The introduction to the Bibliography, however, warns the reader that if the paper is published in a journal, the date of the volume of the journal is quoted rather than the actual date of the paper publication.
Cf. M30.
Cf. M31.
``Sublime" stood then for the more modern ``advanced".
Cf. M40.
Cf. M38 and M41.
Cf. ``Nota sopra un problema nella Teorica dell'ariete Idraulico" (Note about a problem in the theory of the hydraulic ram), 1813; ``Del movimento di un fluido elastico che sorte da un vase e della pressione che fa sulle pareti dello stesso" (Of the movement of an elastic fluid that comes out of a container and of the pressure that it enacts on the walls of said container), 1816; ``Sul movimento di un elice elastica che si scatta" (On the movement of an elastic spring under tension that is suddenly released), 1820; ``Sul moto di un aerostata ellissoidale" (On the motion of an ellipsoidal air balloon), 1821; ``Sul moto dell'acqua dei canali(On the motion of canal waters), 1823.
Cf. X2.
Nota sopra un problema nella Teorica dell'Ariete Idraulico, in Trattato dell'Ariete Idraulico del Brunacci, 2a edizione, Milano, 1813, pgg. 70-73
Cf. X1
Cf. L39.
Cf. M3
Mossotti had been born in the Kingdom of Piedmont, whereas Pavia was under the jurisdiction of the Austrian Empire.
In Atti della Società Italiana delle Scienze, tom. XVII, Parte contenente le memorie di matematica, pgg. 16-72.
Cf. L31 or X18
De Cesaris had become the director of the Observatory in 1817, after Barnaba Oriani retired. In previous years the direction of the Observatory had been shared among the three Astronomers.
Cf. M2, M3, M16 (989, 991, 997, 998, 1000).
Formole per determinare gli assi del sole supposto uno sferoide ellittico, con applicazioni.
Sulla figura e sul tempo della rotazione del Sole, Appendice alle Effemeridi astronomiche di Milano per l'anno 1821, pgg. 41-78.
Sul movimento di un elice elastica che si scatta, Memorie della Società Italiana delle Scienze. Tomo XVIII. Parte contenente le memorie di matematica, fascicolo secondo, pgg. 243-268.
Cf. M19.
One of the most famous students of Mossotti, well known for his work on topology
Sul moto di un aerostata ellissoidale, Giornale di fisica, chimica, storia naturale, medicina ed arti dei professori Pietro Configliachi e Gaspare Brugnatelli, Decade II Tomo IV, Sesto bimestre, pgg. 415-428.
Cf. M20
Zach, Correspondance astronomique, géographique, hydrographique et statistique du Baron de Zach: Attrazione e massa variabili delle comete, huitième volume, pgg. 81-83; Sur un nouvel instrument pour prendre les distances, hutième volume, pgg. 346-359; Sur le calcul des distances des astres, neuvième volume, pgg. 385-389.
Cf. M16
Cf. X1.
Cf. X16.
Cf. X2.
Cf. M8, M9, M10, M11, M14, M15, M23, M24, M25, M26, M27.
Cf. M15.
Cf. M25.
Cf. M25
Cf. M13.
Cf. M8.
Cf. L36 or X21.
Cf. M9, L36 or X21.
Cf. M10, M24.
Cf. L34, pp. 194-195, vol I, or X20
Cf. L34, ch.I, vol II, or X20
Cf. M15.
Cf. L36 or X21.
Cf. M4.
Cf. M27.
Piola was an Allievo at the Brera Observatoire in 1822
During this period Piola and Bianchi were already talking about Zach and de Cesaris
Bit concerning the moral difference between friendship for working purposes and intimate friendship
Meaning the intimate friendship between Bianchi and Piola
Bianchi goes on saying that as of today it is best to make friends with diffidence.
Referred to a memoire that Piola wrote on molecular mechanics.
Bianchi is a member of the Italian Society.
Cf. M17.
Cf. M18.
Cf. M19.
Cf. M20.
Cf. M9
Cf. M21.
Cf. M22.
Cf. M23.
Cf. M24.
Cf. M25.
Cf. M26.
Cf. M27
Cf. M28
Illegible signature.
Illegible, but the same as on M18.
Illegible signature
Illegible: ``fecero" ?
cf. M27
Illegible signature.
In this letter, Mossotti is referred to as ``Massotti" (cf. M9)
Hardly readable (cf. M9)
Illegible: Adel?ia?. It is in fact the Società degli Adelfi
Illegible scribble looking like ``ss."
Illegible title: ``God. Prev."?
Not clear.
Mossotti is here referred to as Massotti.
Correction on the underlying ``Egli"
Cf. M16
Mossotti was in fact in Buenos Aires, and trying to get back to Italy.
The Government of Piedmont
Cf. M8 and M9
Illegible: ?onard
Not clear
Current year.
Probably Piacenza.
A circle with three vertically aligned dots inside.
Sic. Evidently temps.
Illegible: Clan? Etas?
Not clear
Illegible: decananza?
Illegible: avvenire?
The dissertation referred to is Sul movimento di un elice elastica che si scatta, published in 1820.
Not clear.
Not clear.
The letter is unfinished.
The last seven words are overstriked.
In M10, ``della portinaia".
Not clear.
The signature is nearly illegible: ?ombelli. In M9 there is a reference to a Count de Bombelles, an Austrian minister in Piedmont. They are likely to be the same person.
Also known as Società dei 40, founded in 1785 (in Verona?)

Leo Liberti
Thu Feb 26 22:27:51 CET 1998