Fall 98, CSE 520: Assignment 1

Distributed: Published on the web on Sep 4.
Due: Sep 24 (in class).
Total maximum score: 100 points.

The purpose of this assignment is to provide experience with Lambda Calculus, lambda conversion, and definability of functions in Lambda Calculus.

Please write your solutions as clearly and concisely as possible.

  1. (30 pts) Complete the proof of the lambda-definability of recursive functions (Lecture 2) by defining the function "predecessor". Namely, find a lambda term P such that P [n+1] =beta [n], where [n] is the encoding (Church's numeral) of the natural number n and =beta stands for lambda conversion.

    Hint: the predecessor function pred can be defined in pseudo-code by the following declarations:

    fun aux(m,n) = (m+1,m)
    fun pred(n) = (auxn(0,0)) Second
    Where Second is the projection on the second element of a pair, i.e. (a,b) Second = b. To see that the above is a correct definition, note that auxn (0,0) = (n,n-1), hence (auxn(0,0)) Second = n-1.

    As for the iteration of application, needed for encoding auxn(0,0), note that the Church's numerals provide this capability. In fact, we have [n] M N =beta MnN.

    Finally, for representing pairs (which are argument and result of aux), note that we can encode the pair (M,N) as \x. x M N. The projections First and Second will then be provided by the terms [True] and [False]. In fact: (\x. x M N)[True] =beta [True] M N =beta M and (\x. x M N)[False] =beta [False] M N =beta N. (Notation: the symbol "\" stands for the Greek letter lambda; [True] and [false] are the encodings of True and False as defined in Lecture 2). See also Barendregt92, Section 2.2 for the definition and use of the pairing construct.

  2. (30 pts) Assume given the lambda terms P and T defining the "predecessor" and the "times" (multiplication) functions respectively, and define the function "factorial" as a lambda term.

  3. (20 pts) Find a lambda term M such that, for every term N, M N =beta N M holds. Hint: derive an equivalent equation of the form M = ... and use the fixpoint operator.

  4. (10 pts)
    1. Prove that [True] and [False] are not lambda-convertible.
    2. Prove that, if we add the equation [True] =beta [False] as an axiom of the theory, then all terms become convertible. I.e. we can derive M =beta N for any M and N.

  5. (10 pts) Assume that two lambda terms M1 and M2 are such that M1 N =beta M2 N holds for every lambda term N. Does it follow that M1 =beta M2? (Prove that it does follow or give a counterexample.)