Fall 98, CSE 520: Assignment 3

Distributed: Published on the web on Oct 22.
Due: Nov 5 (in class).
Total maximum score: 100 points.

The purpose of this assignment is to provide experience with type theory and preliminary notions of communication and concurrency.

Please write your solutions as clearly and concisely as possible.

  1. (35 pts) A lambda-term M is weakly normalizing if it reduces to a normal form, i.e. there exists Mn such that M ->beta M1 ->beta M2 ->beta -> ... ->Mn and Mn is in normal form, i.e. Mn -/->beta. Prove that all symply-typed lambda terms are weakly normalizing.

    Hint: Remember that the basic case of beta-reduction is (\x.M) N ->beta M[N/x]. Note that, if (\x.M) and N are typeable, then we must have (\x.M) : A -> B, N : A, and M[N/x] : B, for some A and B.
    Define the order of a type as follows:

    and define the order of a typeable beta-redex (\x.M) N to be order(A -> B), where A -> B is the type of (\x.M).
    Now observe that in general, if M is typeable, then all its subterms are typeable, in particular the beta-redexes. We can then define a measure for M as the maximum of the orders of its beta-redexes.
    What is left to show, at this point, is that the measure of a term strictly decreases when applying a particular beta-reduction strategy, and use the (obvious) fact that the order of a beta-redex must be positive.

  2. (35 pts) Consider an extension of the lambda Caluclus with pairing and projection operators (see notes of Lecture 11), and consider the language of types
       Type ::= TVar            % type variable
              | Type -> Type    % functional type
              | Type * Type     % cartesian product type
    For each of the following types, say whether it is inhabited or not. Justify the answer.
    1. (A -> (B -> C)) -> (A -> B) -> (A -> C)
    2. (A -> B) -> (B -> A)
    3. (A * B) -> A
    4. A -> (A * B)
    5. (A -> (B -> C)) -> ((A * B) -> C)

    Hint: To show that a type A is inhabited, it is sufficient to show that there exists a term M such that |- M : A can be proved in the type system of Curry. The idea is to try to construct such a proof, with M unspecified at the beginning, and then let M be determined by the construction of the proof.
    To show that a type A is not inhabited, one can proceed in two ways:

  3. (30 pts) Define in CCS a buffer with n cells, by recursion on n, and using one-cell buffers (see notes of Lecture 15). You can use equations and input-output actions with parameter-passing.

    Hint: Generalize the method explained in Lecture 16 for obtaining a two-cells buffer from two one-cell buffers.