GIML: Tutorial Eight: Answers

  1. Use a function such as upto to create a large list. fun upto m n = if m>n then nil else m::upto (m+1) n; You should find that revobv is much slower than revobs. This is is because the append operator adds a large list (revobv t) to a small list [h] at every recursion. This call is expensive - it creates length(revobv t) nodes each time and most of these are not used in the final answer. In all O(n2) "garbage" nodes are created.
  2. Countrep
    fun countrep (h::t) = let
      fun cr c cn    nil = [(c,cn)]
      |   cr c cn (h::t) = if c=h then cr c (cn+1) t
                                else (c,cn)::(cr h 1 t)
    in cr h 1 t end
    |   countrep nil = nil;
  3. Averages.

    We can accumulate the sum and the length of the list simultaneously, we simply divide these when we reach the end of the list

    fun mean l = let fun sl(nil ,sum,len) = sum div len | sl(h::t,sum,len) = sl(t,sum+...,len+...) in sl(l,0,0) end; Median:
    We can recurs down the list at double speed throwing away two items at a time, the accumulating parameter starts at the whole list and discards every other item fun median l = let fun med(nil,l) = hd l | med(_::nil,l) = hd l | med(_::_::t,_::t') = med(t,t') in med(l,l) end; this does not work correctly for even length lists - for such lists we do not wish to discard exactly half the list.

    We must accumulate the current item and the number of repetitions and the most frequent so far and the number of occurrences.

    fun mode(h::t)= let fun bestof (c,n) (c',n') = if n>n' then (c,n) else (c',n') fun cb(nil,curr,best) = bestof curr best | cb(h::t,(c,n),best) = if h=c then cb(t,(c,n+1),best) else cb(t,(h,1),bestof(c,n)best) in fst(cb(t,(h,1),(h,1))) end;