Fall 2001, CSE 597E: Mailing list

The mailing list of the course will be used regularly to send news about hws, exams, classes, etc. This list should contain all the Pond accounts for CSE 597E, which are listed below.

Please make sure that you read email regularly on your Pond account. If you prefer to read your email on another account, please create a file with name ".forward" on the home directory of your Pond account, containing just the email address of your other account. In this way, all the email arriving to your Pond account will be automatically redirected to your other account.

Name                                      Login

Bhatnagar, Vivek                          bhatnaga
Cheruvu, Chaitanya                        cheruvu
Chetal, Amit K                            chetal
Choudhary, Amit                           achoudha
Claar, Brandin L                          claar
Desai, Monica R                           mdesai
Liu, Chun                                 chliu
Matin, Munaiza                            mmatin
Parikh, Alok Amul                         aaparikh
Toth, Brice A                             btoth
Yechan Gunja, Ramesh                      yechangu
