Combinatorial Approach to the Performance Analysis of Signal Demodulation in Mobile Telecommunications We shall consider the physical layer of mobile communications, i.e. one link between a Base Station (in GSM, Node-B in UMTS) and a mobile station (User Equipment UE) in UMTS. An important measure for the analysis of this link's performance is the probability that a bit is decoded incorrectly at reception, otherwise called Bit Error Rate (BER). A classical formula due to Barrett ('87) giving a closed form of this probability is computationaly unstable in some cases that reflect some real-life situations. Rewriting it in a such a way that it becomes stable, one obtains an expression containing certain symmetric functions. Their decomposition in the base of Schur functions gives rise to a set of interesting combinatorial objects (combinations of Young tableaux). Those in turn can be bijectively mapped to sets of 0-1matrices that yield easier to analysis and allow to obtain stable closed form expressions for the probability in question in several cases where Barrett's formula fails to do so.