Craig is in bold.
Andrew is in plain text.


I've just spent the last hour or so going over your excellent "Introduction to ML". You asked for comments so here you go :

* On CAL:
I absolutely agree with you except you assume that students have access to teachers with minimal teaching or social skills. Some students do not, so CAL would be welcome in this case.
It must be admitted that anecdotal evidence suggests that functional programmers do seem to include a disproportionate number of the misshappen - both physically & mentally. I know of no study which explains or even documents this, I am just glad I was spared.
* On the manual in general:
Your intro was very well written. Our assigned course text (Abstract Data Types in Standard ML - Harrison) skips over the basics entirely, leaving most of us (who have never used a functional programming language) stumped.
I was actually taught by Ms. Harrison at Imperial College. She was a very good lecturer - but I do not like her book "Abstract Data Types in Standard ML" much.
* More More More !!!
Unfortunately your manual succeeded mostly in just clarifying things that I had figured out by trial and error (or knew from LISP). I have include a list of things that I hoped would be included in your intro. But alas an intro is an intro. Could you possibly guide me to any good documentation that describes any of these things. Hopefully it will even be as well written and -learnable- as your manual.
Thank you very much Craig Salter