Title : Métaheuristique basée sur le recuit quantique Speakers : Elèves de deuxième année, cycle-ingénieur Supélec (MM. Belaube, de Méric de Bellefon, Bergé, Cavarec, Chabrillac, Couronné, Doutre, Dufoulon, Lundy, Salaün) Abstract: We have been working on a scientific project during an entire academic year. Our goal was to understand and, possibly, improve a new and yet not well known metaheuristic optimization method, quantum annealing. This algorithm is inspired by simulated annealing and reviewed from the quantum physics perspective. It deals with difficult problems more efficiently than the classical annealing. We explain the algorithm principle and discuss the results obtained for the reference problems (vertex coloring, TSP). We present our adaptations of this algorithm to solve the k-center problem and the portfolio optimization problem. We show that it is possible to improve the quantum annealing method by reducing the search space dynamically.