1 ((((headed jar) and (forall x ((bug x) => (animal x)))) and (forall x, x1 ((((headed x1) and (in x x1)) and (animal x)) => (dead x)))) and (forall y ((forall x (((in x y) and (bug x)) => (dead x))) => (sterile y))))
Thus (sterile jar)

1 (((headed jar) and (forall x ((bug x) => (animal x)))) and (forall x, x1 ((((headed x1) and (in x x1)) and (animal x)) => (dead x))))
2 (forall y ((forall x (((in x y) and (bug x)) => (dead x))) => (sterile y)))
Thus (sterile jar)

1 (headed jar)
2 (forall x ((bug x) => (animal x)))
3 (forall x, x1 ((((headed x1) and (in x x1)) and (animal x)) => (dead x)))
4 (forall y ((forall x (((in x y) and (bug x)) => (dead x))) => (sterile y)))
Thus (sterile jar)

1 ((forall x (((in x jar) and (bug x)) => (dead x))) => (sterile jar))
2 (headed jar)
3 (forall x ((bug x) => (animal x)))
4 (forall x, x1 ((((headed x1) and (in x x1)) and (animal x)) => (dead x)))
5 (forall y ((forall x (((in x y) and (bug x)) => (dead x))) => (sterile y)))
Thus (sterile jar)

Vars x
1 ((forall x1 (((in x1 jar) and (bug x1)) => (dead x1))) => (sterile jar))
2 (headed jar)
3 (forall x1 ((bug x1) => (animal x1)))
4 (forall x1, x2 ((((headed x2) and (in x1 x2)) and (animal x1)) => (dead x1)))
5 (forall y ((forall x1 (((in x1 y) and (bug x1)) => (dead x1))) => (sterile y)))
Thus (((in x jar) and (bug x)) => (dead x))

Vars x
1 (in x jar)
2 (bug x)
3 ((forall x1 (((in x1 jar) and (bug x1)) => (dead x1))) => (sterile jar))
4 (headed jar)
5 (forall x1 ((bug x1) => (animal x1)))
6 (forall x1, x2 ((((headed x2) and (in x1 x2)) and (animal x1)) => (dead x1)))
7 (forall y ((forall x1 (((in x1 y) and (bug x1)) => (dead x1))) => (sterile y)))
Thus (dead x)

Vars x
1 (forall x1 ((((headed x1) and (in x x1)) and (animal x)) => (dead x)))
2 (in x jar)
3 (bug x)
4 ((forall x1 (((in x1 jar) and (bug x1)) => (dead x1))) => (sterile jar))
5 (headed jar)
6 (forall x1 ((bug x1) => (animal x1)))
7 (forall x1, x2 ((((headed x2) and (in x1 x2)) and (animal x1)) => (dead x1)))
8 (forall y ((forall x1 (((in x1 y) and (bug x1)) => (dead x1))) => (sterile y)))
Thus (dead x)

Vars x
1 ((((headed jar) and (in x jar)) and (animal x)) => (dead x))
2 (forall x1 ((((headed x1) and (in x x1)) and (animal x)) => (dead x)))
3 (in x jar)
4 (bug x)
5 ((forall x1 (((in x1 jar) and (bug x1)) => (dead x1))) => (sterile jar))
6 (headed jar)
7 (forall x1 ((bug x1) => (animal x1)))
8 (forall x1, x2 ((((headed x2) and (in x1 x2)) and (animal x1)) => (dead x1)))
9 (forall y ((forall x1 (((in x1 y) and (bug x1)) => (dead x1))) => (sterile y)))
Thus (dead x)

Vars x
1 ((((headed jar) and (in x jar)) and (animal x)) => (dead x))
2 (forall x1 ((((headed x1) and (in x x1)) and (animal x)) => (dead x)))
3 (in x jar)
4 (bug x)
5 ((forall x1 (((in x1 jar) and (bug x1)) => (dead x1))) => (sterile jar))
6 (headed jar)
7 (forall x1 ((bug x1) => (animal x1)))
8 (forall x1, x2 ((((headed x2) and (in x1 x2)) and (animal x1)) => (dead x1)))
9 (forall y ((forall x1 (((in x1 y) and (bug x1)) => (dead x1))) => (sterile y)))
Thus (((headed jar) and (in x jar)) and (animal x))

Vars x
1 ((((headed jar) and (in x jar)) and (animal x)) => (dead x))
2 (forall x1 ((((headed x1) and (in x x1)) and (animal x)) => (dead x)))
3 (in x jar)
4 (bug x)
5 ((forall x1 (((in x1 jar) and (bug x1)) => (dead x1))) => (sterile jar))
6 (headed jar)
7 (forall x1 ((bug x1) => (animal x1)))
8 (forall x1, x2 ((((headed x2) and (in x1 x2)) and (animal x1)) => (dead x1)))
9 (forall y ((forall x1 (((in x1 y) and (bug x1)) => (dead x1))) => (sterile y)))
Thus (headed jar)