Juan Vera Phase Transition for the Mixing Time of the Glauber Dynamics for Coloring Regular Trees We prove that the mixing time of the Glauber dynamics for random k-colorings of the complete tree with branching factor b undergoes a phase transition at k = b(1 + o_b(1))/ ln b. Our main result shows nearly sharp bounds on the mixing time of the dynamics on the complete tree with n vertices for k = Cb/ ln b colors with constant C. The critical point C = 1 is interesting since it coincides (at least up to first order) to the so-called reconstruction threshold. The reconstruction threshold has been of considerable interest recently since it appears to have close connections to the efficiency of certain local algorithms, and this work was inspired by our attempt to understand these connections in this particular setting. Join work with Prasad Tetali, Eric Vigoda and Linji Yang