Fall 2001, CSE 597E: Syllabus

Instructor: Catuscia Palamidessi
Email: firstname@cse.psu.edu
Office: 325 Pond     Phone: 863-3599
Office Hours: TR 10:00-11:00am, and by appointment.

Schedule of lectures: Wed 8:00-10:00am: in 318 Pond

Web page: http://www.cse.psu.edu/~catuscia/teaching/cg597E/01Fall/

Aim of the course: This course will focus on Security Protocols. In particular:

Organization of the course: A series of introductory lectures, followed by a series of talks given by the students on specific topics

Grading: There will be (announced) quizzes at the end of some of the talks. These will count for 40% of the final grade. The rest (60%) will be based on the quality (organization / clarity / understanding, i.e. capability to answer the questions) of the talk given by the individual student, and on a small project associated to the talk.

Note: maybe there will be tests also at the end of students talks, and student evaluations of the student speaker.

Book and reference material: