GIML: Tutorial Three

    Note for Moscow ML users

  1. Consider the following function definition:
    fun t(0)= 0
    |   t(n)= 2+t(n-1);
    This definition should be read as two equations. The first equations states that t is defined to be 0 if the input is 0 the second equation states that where n is not 0 the value of t(n) is "2 more than t(n-1)". This defines t for all non-negative values, moreover it gives us a means of calculating t for any non-negative value.
    We have an equation which gives the value of t(0)
    t(0)= 0From the first equation:
    fun t(0)= 0
    We can deduce that t(1)=2 using the defining equations and the above result.
    t(1)= 2 + t(1-1) Using the second equation:
    | t(n)= 2 + t(n-1) with 1 for n
    = 2 + t(0)
    = 2 + 0We know that t(0) = 0 from the above calculation
    = 2
    Similarly we can calculate t(2)
    t(2)= 2 + t(2-1) From the 2nd equation with 2 for n
    = 2 + t(1)
    = 2 + 2
    = 4
    and we can calculate t(3)
    t(3)= 2 + t(2)
    = 2 + 4
    = 6
    Now try evaluating t for the values 4, 5, 6, 7 and 100. Convince yourself that there is a pattern.

    Paste each of the following function definitions into ML and evaluate each a a few values. Be sure that you can see

    fun d(0)= "de"
    |   d(n)= "do"^d(n-1)^"da";
    fun h(0)= 1
    |   h(n)= h(n-1)+h(n-1);
    fun m(a,0) = 0
    |   m(a,b) = a+m(a,b-1);
    fun f(0)= true
    |   f(n)= not(f(n-1));
    fun g(0)= nil
    |   g(n)= 0::g(n-1);
    fun l(0)= nil
    |   l(n)= n mod 10 :: l(n div 10);
    fun j(0)= 0
    |   j(n)= (n mod 10) + j(n div 10);
    You should find that the call h 20; takes several seconds to evaluate while h 40; takes several weeks - why is this?
    To save typing you might consider using map to evaluate the functions over a list of values for example:
    map t [1,2,3,4,5,6];
  2. Each of the following functions can be defined in a similar way. An example has been given in each case: sumto(4) = 4+3+2+1+0 = 10 listfrom(4) = 4::3::2::1::nil = [4,3,2,1] strcopy("ab",4) ="ab"^"ab"^"ab"^"ab"^"" = "abababab" power(3,4) = 3*3*3*3*1 = 81 listcopy(7,4) = 7::7::7::7::nil = [7,7,7,7] sumEvens(8) = 8+6+4+2+0 = 20 listOdds(7) = 7::5::3::1::nil = [7,5,3,1] nat(2) ="succ("^"succ("^ "zero"^")"^")" ="succ(succ(zero))" listTo(4) = nil@[1]@[2]@[3]@[4] = [1,2,3,4] Example: sumto We require two equations for this function, the base equation, in this case a value for sumto 0; and a recursive equation, how to get sumto n given sumto(n-1) fun sumto(0)= ?? | sumto(n)= ?? sumto(n-1); Example listcopy Given two parameters we must choose which one to recurse on. For listcopy the second parameter givens the number of copies to be made - this is the one to recurse on. There must be a base case, the value of listcopy(x, 0) for any value x; and the recursive case, the value of listcopy(x, n) given listcopy(x, n-1) fun listcopy(x, 0) = ?? | listcopy(x, n) = ?? listcopy(x,n-1) Hints:

Notes on brackets:
Where a function is unary (i.e. it has a single input) there is no need to put the argument in brackets on either the left or right hand sides of the equation (unless the actual parameter is a non-trivial pattern or expression). The brackets have been included to emphasis that it is a function.
The following definitions are equivalent:
fun t(0) = 0
|   t(n) = 2 + t(n-1);

fun t 0 = 0
|   t n = 2 + t(n-1);

Answers to all tutorial three questions