U := [{s}, {}]; A := {}; for i to nops(G[2]) do if `in`(s, G[2][i][1]) and nops(G[2][i][1]) = 2 then A := `union`(A, {G[2][i][1]}) end if end do; while A <>...connexe := proc (G, s) local U, A, B, i, t; U := [{s}, {}]; A := {}; for i to nops(G[2]) do if `in`(s, G[2][i][1]) and nops(G[2][i][1]) = 2 then A := `union`(A, {G[2][i][1]}) end if end do; while A <>...connexe := proc (G, s) local U, A, B, i, t; U := [{s}, {}]; A := {}; for i to nops(G[2]) do if `in`(s, G[2][i][1]) and nops(G[2][i][1]) = 2 then A := `union`(A, {G[2][i][1]}) end if end do; while A <>...

> connexe([{1,2,3,4},{[{1,2},2],[{1},1]}],1);

[{1, 2}, {{1, 2}}]

> compconnexe:=proc(G)
local L,S,U;


while S<>{} do

        U:=connexe(G,S[1]); L:=L union {U}; S:=S minus U[1];

end do;

return L;

end proc;

compconnexe := proc (G) local L, S, U; L := {}; S := G[1]; while S <> {} do U := connexe(G, S[1]); L := `union`(L, {U}); S := `minus`(S, U[1]) end do; return L end proc

> compconnexe([{1,2,3,4},{[{1,2},2]}],1);

{[{1, 2}, {{1, 2}}], [{3}, {}], [{4}, {}]}

Deux petites procédures pour supprimer et écraser une arête dans un multiensemble :

> supprime:=(G,a)->[G[1],G[2] minus {a} union {seq([a[1],a[2]-1],i=1..min(1,a[2]-1))}];

supprime := proc (G, a) options operator, arrow; [G[1], `union`(`minus`(G[2], {a}), {seq([a[1], a[2]-1], i = 1 .. min(1, a[2]-1))})] end proc

> ecrase:=proc(G,a)
local M,N,H,i,j,bool;

M:=G[1] minus {a[1][2]};



for i from 1 to nops(H[2]) do


        for j from 1 to nops(N) do

                if N[j][1]=subs(a[1][2]=a[1][1],H[2][i][1]) then N[j][2]:=N[j][2]+H[2][i][2]; bool:=false; end if;

        end do;

        if bool then N:=[op(N),[subs(a[1][2]=a[1][1],H[2][i][1]),H[2][i][2]]]; end if;

end do;

return [M,{op(N)}];

end proc;

ecrase := proc (G, a) local M, N, H, i, j, bool; M := `minus`(G[1], {a[1][2]}); N := []; H := supprime(G, a); for i to nops(H[2]) do bool := true; for j to nops(N) do if N[j][1] = subs(a[1][2] = a[1][...ecrase := proc (G, a) local M, N, H, i, j, bool; M := `minus`(G[1], {a[1][2]}); N := []; H := supprime(G, a); for i to nops(H[2]) do bool := true; for j to nops(N) do if N[j][1] = subs(a[1][2] = a[1][...ecrase := proc (G, a) local M, N, H, i, j, bool; M := `minus`(G[1], {a[1][2]}); N := []; H := supprime(G, a); for i to nops(H[2]) do bool := true; for j to nops(N) do if N[j][1] = subs(a[1][2] = a[1][...ecrase := proc (G, a) local M, N, H, i, j, bool; M := `minus`(G[1], {a[1][2]}); N := []; H := supprime(G, a); for i to nops(H[2]) do bool := true; for j to nops(N) do if N[j][1] = subs(a[1][2] = a[1][...ecrase := proc (G, a) local M, N, H, i, j, bool; M := `minus`(G[1], {a[1][2]}); N := []; H := supprime(G, a); for i to nops(H[2]) do bool := true; for j to nops(N) do if N[j][1] = subs(a[1][2] = a[1][...ecrase := proc (G, a) local M, N, H, i, j, bool; M := `minus`(G[1], {a[1][2]}); N := []; H := supprime(G, a); for i to nops(H[2]) do bool := true; for j to nops(N) do if N[j][1] = subs(a[1][2] = a[1][...ecrase := proc (G, a) local M, N, H, i, j, bool; M := `minus`(G[1], {a[1][2]}); N := []; H := supprime(G, a); for i to nops(H[2]) do bool := true; for j to nops(N) do if N[j][1] = subs(a[1][2] = a[1][...ecrase := proc (G, a) local M, N, H, i, j, bool; M := `minus`(G[1], {a[1][2]}); N := []; H := supprime(G, a); for i to nops(H[2]) do bool := true; for j to nops(N) do if N[j][1] = subs(a[1][2] = a[1][...ecrase := proc (G, a) local M, N, H, i, j, bool; M := `minus`(G[1], {a[1][2]}); N := []; H := supprime(G, a); for i to nops(H[2]) do bool := true; for j to nops(N) do if N[j][1] = subs(a[1][2] = a[1][...ecrase := proc (G, a) local M, N, H, i, j, bool; M := `minus`(G[1], {a[1][2]}); N := []; H := supprime(G, a); for i to nops(H[2]) do bool := true; for j to nops(N) do if N[j][1] = subs(a[1][2] = a[1][...ecrase := proc (G, a) local M, N, H, i, j, bool; M := `minus`(G[1], {a[1][2]}); N := []; H := supprime(G, a); for i to nops(H[2]) do bool := true; for j to nops(N) do if N[j][1] = subs(a[1][2] = a[1][...

Polynôme de Tutte

> Tutte:=proc(G)
local a;

if G[2]={} then return 1;

else a:=G[2][1];

        if nops(a[1])=1 then return Y*Tutte(supprime(G,a));

        elif nops(compconnexe(G))<nops(compconnexe(supprime(G,a))) then return X*Tutte(ecrase(G,a));

        else return Tutte(supprime(G,a))+Tutte(ecrase(G,a));

        end if;

end if;

end proc;

Tutte := proc (G) local a; if G[2] = {} then return 1 else a := G[2][1]; if nops(a[1]) = 1 then return Y*Tutte(supprime(G, a)) elif nops(compconnexe(G)) < nops(compconnexe(supprime(G, a))) then return...Tutte := proc (G) local a; if G[2] = {} then return 1 else a := G[2][1]; if nops(a[1]) = 1 then return Y*Tutte(supprime(G, a)) elif nops(compconnexe(G)) < nops(compconnexe(supprime(G, a))) then return...Tutte := proc (G) local a; if G[2] = {} then return 1 else a := G[2][1]; if nops(a[1]) = 1 then return Y*Tutte(supprime(G, a)) elif nops(compconnexe(G)) < nops(compconnexe(supprime(G, a))) then return...Tutte := proc (G) local a; if G[2] = {} then return 1 else a := G[2][1]; if nops(a[1]) = 1 then return Y*Tutte(supprime(G, a)) elif nops(compconnexe(G)) < nops(compconnexe(supprime(G, a))) then return...Tutte := proc (G) local a; if G[2] = {} then return 1 else a := G[2][1]; if nops(a[1]) = 1 then return Y*Tutte(supprime(G, a)) elif nops(compconnexe(G)) < nops(compconnexe(supprime(G, a))) then return...Tutte := proc (G) local a; if G[2] = {} then return 1 else a := G[2][1]; if nops(a[1]) = 1 then return Y*Tutte(supprime(G, a)) elif nops(compconnexe(G)) < nops(compconnexe(supprime(G, a))) then return...Tutte := proc (G) local a; if G[2] = {} then return 1 else a := G[2][1]; if nops(a[1]) = 1 then return Y*Tutte(supprime(G, a)) elif nops(compconnexe(G)) < nops(compconnexe(supprime(G, a))) then return...Tutte := proc (G) local a; if G[2] = {} then return 1 else a := G[2][1]; if nops(a[1]) = 1 then return Y*Tutte(supprime(G, a)) elif nops(compconnexe(G)) < nops(compconnexe(supprime(G, a))) then return...Tutte := proc (G) local a; if G[2] = {} then return 1 else a := G[2][1]; if nops(a[1]) = 1 then return Y*Tutte(supprime(G, a)) elif nops(compconnexe(G)) < nops(compconnexe(supprime(G, a))) then return...Tutte := proc (G) local a; if G[2] = {} then return 1 else a := G[2][1]; if nops(a[1]) = 1 then return Y*Tutte(supprime(G, a)) elif nops(compconnexe(G)) < nops(compconnexe(supprime(G, a))) then return...Tutte := proc (G) local a; if G[2] = {} then return 1 else a := G[2][1]; if nops(a[1]) = 1 then return Y*Tutte(supprime(G, a)) elif nops(compconnexe(G)) < nops(compconnexe(supprime(G, a))) then return...Tutte := proc (G) local a; if G[2] = {} then return 1 else a := G[2][1]; if nops(a[1]) = 1 then return Y*Tutte(supprime(G, a)) elif nops(compconnexe(G)) < nops(compconnexe(supprime(G, a))) then return...Tutte := proc (G) local a; if G[2] = {} then return 1 else a := G[2][1]; if nops(a[1]) = 1 then return Y*Tutte(supprime(G, a)) elif nops(compconnexe(G)) < nops(compconnexe(supprime(G, a))) then return...Tutte := proc (G) local a; if G[2] = {} then return 1 else a := G[2][1]; if nops(a[1]) = 1 then return Y*Tutte(supprime(G, a)) elif nops(compconnexe(G)) < nops(compconnexe(supprime(G, a))) then return...Tutte := proc (G) local a; if G[2] = {} then return 1 else a := G[2][1]; if nops(a[1]) = 1 then return Y*Tutte(supprime(G, a)) elif nops(compconnexe(G)) < nops(compconnexe(supprime(G, a))) then return...

> Tutte([{seq(i,i=0..6)},{seq([{i,(i+1 mod 7)},1],i=0..6)}]);



Insérer et trier une liste

> insert:=proc(e,L,ordre)
local i;

for i from 1 to nops(L) do

        if ordre(e,L[i]) then return [op(1..i-1,L),e,op(i..nops(L),L)]; end if;

end do;

return [op(L),e];

end proc;

insert := proc (e, L, ordre) local i; for i to nops(L) do if ordre(e, L[i]) then return [op(1 .. i-1, L), e, op(i .. nops(L), L)] end if end do; return [op(L), e] end proc

> rangement:=proc(L,ordre)
local M,i;


for i from 1 to nops(L) do M:=insert(L[i],M,ordre); end do;

return M;

end proc;

rangement := proc (L, ordre) local M, i; M := []; for i to nops(L) do M := insert(L[i], M, ordre) end do; return M end proc

Algorithme de PRIM :
On part d'un point arbitraire, et on fait croitre un arbre à partir de ce point : à chaque étape, on ajoute l'arête de poids minimal qui relie l'arbre déjà construit à un point exterieur.

> ordre:=(u,v)->(u[2]<v[2]);

ordre := proc (u, v) options operator, arrow; u[2] < v[2] end proc

> prim:=proc(G)
local U,V,W,s,a,R,i;

s:=G[1][1]; U:={s}; V:=G[1] minus U; W:={}; R:={};

while V<>{} do

        for i from 1 to nops(G[2]) do if G[2][i][1] intersect U={s} then W:=insert(G[2][i],W,ordre); end if; end do;

        a:=W[1][1]; s:=op(a intersect V); U:=U union {s}; V:=V minus {s}; R:=R union {a};

        i:=1; while i<=nops(W) do if s in W[i][1] then W:=[op(1..i-1,W),op(i+1..nops(W),W)]; else i:=i+1; end if; end do;

end do;

return [G[1],R];

end proc;

prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...prim := proc (G) local U, V, W, s, a, R, i; s := G[1][1]; U := {s}; V := `minus`(G[1], U); W := {}; R := {}; while V <> {} do for i to nops(G[2]) do if `intersect`(G[2][i][1], U) = {s} then W := inser...

> prim([{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},{[{0,1},4],[{0,2},8],[{1,2},11],[{1,4},8],[{2,3},7],[{2,8},1],[{3,4},2],[{3,8},6],[{4,5},7],[{4,7},4],[{5,6},9],[{5,7},14],[{6,7},10],[{7,8},2]}]);

[{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, {{3, 4}, {0, 1}, {0, 2}, {2, 8}, {4, 5}, {4, 7}, {5, 6}, {7, 8}}]

Algorithme de KRUSKAL
On part d'une forêt dont chaque arbre est constitué d'un seul sommet. Puis on choisit la plus petite arête qui joint deux sommets appartenant à des arbres différents, et on fusionne les deux arbres. L'algorithme s'arrête lorque la forêt est constitué d'un seul arbre.

> kruskal:=proc(G)
local L,M,a,u,v,i;



while nops(L)>1 do


        u:=1; while (a intersect L[u][1])={} do u:=u+1; end do;

        v:=u+1; while (a intersect L[v][1])={} do v:=v+1; end do;

        i:=1; while i<=nops(M) do

                if (M[i][1] intersect L[u][1])<>{} and (M[i][1] intersect L[v][1])<>{}

                then M:=[op(1..i-1,M),op(i+1..nops(M),M)];

                else i:=i+1;

                end if;

        end do;

        L:=L union {[L[u][1] union L[v][1], L[u][2] union L[v][2] union {a}]} minus {L[u],L[v]};

end do;

return op(L);

end proc;

kruskal := proc (G) local L, M, a, u, v, i; L := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; [{x}, {}] end proc, G[1]); M := rangement(G[2], ordre); while 1 < nops(L) do a := M[1][1]; u := 1; while `interse...kruskal := proc (G) local L, M, a, u, v, i; L := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; [{x}, {}] end proc, G[1]); M := rangement(G[2], ordre); while 1 < nops(L) do a := M[1][1]; u := 1; while `interse...kruskal := proc (G) local L, M, a, u, v, i; L := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; [{x}, {}] end proc, G[1]); M := rangement(G[2], ordre); while 1 < nops(L) do a := M[1][1]; u := 1; while `interse...kruskal := proc (G) local L, M, a, u, v, i; L := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; [{x}, {}] end proc, G[1]); M := rangement(G[2], ordre); while 1 < nops(L) do a := M[1][1]; u := 1; while `interse...kruskal := proc (G) local L, M, a, u, v, i; L := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; [{x}, {}] end proc, G[1]); M := rangement(G[2], ordre); while 1 < nops(L) do a := M[1][1]; u := 1; while `interse...kruskal := proc (G) local L, M, a, u, v, i; L := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; [{x}, {}] end proc, G[1]); M := rangement(G[2], ordre); while 1 < nops(L) do a := M[1][1]; u := 1; while `interse...kruskal := proc (G) local L, M, a, u, v, i; L := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; [{x}, {}] end proc, G[1]); M := rangement(G[2], ordre); while 1 < nops(L) do a := M[1][1]; u := 1; while `interse...kruskal := proc (G) local L, M, a, u, v, i; L := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; [{x}, {}] end proc, G[1]); M := rangement(G[2], ordre); while 1 < nops(L) do a := M[1][1]; u := 1; while `interse...kruskal := proc (G) local L, M, a, u, v, i; L := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; [{x}, {}] end proc, G[1]); M := rangement(G[2], ordre); while 1 < nops(L) do a := M[1][1]; u := 1; while `interse...kruskal := proc (G) local L, M, a, u, v, i; L := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; [{x}, {}] end proc, G[1]); M := rangement(G[2], ordre); while 1 < nops(L) do a := M[1][1]; u := 1; while `interse...kruskal := proc (G) local L, M, a, u, v, i; L := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; [{x}, {}] end proc, G[1]); M := rangement(G[2], ordre); while 1 < nops(L) do a := M[1][1]; u := 1; while `interse...kruskal := proc (G) local L, M, a, u, v, i; L := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; [{x}, {}] end proc, G[1]); M := rangement(G[2], ordre); while 1 < nops(L) do a := M[1][1]; u := 1; while `interse...kruskal := proc (G) local L, M, a, u, v, i; L := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; [{x}, {}] end proc, G[1]); M := rangement(G[2], ordre); while 1 < nops(L) do a := M[1][1]; u := 1; while `interse...kruskal := proc (G) local L, M, a, u, v, i; L := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; [{x}, {}] end proc, G[1]); M := rangement(G[2], ordre); while 1 < nops(L) do a := M[1][1]; u := 1; while `interse...kruskal := proc (G) local L, M, a, u, v, i; L := map(proc (x) options operator, arrow; [{x}, {}] end proc, G[1]); M := rangement(G[2], ordre); while 1 < nops(L) do a := M[1][1]; u := 1; while `interse...

> kruskal([{0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8},{[{0,1},4],[{0,2},8],[{1,2},11],[{1,4},8],[{2,3},7],[{2,8},1],[{3,4},2],[{3,8},6],[{4,5},7],[{4,7},4],[{5,6},9],[{5,7},14],[{6,7},10],[{7,8},2]}]);

[{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}, {{3, 4}, {0, 1}, {0, 2}, {2, 8}, {4, 5}, {4, 7}, {5, 6}, {7, 8}}]