Fall 2000, CSE 468: Solution of Assignment 6

Exercise 1

  1. After eliminating left recursion, we get follows:
    S -> T$
    T -> abV
    V -> UV | lambda
    U -> aUbb | ab
    Then using factorization
    S -> T$
    T -> abV
    V -> UV | lambda
    U -> aW
    W -> Ubb | b

  2. The following is a deterministic PDA for the language:

    Alternative (3)/(4): choose (3) if next input symble is "a"; choose (4) if next input symble is "$"
    Alternative (6)/(7): choose (6) if next input symbol is "a"; choose (7) if next input symble is "b"
    The DPDA obtained with the technique of the look-ahead

  3. The recursive-descent parser is here.

Exercise 2